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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


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Message de fido05 posté le 06-06-2012 à 15:06:47 (S | E | F)

Je voudrais traduire la phrase suivante: "le groupe ALGE (ALignement et GEodesie) est un groupe..."
Faut-il écrire en anglais: "The ALGE group is ..." ou "the group ALGE is..."
Merci de vos réponses.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-06-2012 17:46

Réponse: Position mot/ phrase de gerondif, postée le 06-06-2012 à 17:40:48 (S | E)

"The ALGE group is" . nom composé. l'élément adjectival vient en premier:

Réponse: Position mot/ phrase de fido05, postée le 06-06-2012 à 19:03:10 (S | E)
Merci pour votre réponse!

Réponse: Position mot/ phrase de traviskidd, postée le 08-06-2012 à 05:11:05 (S | E)

I have to disagree with gerondif here. In this case "ALGE" is the (abbreviated) name of the group, not an adjective. I would say "The group ALGE" which is a shorter way of saying "The group called/named/[known as] ALGE".

See you.

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-06-2012 07:29

Réponse: Position mot/ phrase de gerondif, postée le 08-06-2012 à 16:54:38 (S | E)

1) in compound nouns , the first word is the adjectival one even if it is not an adjective in itself: The Ford group, the Siemens company, The UFO experts....

2) Look at what I found on Google when typing ALGE group:

Association of Local Government Ecologists (ALGE) - Wales. An active ALGE group exists in Wales with approximately 30 members distributed throughout 22 ...

Although ALGE means here: "Association of Local Government Ecologists",they do say: "An active ALGE group"

Réponse: Position mot/ phrase de traviskidd, postée le 09-06-2012 à 00:42:00 (S | E)
Yes but in the case of "An active ALGE group", the term "ALGE" is no longer being used to present the name of the group. Instead it denotes the affiliation of the group that meets in Wales.

"An active AGLE group" = An active group affiliated with AGLE

As another example, let's look at the following two questions:

Have you seen the new movie "Batman"?
Have you seen the new "Batman" movie?

In the first case, the speaker is telling you that there is a new movie called "Batman" and asking if you have seen it.

In the second case, the speaker is telling you that there is a series of movies relating to "Batman" (such as "Batman" "Batman 2" and "Batman 3: Batman Returns" for example), that a new movie has been added to this series, and asking if you have seen it.

And to respond to your comment 1), "the group ALGE" is not a compound noun, any more than "my friend gerondif" is.

See you.

Réponse: Position mot/ phrase de gerondif, postée le 09-06-2012 à 18:34:39 (S | E)
I see your point with Batman !
I would then say: my group, (called) ALGE, is a.....but with a comma for the apposition.
"The group ALGE" still rings wrong to my ears...
As it is said below, it would be much simpler to say right away: Alge is a group which......

Réponse: Position mot/ phrase de notrepere, postée le 09-06-2012 à 19:12:25 (S | E)

Honestly, it is more common in French to see the structure "Le groupe ALGE est un groupe...". It is more common in English to see:
ALGE (Alignement et Géodésie) is a group ...

This avoids the use of the word "group" twice in the same sentence which becomes redundant in English. Unless the group's name is actually "Groupe ALGE" (and I find no evidence that it is), then we don't even need to mention it at the beginning.
That makes this entire discussion moot.
See you.

Réponse: Position mot/ phrase de traviskidd, postée le 09-06-2012 à 22:15:01 (S | E)
Hello, yes I agree with notrepere, it would indeed be redundant to say "The group ALGE is a group..."; better to simply say "ALGE is a group...."

But you could say for example, "The group ALGE is recruiting new members."

See you.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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