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Essai/ les téléphones

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Essai/ les téléphones
Message de amande224 posté le 25-04-2012 à 16:45:27 (S | E | F)

j'ai une expression à faire en anglais, j'ai fait le brouillon mais j'aimerais savoir si je n'ai pas trop de fautes de grammaire et d'orthographe s'il vous plaît.

Le sujet est : Mobile phones are the best and the greatest modern invention.

At the end of 90', the mobile phone appears, it's a beginning of a revolution. Today mobile phones dominate the world, they are so attractive in spite of it exists drawbacks.

Indeed, today each person has a mobile phone. Contracts still going cheaper ans cheaper that's why he has become more and more accessible. The mobile has been adapting to each type of age, for instance there are fix price contract for adolescents and mobile phone with large keys for elderly person. What's more this object is small, transportable too : it fit properly in a pocket of trousers or coat even though the computer is bigger. From my point of view the mobile phone possesses a lot of possibilities as internet, the phone, the tchat … Unlike the TV for example. Therefor it's practice. It's useful too. It permit to locate people in an emergency during investigations of police for example. As soon as you have a problem, with a mobile phone, you can phone. I think that the mobile phone is quickly and easy for communicate, it's almost instantaneous.
Even if, there are some drawbacks as the private life don't always respect. There is an impact on the environment with the search of constituents in Africa and with the recycling which don't even respect. Then recently, scientists have proved that waves were dangerous for the health of humans.

However, to sum up every arguments confirm that the mobile phone is the best and the greatest modern invention and that I think the same thing even if there are inconvenients.

Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-04-2012 17:03

Réponse: Essai/ les téléphones de bluestar, postée le 26-04-2012 à 00:21:24 (S | E)

Here are a few suggestions..

At the end of the 90s', the mobile phone appears, and it's a beginning of a revolution. Today mobile phones dominate the world,; they are so attractive in spite of it exists their drawbacks.

Indeed, today each person has a mobile phone. Contracts ("Running costs" is better) are still going getting cheaper ands cheaper and that's why he (wrong pronoun) has become more and more accessible. The mobile has been adapting adapted to each type of age group; for instance there are fixed price contracts for adolescents and mobile phones with large keys ("buttons" est le mot habituel) for elderly persons. What's more this object is small, and transportable too : it fits properly in a pocket of trousers or coat even though the computer is bigger (hors de sujet). From my point of view Tthe mobile phone possesses a lot of possibilities such as accesss to the Internet, the phone, the tchat (texto)?… unlike the TV for example. Therefore it's practice. It's practical and useful too. It permit makes it possible to locate people in an emergency during police investigations of police for example. As soon as you have a problem, with a mobile phone, you can phone. I think that the mobile phone is quickly (adjectif pas adverbe) and easy for communicateions,as it's almost instantaneous.
On the other hand Even if, there are some drawbacks social costs involved which are sometimes the private life don't always respect. There is an impact on the environment associated with the search of for constituents components in Africa and with the need for recycling. which don't even respect. Then recently, scientists have proved that radio waves from mobiles were dangerous for the human health. of humans.

However, to sum up every arguments confirms that the mobile phone is the best and the greatest modern invention and that I think the same thing even if there are inconvenients. despite the disadvantages.

Réponse: Essai/ les téléphones de amande224, postée le 26-04-2012 à 17:38:45 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup, je vais vite corriger cela !


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