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BBC /Tymoshenko

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


BBC /Tymoshenko
Message de moonlit-sunset posté le 13-05-2012 à 13:28:11 (S | E | F)

Pourriez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît à compléter/corriger la transcription que j'ai faite de cette vidéo:
Lien internet

Merci pour votre aide.

Outside the prison in which she’s being held, Julia Tymoshenko’s supporters campaign for their heroine with ever greater effect. Ukraine’s decision to cancel this week summit regional leaders would be seen as an embarrassing u-turn. The government, on demounting its national pressure, says it will be rescheduled. But as things stand, it’s unclear that many heads of state would attend such a ________ gathering. Since what she says was a beating by president staff more than 2 weeks ago, Ms Tymoshenko is being on hunger strike. The government denies that allegation but the hunger strike has worsened her hope ?

She also has a long standing back condition. In a further concession, Ms Tymoshenko’s German doctors are being allowed to treat her. One of those doctors inspected the facilities at the hospital where it’s been proposed she’s treated.

I can only give a brief statement because of patient confidentiality. I just say that we’ve reached an agreement that Ms Tymoshenko would be transferred to the hospital on Wednesday, we can then start the treatment.

The woman who led 2004’s orange revolution is suspicious of government medical care and she’s been delaying a move to hospital. The former PM … stands for a long standing and bitter rivalry with president Ianakovitch. That rivalry is what many outsiders believed led her to her imprisonment over abuse of office charges.

Preparations are ongoing for the most prestigious European championship which would bring cover next month. But EU leaders are pledging to stay away. The fate of Ms Tim and of many others regard to this political prisoner will be key to injure the great sporting event isn’t overshadowed by politics ??

Modifié par moonlit-sunset le 13-05-2012 13:28

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-05-2012 15:53

Réponse: BBC /Tymoshenko de brettdallen, postée le 13-05-2012 à 14:51:31 (S | E)

Je vous propose quelques modifications.

Outside the prison in which she’s being held, Julia Tymoshenko’s supporters campaign for their heroine. With ever greater effect, Ukraine’s decision to cancel this week's summit (with?)regional leaders would be seen as an embarrassing u-turn. The government, undemounting international pressure, says it will be rescheduled. But as things stand, it’s unclear that many heads of state would attend such a rearranged gathering. Since what she says was a beating by prison staff more than 2 weeks ago, Ms Tymoshenko has been on hunger strike. The government denies that allegation but the hunger strike has worsened her health.
She also has a long standing back condition. In a further concession, Ms Tymoshenko’s German doctors are being allowed to treat her. One of those doctors inspected the facilities at the Kharkiv hospital where it’s been proposed that she’s treated.

I can only give a brief statement because of patient confidentiality. I('ll) just say that we’ve reached an agreement that Ms Tymoshenko will be transferred to the hospital on Wednesday, we can then start her treatment.

The woman who led 2004’s orange revolution is suspicious of government medical care and has been delaying a move to hospital. The former PM's worries stand for a long standing and bitter rivalry with president Ianakovitch. That rivalry is what many outsiders believe led to her imprisonment over abuse of office charges.

Preparations are ongoing for football's prestigious European championships which Ukraine could host next month. But EU leaders are pledging to stay away. The fate of Ms Tymoshenko and of many others regard to these political prisoners will be key to enjoying that the great sporting event isn’t overshadowed by politics ??


Réponse: BBC /Tymoshenko de lucile83, postée le 13-05-2012 à 16:28:22 (S | E)

J'ai noté en bleu 4 divergences par rapport à brettdallen.
A qui le tour?

Outside the prison in which she’s being held, Julia Tymoshenko’s supporters campaign for their heroine. With ever greater effect, Ukraine’s decision to cancel this week's summit of regional leaders would be seen as an embarrassing u-turn. The government, undemounting international pressure, said it will be rescheduled. But as things stand, it’s unclear that many heads of state would attend such a rearranged gathering. Since what she says was a beating by prison staff more than 2 weeks ago, Ms Tymoshenko has been on hunger strike. The government denies that allegation but the hunger strike has worsened her health.
She also has a long standing back condition. In a further concession, Ms Tymoshenko’s German doctors are being allowed to treat her. One of those doctors inspected the facilities at the Kharkiv hospital where it’s been proposed that she’s treated.

