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Vérification/ exercices

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Vérification/ exercices
Message de bernard02 posté le 17-06-2013 à 17:50:42 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

pouvez-vous me dire, s'il vous plaît, si mes exercices suivants sont corrects ou s'il y a des modifications ou des améliorations à apporter?
Cordialement et merci d'avance.

A) Choose one of these topics and complete 1-4 with your opinions:
* tower blocks * living in the country * modern architecture * living in the city
Example: the best thing about tower blocks is, you get a great view.

1 The bad/worst thing about ... is, ...
My answer: one of the worst things about tower blocks is when the lift isn't working.
Correction course:

2 The good/best thing about ... is, ...
My answer: the best thing about living in the country is when the weather is fine and when we can listen to birds singing.
Correction course:

3 The thing is, ...
My answer: the modern architecture has invaded all our cities. What a pity!
Correction course:

4 The trouble/problem is, ...
My answer: when I was a child, I used to live in the countryside, and now I live in a city, but I can't get used to living in the city.
Correction course:

B) Practice - Complete the sentences with will or might in the positive or negative.
Example: 1 a What are you doing tonight?
b Nothing. I'm really tired so I ......'ll....... just stay in.

2 a Where are you going?
b Sorry, I just have to go to the bank. I .............. be long.
My answer: a Where are you going? b Sorry, I just have to go to the bank. I won't be long.
Correction course:

3 a Are Penny and Alex here yet?
b No, they said they ......... be late. It depends on the traffic.
My answer: a Are Penny and Alex here yet? b No, they said they might be late. It depends on the traffic.
Correction course:

4 a Will you finish painting the kitchen today?
b No, I'm tired. I .......... probably do it in the morning.
My answer: a Will you finish painting the kitchen today? b No, I'm tired. I 'll probably do it in the morning.
Correction course:

5 a Why isn't Jacob at work today?
b I don't know. He hasn't called. He ....... be ill.
My answer: a Why isn't Jacob at work today? b I don't know. He hasn't called. He might be ill.
Correction course:

6 a Do you know where Ahmed is?
b Yes, he ........... be in the café next door. He always has lunch there.
My answer: a Do you know where Ahmed is? b Yes, he 'll be in the café next door. He always has lunch there.
Correction course:

7 a Shall I give Lucy a call?
b OK, but call her on her mobile. She .............. be at home until six.
My answer: a Shall I give Lucy a call? b OK, but call her on her mobile. She won't be at home until six.
Correction course:

8 a Can we meet again tomorrow?
b I'm not sure. I'm pretty busy tomorrow so I .............. be able to see you.
My answer: a Can we meet again tomorrow? b I'm not sure. I'm pretty busy tomorrow so I might not be able to see you.
Correction course:

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-06-2013 17:54

Modifié par bernard02 le 18-06-2013 02:09

Réponse: Vérification/ exercices de gerondif, postée le 17-06-2013 à 19:00:21 (S | E)
vous avez mal compris le premier, il faut choisir un seul thème et émettre 4 avis sur le même thème

A) Choose one of these topics and complete 1-4 with your opinions:
* tower blocks * living in the country * modern architecture * living in the city
Example: the best thing about tower blocks is, you get a great view.

1 The bad/worst thing about ... is, ...
My answer: one of the worst things about tower blocks is when the lift isn't working.
Correction course:

2 The good/best thing about ... is, ...
My answer: the best thing about living in the country is when the weather is fine and when we can listen to birds singing.
Correction course:

3 The thing is, ...
My answer: the modern architecture has invaded all our cities. What a pity!
Correction course:

4 The trouble/problem is, ...
My answer: when I was a child, I used to live in the coutryside, and now I live in a city, but I can't get used to living in the city.
Correction course:

B) Practice - Complete the sentences with will or might in the positive or negative.
Example: 1 a What are you doing tonight?
b Nothing. I'm really tired so I ......'ll....... just stay in.
2 a Where are you going?
b Sorry, I just have to go to the bank. I .............. be long.
My answer: a Where are you going? b Sorry, I just have to go to the bank. I won't be long.
Correction course:

3 a Are Penny and Alex here yet?
b No, they said they ......... be late. It depends on the traffic.
My answer: a Are Penny and Alex here yet? b No, they said they might be late. It depends on the traffic.
Correction course:

4 a Will you finish painting the kitchen today?
b No, I'm tired. I .......... probably do it in the morning.
My answer: a Will you finish painting the kitchen today? b No, I'm tired. I 'll probably do it in the morning.
Correction course:

5 a Why isn't Jacob at work today?
b I don't know. He hasn't called. He ....... be ill.
My answer: a Why isn't Jacob at work today? b I don't know. He hasn't called. He might be ill.
Correction course:

6 a Do you know where Ahmed is?
b Yes, he ........... be in the café next door. He always has lunch there.
My answer: a Do you know where Ahmed is? b Yes, he 'll be in the café next door. He always has lunch there.
Correction course:

7 a Shall I give Lucy a call?
b OK, but call her on her mobile. She .............. be at home until six.
My answer: a Shall I give Lucy a call? b OK, but call her on her mobile. She won't be at home until six.
Correction course:

8 a Can we meet again tomorrow?
b I'm not sure. I'm pretty busy tomorrow so I .............. be able to see you.
My answer: a Can we meet again tomorrow? b I'm not sure. I'm pretty busy tomorrow so I might not be able to see you.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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