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Correction/about politics

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Correction/about politics
Message de lyly1962 posté le 05-05-2012 à 18:12:37 (S | E | F)

J'ai écrit une rédaction en anglais dont le thème est les élections françaises et/ou la politique.
Pouvez-vous me dire ce que vous en pensez SVP s'il vous plaît ? Je dois dire que je ne suis pas très inspirée car la politique et moi ça fait 2.
Merci beaucoup pour votre précieuse aide.
Bonne journée,

I’m going to explain what I think about French election and politics in general.
I was born in France but now I live in Belgium since 30 years. I lived in France until I was 20 years old and my first French election was presidential elections. In France, vote is a right and a duty, but not a strict obligation. Citizens can choose to practice or not this right without they are sanctioned.
In my mind, it’s not a good thing because if we don’t vote we can’t give our opinion and we let other electors to express so in our place. Moreover, that is why right-wing politicians well and progressing each year.
In Belgium voting is mandatory and as a Belgian citizen I go to vote. Belgian electors who shall not vote commit an offence. The sanctions are varied: official reprimand and a fine of 25 to 50 euros the first time and if you do it again you must pay 125 euros fine. I have a dual nationality so, I could vote at the French Consulate. But I don’t see benefit to vote in a country where I don’t live.
In my mind, I think that nowadays, it is difficult to make a choice between different candidates. Generally, they make promises and they will not keep them. When they are campaigning, everything is beautiful in their speech but when they are elected it is another speech.
In conclusion, I only vote where I live but the choice is often difficult. To be quite honest I am not very interested in politics.

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-05-2012 18:49

Réponse: Correction/about politics de sherry48, postée le 06-05-2012 à 01:13:23 (S | E)
Hello. * means there is a missing word
I’m going to explain what I think about * French election and politics in general.
I was born in France but now I live in Belgium since 30 years. I lived in France until I was 20 years old and my first French election was * presidential elections. In France, vote(gerund) is a right and a duty, but not a strict obligation. Citizens can choose to practice or not this right without they are sanctioned.
In my mind, it’s not a good thing because if we don’t vote we can’t give our opinion and we let** other electors to express so in our place. Moreover, that is why right-wing politicians * * well and progressing each year.
In Belgium voting is mandatory and as a Belgian citizen I go to vote. Belgian electors who shall not vote commit an offence. The sanctions are varied: official reprimand and a fine of 25 to 50 euros the first time and if you do it again you must pay * 125 euros fine. I have a dual nationality so, I could vote at the French Consulate. But I don’t see * benefit to vote in a country where I don’t live...

Réponse: Correction/about politics de lyly1962, postée le 07-05-2012 à 08:26:28 (S | E)
Hello Sherry

I tried to correct my mistakes and I hope it is better now :o)
Don't hesitate to tell me if I did still still have mistakes.
Thank you very much for your comments
Have a great day,

I’m going to explain what I think about the French election and politics in general.
I was born in France but now I have lived in Belgium for 30 years. I lived in France until I was 20 years old and my first French elections was the presidential elections. In France, voting is a right and a duty, but not a strict obligation. Citizens can choose if they want to practice or not this right without being sanctioned.
In my mind, it’s not a good thing because if we don’t vote we can’t give our opinion and we let the other electors to express it in our place. Moreover, that is why right-wing politicians progress each year.
In Belgium voting is mandatory and as a Belgian citizen I go to vote. Belgian electors who do not vote commit an offence. The sanctions are varied: official reprimand and a fine of 25 to 50 euros the first time and if you do it again you have to pay a 125 euros fine. I have dual nationality so, I could vote at the French Consulate. But I don’t see the benefit voting in a country where I don’t live.
In my mind, I think that nowadays, it is difficult to make a choice between different candidates. Generally, they make promises which they don’t keep. When they are campaigning, everything is beautiful in their speech but when they are elected it is a different matter.
In conclusion, I only vote where I live but the choice is often difficult. To be quite honest I am not very interested in politics.

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-05-2012 09:55

Réponse: Correction/about politics de gerondif, postée le 07-05-2012 à 10:50:15 (S | E)
I’m going to explain what I think about the French election and politics in general.
I was born in France but now I have lived in Belgium for 30 years. I lived in France until I was 20 years old and my first French elections was (pluriel) the presidential elections. In France, voting is a right and a duty, but not a strict obligation. Citizens can choose if they want to practice or not this right without being sanctioned.
to practise en anglais, to practice en américain. je ne sais pas si ça va bien avec "a right". j'aurais dit:
People can choose to vote or not without being sanctioned / Citizens can choose to exercise their right to vote or not

In my mind,(to my mind) it’s not a good thing because if we don’t vote we can’t give our opinion and we let the other electors to express it in our place.
(let me * help you: laissez moi vous aider)(don't let him go away)
Moreover, that is why right-wing politicians progress each year.
In Belgium voting is mandatory and as a Belgian citizen I go to vote.
"je vais voter" construction anglaise: go and help him: va l'aider. Come and help me : viens m'aider.
j'aurais simplement dit: as a Belgian citizen, I vote.

Belgian electors who do not vote commit an offence. The sanctions are varied: an official reprimand and a fine of 25 to 50 euros the first time and if you do it again you have to pay a 125 euros fine.(adjectival, donc invariable)

I have dual nationality so, I could vote at the French Consulate. But I don’t see the benefit of voting in a country where I don’t live.
In (to) my mind, I think that nowadays, it is difficult to make a choice between different candidates. Generally, they make promises which they don’t keep. When they are campaigning, everything is beautiful in their speech but when they are elected it is a different matter.
In conclusion, I only vote (in the country) where I live but the choice is often difficult. To be quite honest I am not very interested in politics.

Réponse: Correction/about politics de lyly1962, postée le 07-05-2012 à 10:52:48 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour vos corrections ... c'est très clair maintenant.
Bonne journée à vous,



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