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Oral Bac/aide

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral Bac/aide
Message de nissmael posté le 10-05-2013 à 12:53:07 (S | E | F)
Salut Bonjour tout le monde,

Je passe dans moins d'une semaine mon oral de bac anglais et j'aimerais sincèrement qu'on puisse corriger toutes mes fautes d'orthographe et de grammaire sur la notion "space and exchange". Il y a aussi dans quelques passages des mots que je n'arrive pas à traduire.
Je fais donc appel à votre aide pour pouvoir corriger et améliorer mon travail.
Merci pour vos réponses.

Space and exchange :
I'm going to speak about the notion "space and exchange"and more priciecly about borderland and immigration in south of usa. According in dictionary definition , exchange means a continious movement or circulation All type of exchanges :,trade,information and people like the immigrant.
We have studied in class that many mexican try to transgress and cross the mexico-united states border. But how and why they try to cross the mexico-united states border?
I've choose to leon on two document studied in this unit, the first is cover magazine entitled "bussiness week" and the second is a text entitled "facing reality".

To begin with this cover magazine is focused on immigration in usa,
So ,Wee can see that the picture of this cover is divided on two part with in the middle a man who looks like a mexican,this dividing make a contrast beetween the first and the second part .
In fact, the first part, we can see in background a no man's land with barbed wire who seems to be the mexico-united states border land and in the foreground the man who's trying to cross the border and he wearing a dirty clothes and carrying a swag, while in the second part the man carring a shopping bag,he wearring smart clothes and he seems happy, and in background a perfect law with many large and luxurious American home and beautifaul blue sky and in the second part .
Then, in my point of view, through the variance beetween the landscape, and man's clothes, this cover magazine show (the changement de mode vie et de carde de vie grace au travail qu'offre les usa) for a immigrant .

Secondly,The second document is an extract from a narrative who tell the story about group of mexican called wetback who have decided to migrate illegally to the usa and they try to cross the border with the help of american smuggler(passeur) by payement .
This extract highlights the difficulty and problem this group has to going in america,
The wetback with horrible condition.
Infact during the long travel the wetback should to be piled in miserable track and they are threat with shotgun by a smuggler , Further, one of wetback is abondonned on the road and seven other are died on the way because they don't have anything to eat.This travel can be called “trip into hell”.

So, This text show how lot of american cash in on the immigration massive of mexican in south of usa and take advantage of weback's naïvety but also that the mexican are ready to risk her life to come in usa.

To sum-up, in my point of view the mexican leaving her country because of misery in her country and to have better living condition; Unfortunetly because of , we have see through the second document that many unscrupulous people try to swindle the immigrant to earn a lot of money and some of wetbacks died because of horrible condition of the travel.

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-05-2013 12:59

Réponse: Oral Bac/aide de nissmael, postée le 11-05-2013 à 09:32:16 (S | E)
Re-bonjour à tous,
s'il vous plait aidez-moi, il me reste très peu de temps.

Réponse: Oral Bac/aide de lucile83, postée le 11-05-2013 à 10:06:44 (S | E)
Merci de patienter un peu car les membres du site, y compris moi-même, sont sans doute occupés ailleurs (vie de famille ou activité professionnelle par exemple); dès qu'un membre pourra vous aider il le fera.
Il est aussi recommandé de ne pas poster votre demande au dernier moment.
Sachez en outre que des membres anglophones viennent sur le site pendant votre nuit qui est leur journée avec le décalage horaire.

Réponse: Oral Bac/aide de nissmael, postée le 11-05-2013 à 20:32:58 (S | E)
Je suis sincèrement désolé.

Réponse: Oral Bac/aide de bluestar, postée le 11-05-2013 à 21:15:58 (S | E)

Space and exchange :
I'm going to speak about the notion "space and exchange" and more priciecly about bordersland and immigration in southern of usa (majuscules). According in dictionary definition , exchange means a continious (orth.) movement or circulation All type of exchanges for example trade,information and people like the immigrant immigration.We have studied in class that many mexican try to transgress and cross the mexico-united states border. But how and why (auxiliare) they try to do this? cross the mexico-united states border? (majuscules pour les noms de pays et de nationalités de tous les noms propres: Mexico, United States, Mexicans etc)

I've choose to leon ("lean on"?) on two documents studied in this unit, the first is cover magazine entitled "bussiness week" Business Week and the second is a text entitled "facing reality".

To begin with this cover magazine is focused on immigration in usa (maj.),
So ,Wee we can see that the picture of this cover is divided on two part with in the middle a man who looks like a mexican (maj), and this dividing make a contrast beetween the first and the second parts .
In fact, the first part, we can see in background a no man's land with barbed wire who seems to be the mexico-united states - (majs)border land and in the foreground the man who's trying to cross the border and he (mot manquant) wearing a (pluriel) dirty clothes and carrying a swag, while in the second part the man carrying a shopping bag,he (mot manquant) wearring smart clothes and he seems happy, and in background a perfect lawn with many large and luxurious American home and beautifaul blue sky and in the second part (quoi?) .Then, in my point of view, through the variance beetween the landscape, and man's clothes, this cover magazine show (the changement de mode vie et de carde de vie grace au travail qu'offre les usa) for a immigrant .

Secondly,The second document is an extract from a narrative who tell the story about group of mexican (maj. et pluriel) called wetbacks who have decided to migrate illegally to the usa and they try to cross the border with the help of american smuggler(passeur) by payement .(majuscules pour american, usa)
This extract highlights the difficulty and problem this group has to going in america,
The wetback with horrible condition. [ce n'est pas une phrase - où est le verbe?]
In fact during the long travel the wetback [dérogatoire - utiliser des guillemets] should to be piled in miserable track and they are threatened with shotgun by a smuggler , Further, one of wetbacks is abondonned (orth.) on the road and seven other are died on the way because they don't have anything to eat.This travel can be called “trip into hell”.

So, tThis text shows how lot of american(maj. et pluriel) cash in on the immigration massive (ordre) of mexican in south of usa (majuscules) and take advantage of the "wetback's" naïvety but also that the mMexican are ready to risk her (pluriel) life (pluriel) to come in usa. to USA
To sum-up, in my point of view the mexican (verbe?) leaving her country because of misery in her country and to have better living condition(pluriel).; Unfortunetly(orth.?) because of... (quoi?), we have seen through the second document that many unscrupulous people try to swindle the immigrant to earn a lot of money and some of the "wetbacks" died because of horrible condition of the travel.

Modifié par bluestar le 11-05-2013 21:16


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