I can only give a brief statement because of patient confidentiality. I'll just say that we’ve reached an agreement that Ms Tymoshenko will be transferred to the hospital on Wednesday, we can then start her treatment.

The woman who led 2004’s orange revolution is suspicious of government medical care and has been delaying a move to hospital. The former PM's worries stand for a long standing and bitter rivalry with president Ianakovitch. That rivalry is what many outsiders believe led to her imprisonment over abuse of office charges.

Preparations are ongoing for football's prestigious European championships which Ukraine covers next month. But EU leaders are pledging to stay away. The fate of Ms Tymoshenko and of many others regard to these political prisoners will be key to enjoying that the great sporting event isn’t overshadowed by politics.

Réponse: BBC /Tymoshenko de notrepere, postée le 13-05-2012 à 17:19:32 (S | E)

The fate of Ms Tymoshenko and of many others regard to these political prisoners will be key to enjoying that the great sporting event isn’t overshadowed by politics.

Réponse: BBC /Tymoshenko de lucile83, postée le 13-05-2012 à 17:34:35 (S | E)
Hello dear np!

brettdallen had modified that word fact I proofread brettdallen's text, and then you can proofread mine.

Réponse: BBC /Tymoshenko de notrepere, postée le 13-05-2012 à 18:26:43 (S | E)

Outside the prison in which she’s being held, Julia Tymoshenko’s supporters campaign for their heroine with ever greater effect. Ukraine’s decision to cancel this week's summit of regional leaders would will be seen as an embarrassing U-turn. The government, under mounting international pressure, said says it will be rescheduled. But as things stand, it’s unclear that many heads of state would attend such a rearranged gathering. Since what she says was a beating by prison staff more than 2 weeks ago, Ms Tymoshenko has been on hunger strike. The government denies that allegation but the hunger strike has worsened her health.
She also has a long-standing back condition. In a further concession, Ms Tymoshenko’s German doctors are being allowed to treat her. One of those doctors inspected the facilities at the Kharkiv hospital where it’s been proposed that she’s treated.

I can only give a brief statement because of patient confidentiality. I('ll)* just say that we’ve reached an agreement that Ms Tymoshenko will be transferred to the hospital on Wednesday, we can then start her treatment.

The woman who led 2004’s Orange Revolution (nom propre) is suspicious of government medical care and has been delaying a move to hospital. The former PM's worries stand for stem from a long-standing and bitter rivalry with President Ianakovitch. That rivalry is what many outsiders believe led to her imprisonment over abuse of office charges.

Preparations are ongoing for football's prestigious European championships which Ukraine covers co-hosts next month. But EU leaders are pledging to stay away. The fate of Ms Tymoshenko and of the many others regard to theseregarded as political prisoners will be key to enjoying ensuring that the great sporting event isn’t overshadowed by politics.

* Although "I'll just say" is the grammatically correct sentence, he actually says "I just". Apparently his English isn't perfect.

Modifié par notrepere le 13-05-2012 18:28

Réponse: BBC /Tymoshenko de lucile83, postée le 13-05-2012 à 22:03:32 (S | E)
Hello dear np!

Thanks for your corrections your text is nice, better than mine anyway

Réponse: BBC /Tymoshenko de notrepere, postée le 14-05-2012 à 07:14:55 (S | E)

I didn't catch all of the errors the first time. Plus, the accent was a bit difficult.

Réponse: BBC /Tymoshenko de lucile83, postée le 14-05-2012 à 08:32:54 (S | E)
Thank you np, I feel a little less stupid

Réponse: BBC /Tymoshenko de moonlit-sunset, postée le 14-05-2012 à 13:58:28 (S | E)
Dear all

Many thanks for your answers, which were all very useful ! It's much clearer than my try


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