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Résumé/ histoire

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Résumé/ histoire
Message de lukyluk222 posté le 02-06-2013 à 21:39:42 (S | E | F)
Pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît?
C'est encore pour mon examen oral en anglais et cette fois-ci c'est le résumé de l'histoire,et je ne pense pas qu'il soit très très bien :/

The story talks about 2 aunts, Mary and Agatha. They were quarrelled. Their niece, Jane, wrote them letters. She wrote to Aunt Mary and said bad things about Aunt Agatha. And she wrote to Aunt Agatha and said bad things about Aunt Mary. She was kind with her aunts because she wanted to get their money.
One day, she put the letters in the wrong envelopes. So, the aunts got the wrong letters. They understood her game. Jane has invited Aunt Agatha on March 28th and Aunt Mary on March 21st. So, Agatha telephoned her sister and they decided to come to Jane in the same day for punish hem.
So, on March 21st, aunt Agatha came first. Jane didn't know that she had to doing. She put her in the dining-room. When aunt Mary came, she put her in the sitting-room and she tell her that Harry ( Jane's husband) was sick. Meanwhile Harry stayed with aunt Agatha in the dining-room ans Jane stayed with aunt Mary in the sitting-room. But, aunt Mary wanted to see Harry. She stood up and opened the door. At the moment, Harry came out of the dining room and aunt Agatha too. All 4 were meeting. So, Jane tried to explain; she saw that she loved them and she put them in different rooms because they quarrelled. But sisters didn't believe her. They explain her the truth story ans they saw her that she didn't get their money. Aunt Mary wanted to get her money to a children home and aunt Agatha to a cats home.

Merci pour vos réponses.

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-06-2013 21:52

Réponse: Résumé/ histoire de hushpuppy, postée le 03-06-2013 à 19:27:50 (S | E)
Ne vous inquiètez pas, la importante chose est le faire. C'est bien il y a des petites corrections en bleu et des conseils en violet :

The story talks about 2 sisters, Aunt Mary and Aunt Agatha. They were quarrelsome. Their niece, Jane, wrote them letters. She wrote to Aunt Mary and said bad things about Aunt Agatha. And, she wrote to Aunt Agatha and said bad things about Aunt Mary. She was kind with her aunts because she wanted to get their money.
One day, she put the letters in the wrong envelopes. So, the aunts got the wrong letters. They understood her game. Jane has invited Aunt Agatha (où ?) on March 28th and Aunt Mary on March 21st. So, Agatha telephoned her sister and they decided to come to Jane in(autre préposition) the same day for punish(comme l'infinitif) hem(orthographe).
So, on March 21st, Aunt Agatha came first. Jane didn't know that she had what to doing(comme l'infinitif). She put her in the dining-room(sans liaison). When aunt(majuscule) Mary came, she put her in the sitting-room(sans liaison) and she tell(passé) her that Harry (Jane's husband) was sick. Meanwhile Harry stayed with aunt(majuscule) Agatha in the dining-room(sans liaison) ans(orthographe) Jane stayed with aunt(majuscule) Mary in the sitting-room(sans liaison). But, aunt(majuscule) Mary wanted to see Harry. She stood up and opened the door. At that same moment, Harry came out of the dining room and aunt(majuscule) Agatha too. All 4 were meeting. So, Jane tried to explain; she said that she loved them and she put them in different rooms because they quarrelled. But (article défini) sisters didn't believe her. They explain(passé) the truth(l'adjectif) story to her ans(orthographe) they told her that she wouldn't get their money. Aunt Mary wanted to get(autre mot) her money to a children(possessif) home, and aunt(majuscule) Agatha, to an animal shelter.


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