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Correction/Ice Hockey (1)

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Correction/Ice Hockey
Message de jeffr669 posté le 29-01-2012 à 09:59:25
Bonjour à tous,

Je dois faire encore une rédaction en anglais mais cette fois-ci sur le Hockey.
J'aurais besoin de votre aide en anglais, et pour cela j'aimerais savoir si vous pourriez corriger mon texte s'il vous plaît.
Merci pour votre aide.

Ice Hockey


The Ice hockey, often called is a team sport taking place on a specially designed ice.
The objective is to score goals by sending a disk of rubber inside the opponent's goal located at the end of the rink.
The team consists of six players including a goalkeeper who travel on ice skates and moves the puck with a hockey stick.
The Hockey of origin the Canada and developed in the late nineteen century in North America.
Sport of speed, it is often called "the fastest team sport in the world", but it is a violent sport.

Popularity :

The Hockey is extremely popular in North America even though he was born in Canada.
In Eupora and more specifically in France, the rinks are not lacking, but the sport is not very popular compared to the football but women's hockey was born no longer becomes increasingly popular all over the world and even in France.

The game:

The six players on the team are usually three forwards (center, a left winger and a right winger), two defenders and the goalkeeper.
A group of three attackers form a forward line and a pair of defenders form a line of defense.

There are also lines of specific situations of inferiority or superiority digital.
Some bodily contact is allowed on the player with the disc, this is of course done for to hinder the opponent, to destabilize it during future contacts, of the weariness and make him lose the pallet, this is a basic technique in hockey, it’s is called checking.
However, the actions dangerous or contrary to the rules are punished by penalties or puisements, the offending player must leave the game for a period of time without being replaced.

A match lasts three periods of twenty minutes each, the clock is stopped at every stoppage in play.

In case of tie at the end of regulation time, the procedure changes following the rules specific to each championship, the game can then continue with an extension period in sudden death to determine a winner ,if the score is unchanged at the end of the extension of a penalty shoot-shoot can take place.

A match may also include fights between players, is fighting is tolerated or prohibited according to leagues and competitions.

Equipment ;

In addition to the ice skates to get around on the ice and stick for handling the puck, a hockey player wearing a number therefore of protections more or less fifteen to protect power attacks opponent but also the pallet that can reach one hundred and eighty kilometers / h.
The weight equipment of the goalkeeper is between fifteen and thirty kilograms.

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-01-2012 10:00

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-01-2012 21:54

Réponse: Correction/Ice Hockey de notrepere, postée le 30-01-2012 à 06:21:43

Avez-vous utilisé un traducteur en ligne ?

The Hockey is extremely popular in North America even though he was born in Canada.

Some bodily contact is allowed on the player with the disc, this is of course done for to hinder (pour + infinitif) the opponent, to destabilize it during future contacts, of the weariness and make him lose the pallet, this is a basic technique in hockey, it’s is called checking.

Réponse: Correction/Ice Hockey de jeffr669, postée le 30-01-2012 à 06:45:56
oui, juste pour les mots que je ne connais pas car ils sont très techniques et je rajoute des le/les/il la où il ne faut pas.

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-01-2012 11:07

Réponse: Correction/Ice Hockey de jeffr669, postée le 30-01-2012 à 07:05:01
Désolé pour la double réponse mais j'ai oublié:
Merci notrepere,
j'ai corrigé les fautes sur mon texte mais y en a-t-il d'autres ?

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-01-2012 11:08

Réponse: Correction/Ice Hockey de lucile83, postée le 30-01-2012 à 11:13:38
Hello jeffr669,

Un traducteur est juste bon à vous faire faire des fautes. Rien ne vaut un bon dictionnaire.Vous en avez de très bons en ligne.
Nous ne corrigeons pas les traductions automatiques.
Si vous postez un texte refait personnellement, avec soin et sans traducteur, um membre pourra éventuellement accepter de le corriger.


Réponse: Correction/Ice Hockey de jeffr669, postée le 30-01-2012 à 21:15:07
Je n'ai pas utilisé de traducteur pour le texte, je l 'ai juste utilisé que pour quelque mots car je n'ai pas de dictionnaire.
Pouvez-vous m'aider a corrigé ce texte.

Réponse: Correction/Ice Hockey de lucile83, postée le 30-01-2012 à 21:53:09

Donc vous avez utilisé un traducteur.
Vos 3 premières phrases:
The Ice hockey, often called is a team sport taking place on a specially designed ice.incompréhensible

The objective is to score goals by sending a disk of rubber ? préservatif? inside the opponent's goal located at the end of the rink. ???

The team consists of six players including a goalkeeper who travel on ice skates amazing!!! and moves the puck with a hockey stick. j'imagine une bande de sorcières avec leurs bâtons ou autres accessoires

Plus sérieusement,revoyez votre texte en essayant de comprendre ce que vous écrivez.
Actuellement on ne peut pas corriger car ça n'a pas de sens; il faudrait tout re-écrire et ce n'est pas dans nos attributions.
Reprenez tout et revenez poster un texte cohérent.

Ce sujet est fermé, vous ne pouvez pas poster de réponse.

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