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Correction/carnet de voyage

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/carnet de voyage
Message de lorine00 posté le 13-10-2012 à 17:30:44 (S | E | F)

J'ai une tâche finale d'anglais à rendre lundi et ça m'aiderait beaucoup si quelqu'un pouvait corriger mes fautes xxx.
Merci d'avance!!

Write your own page of a travel journal. (It can be a real or an imaginary trip.)
1-Indicate the weather conditions.
2-Describe the landscapes you discovered.
3-Explain what you did (at least three things). Try to give interesting detail.
4-Talk about the animals you saw and the people you met.

Et j'ai écrit ça:

30 July 2012
It was a warm day, the thermometer about 25° Celsius and the sun shined. Today, I went to the sea
in the South. I walked with my parents and my sisters along the seaside. There were a lot of people on the
beach but there weren’t a lot of people in the sea. The water was very blue and there were not many waves, it
was very beautiful! There were a few fishing boat and I saw one dolphin, he was very cute…
Then we walked into the sea, my little sister fell in the sea and everyone laughed except my mother who
was not happy because the Noemie’s clothes were soaked.
After, we went in a restaurant and I ate a salmon, it was delicious! In the restaurant I met Ségolène Royal at
the toilet but I don’t spoken.
Then we returned at the seaside and we picked up the shell. Under a shell I found 2 euros, I was very happy!!!
Finally I ate one strawberry ice cream and we returned at the car.
It was a fantastic day!!!

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-10-2012 21:00

Réponse: Correction/carnet de voyage de notrepere, postée le 13-10-2012 à 23:49:09 (S | E)

It was a warm day, the thermometer about 25° Celsius and the sun shined (forme +ing vaut mieux). Today, I went to the sea
in the South. I walked with my parents and my sisters along the seaside. There were a lot of people on the
beach but there weren’t a lot of people in the sea. The water was very blue and there were not many waves, it
was very beautiful! There were a few fishing boats and I saw one dolphin, he was very cute…
Then we walked into(un peu bizarre) the sea, my little sister fell in the sea and everyone laughed except my mother who
was not happy because the Noemie’s clothes were soaked.
After, we went in(mauvaise préposition) a restaurant and I ate some salmon, it was delicious! In the restaurant I met Ségolène Royal at
the toilet but I don’t spoken
(mal dit).
Then we returned at(mauvaise préposition) the seaside and we picked up a shell. Under a shell I found 2 euros, I was very happy!!!
Finally I ate one strawberry ice cream and we returned at the car.
It was a fantastic day!!!

Réponse: Correction/carnet de voyage de lorine00, postée le 14-10-2012 à 14:35:04 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre correction !!!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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