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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de petite-tagada- posté le 14-02-2012 à 19:19:26 (S | E | F)

Je viens d'écrire une lettre,et j'aimerais savoir s'il vous plaît si des fautes se sont inflitrées !

It’s been awhile since we were last in touch. Today, it has been 3 months since I arrived to Kenya and since I left New York. Already 3 months! How time flies! . I am happy here, I make beautiful meetings. People are very welcoming, and they fast became my friends. In the work, everything is also well, it is incredible to learn to read and to write to people who didn't even see a book or a pencil of their life. It is important for me to make these actions, as taught them to me my mother. My first impressions about this unknown and unfrequented place were totally wrong. I feel safe, people aren't violent. It's necessary to learn to know them and everything goes well. The landscapes are really different and varied compared to New York’s as well as the way of life in Kenya. There is no stress, this greediness which exists in our country. But it misses them especially the food. their suffering makes me sad. I try to help them as I can. Of course, New York, my family, you, I miss you a lot! This daily excitement, these inconvenient sirens... but I feel so at ease here. Maybe you could come and visit me, so I can give you a tour of Kenya.

Je vous remercie d'avance pour votre aide qui me sera précieuse!

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-02-2012 21:35

Réponse: Lettre/correction de gerondif, postée le 14-02-2012 à 22:22:31 (S | E)

il y a quelques tournures françaises traduites trop mécaniquement ou mot-à-mot.

It’s been awhile since we were last in touch. Today, it has been 3 months since I arrived to(arrive n'est pas un verbe de mouvement) Kenya and since I left New York. Already 3 months! How time flies! . I am happy here, I make beautiful meetings. People are very welcoming, and they fast became my friends. In the work, everything is also well, it is incredible to learn to read and to write to people who didn't even see (plus que parfait préférable)a book or a pencil of their life. It is important for me to make these actions, as taught them to me by my mother. My first impressions about this unknown and unfrequented place were totally wrong. I feel safe, people aren't violent. It's necessary to learn to know them and everything goes well. The landscapes are really different and varied compared to New York’s as well as the way of life in Kenya. There is no stress, this greediness which exists in our country. But it misses them (il leur manque surtout de la nourriture? le traducteur s'est "planté")especially the food. their suffering makes me sad. I try to help them as I can(comme je peux?). Of course, New York, my family, you, I miss you (voilà la bonne construction de miss!! A appliquer à la nourriture) a lot! This daily excitement, these inconvenient sirens... but I feel so at ease here. Maybe you could come and visit me, so I can give you a tour of Kenya.

Réponse: Lettre/correction de petite-tagada-, postée le 15-02-2012 à 08:47:55 (S | E)
I arrived to(arrive n'est pas un verbe de mouvement)= I am in Kenya ?

I make beautiful meetings = I meet some interesting people.

they fast became my friends = Quickly, they became my friends

In the work = In work

who didn't even see = they hadn't even see

a book or a pencil of their life = ? Je ne vois pas d'erreur

as taught them to me by my mother = that my mother taught to me

it misses them especially the food = The lack of food is an omnipresent plague

I try to help them as I can(comme je peux?)= oui, J'essaye de les aider comme je peux

J'ai essayé de corriger, ou de changer un peu la tournure de la phrase, pouvez-vous me dire si c'est correct ?

Réponse: Lettre/correction de gerondif, postée le 15-02-2012 à 13:23:58 (S | E)
I arrived to(arrive n'est pas un verbe de mouvement)= I am in Kenya ? I arrived in Kenya

I make beautiful meetings = I meet some interesting people.

they fast became my friends = , they quickly(soon) became my friends

In the work = In work

who didn't even see = they hadn't even see(participe passé)

a book or a pencil of their life = ? Je ne vois pas d'erreur c'est du français traduit, sinon, ils ont chacun une vie, donc pluriel"ouvrez votre livre" devient "open your books"

as taught them to me by my mother = that my mother taught to me

it misses them especially the food = The lack of food is an omnipresent plague ok.

I try to help them as much as I can(comme je peux?)= oui, J'essaye de les aider comme je peux

Réponse: Lettre/correction de petite-tagada-, postée le 15-02-2012 à 14:03:31 (S | E)
who didn't even see = they hadn't even seen

as taught them to me by my mother = that my mother taught to me = > as my mother taught for me ?

a book or a pencil of their life = books or pencils of their life ?

Réponse: Lettre/correction de gerondif, postée le 15-02-2012 à 15:07:22 (S | E)
ce serait mieux de dire: people who had never seen a book or a pencil in their entire lives (pluriel)
as my mother taught me (verbe transitif)

Réponse: Lettre/correction de petite-tagada-, postée le 15-02-2012 à 17:45:49 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup !!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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