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Exposé/ technologie

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Exposé/ technologie
Message de isacassou posté le 30-04-2012 à 10:51:59 (S | E | F)

Je dois rendre un exposé sur "la technologie dans la vie quotidienne".
Pourriez-vous s'il vous plaît me dire si mes phrases sont justes?
Voici le début :

Technology is one of things which distinguishes human beings from animals and it builds our world more and more. Technology has many facets, we find it everywhere: medical, leisure, education, culture but medical technologies are certainly the noblest because directly connected to the progress of the human condition and well being. But are machines really for the service of humanity, or is humanity enslaved by them?
To try to answer this question, we will analyze together the positive then the negative effects of technology in the daily life.

Technology facilitates the daily life thanks to electric equipments such as household electrical appliances, elevators or calculators, for example. They also bring some comfort such as air conditioning or heating, household equipment (with the appearance of home automation) and can also save time. That’s why leisure activities took a more and more important place in our daily life.
Home automation for example is the technology of everyday comfort: it is all technologies allowing automating and improving tasks in a home. With it, we can program installations to administer it more easily. This rapidly developing technology brings more comfort in lighting, power, heat, water, opening and closing doors and windows, for example. The fields of action are numerous. The impact of home automation is such, as we speak now about home automation revolution.

Yes but:
It’s bad for the environment: Lower production costs and sales make disposable products increasing production, the frequent renewal of the range and the multiplication of models which people cast without scruple, as the acquisition of a new model is simple.
Telecommunications, for example, would be responsible for 2 % of greenhouse gas emissions (equivalent to aviation).
Recycling is also a problem. It is estimated that a consumer changes his mobile phone every 18 months, although these devices are made to last approximately 5 years. Some abandoned telephones are resold. However, many of them are sent in the other countries to be dismantled to reuse the metals, provoking devastating effects on human health and environment.
The effect on the environment is also connected to the misuse of certain technologies. In the automotive field for example: 4x4 system, allowing a big volume of load, power spread over the four wheels to go anywhere, that makes services to non-negligible number of professions: forester, farmers, veterinarian, mountain guide ...... but how many urban homes has 4x4, much more polluting than city-car?
And about electric power consumption: Computers and household electrical appliances participate in the increase of the electric power consumption per capita. In the thirties, in France, one kilowatt was enough to power household needs. Nowadays, a 10 kW counter has become commonplace.
In France, in terms of electric power consumptions, the telecommunications sector represents 1,5 % of consumptions. The French operators signed in July, 2010 a charter of commitments for the sustainable development witch aims to reduce environmental impact. The main commitment is that despite an explosion of uses, the electric power consumptions of the sector remain under control.
Nuclear power plants are developed to answer this high electric demand. But the radio activity is harmful for living organisms and nuclear accidents are important such as the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 or more recently in Fukushima.
And finally, we can discuss problems of dependence. Man has so integrated the values of technology that he takes them for granted (he is absolutely unable to challenge them). That's why technology is essential to humans as it develops towards it many addictions (telephone, automobile, television ...) and it ends up alienating him. Who did not cancel an appointment to follow the latest episode of his favorite series? Which adult has not taken his car to go to the bakery two blocks away?
On the other hand, the Internet can become addictive just like alcohol and gambling. Unable to drop out of screen, victims of this cyber addiction become depressed and often divorced or lose their jobs.

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-04-2012 10:59


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