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Questions/Nandira's boyfriend

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Questions/Nandira's boyfriend
Message de nicolas49 posté le 25-02-2012 à 17:31:22 (S | E | F)

j'ai des questions sur un texte "Nandira's boyfriend", je vous donne mes réponses donc si vous pouviez corriger ou améliorer mes réponses ce serait sympa,
merci pour votre aide.

1) What does Nandira's father want Mma Ramotswe to do? Why?
2) Has Mma Ramotswe been successful? Explain.
3) Describe the relationship between Nandira and Mma Ramotswe. How can you explain it ?
4) How does Nandira react at the end of the passage? Why?
5) Look at the picture again. What passage(s) in the text could it illustrate?

1) Nandira's father wants Mma Ramotswe to ask his daughter about her eventual boyfriend. Because he's very harsh about this and his daughter, Nandira, doesn't want to talk about this with her father. That's why he engaged a private detective to talk to her daughter.

2)Mma Ramotswe hasn't been successful because Nandira said she had no boyfriend but she had invented an imaginary boyfriend called Jack to his father.

3) There is a certain complicity between Nandira and Mma Ramotswe because after listening to the story of Nandira, Mma Ramotswe has proven compassion and a little mercy : "she felt sorry for this poor, over-protected girl..." because Nandira's father is too sifling.

4) At the end of the passage, Nandira asked Mma Ramotswe to persuade her father to be less severe with her. She is angry because her father leaves her no freedom.

5) The picture could illustrate the passage at the beginning of the text where Nandira discovers that a woman is following her, so she ask : "so, why are you following me?".

Il y a sûrement beaucoup de fautes, soyez indulgent s'il vous plait :D

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-02-2012 18:26

Réponse: Questions/Nandira's boyfriend de notrepere, postée le 25-02-2012 à 21:03:02 (S | E)
Hello Vraiment pas beaucoup de fautes

1) Nandira's father wants Mma Ramotswe to ask his daughter about her eventual(1) boyfriend. Because he's very harsh about this and his daughter, Nandira, doesn't want to talk about this with her father. That's why he engaged a private detective to talk to her daughter.

2)Mma Ramotswe hasn't been successful because Nandira said she had no boyfriend but she had invented an imaginary boyfriend called named Jack to his father.

3) There is a certain complicity between Nandira and Mma Ramotswe because after listening to the story of Nandira, Mma Ramotswe has proven compassion and a little mercy : "she felt sorry for this poor, over-protected girl..." because Nandira's father is too stifling.

4) At the end of the passage, Nandira asked Mma Ramotswe to persuade her father to be less severe with her. She is angry because her father leaves her no freedom.

5) The picture could illustrate the passage at the beginning of the text where Nandira discovers that a woman is following her, so she asks : "so, why are you following me?".

(1) traduction du mot éventuel ? faux ami en anglais

Réponse: Questions/Nandira's boyfriend de sherry48, postée le 25-02-2012 à 21:14:37 (S | E)
Hello nicolas49.
Ah, the Number One Ladies Detective Agency!
1) Nandira's father wants Mma Ramotswe to ask his daughter about her eventual boyfriend. Because he's very harsh (check the dictionary for a better word) about this and his daughter, Nandira, doesn't want to talk about this with her father. That's why he engaged a private detective to talk to her daughter.

2)Mma Ramotswe hasn't been successful because Nandira said she had no boyfriend but she had invented an imaginary boyfriend called Jack to his father.

3) There is a certain complicity between Nandira and Mma Ramotswe because after listening to the story of Nandira, Mma Ramotswe has proven compassion and a little mercy : "she felt sorry for this poor, over-protected girl..." because Nandira's father is too sifling.

4) At the end of the passage, Nandira asked Mma Ramotswe to persuade her father to be less severe with her. She is angry because her father leaves her no freedom.

5) The picture could illustrate the passage at the beginning of the text where Nandira discovers that a woman is following her, so she ask : "so, why are you following me?".

That's it for major errors. Sherry

Modifié par sherry48 le 25-02-2012 21:15


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