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Système éducatif/UK France

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Système éducatif/UK France
Message de domino92 posté le 30-11-2011 à 16:33:45 (S | E | F)

je voudrais savoir s'il vous plaît si vous pouviez me corriger mon devoir sur la comparaison du système éducatif anglais et français au lycée?
Merci pour vos réponses.

Secondary education is compulsory, there is two types of schools as state-run schools who is a government-funded schools, with no tuition fees. 90% is pupils of England and wales, and there are two categories of state schools as comprehensive and grammar schools.
A comprehensive school is a school for children above the age of 11 where children of all abilities are taught, it is not selective, and there is a diversity promoted and it equalitarian.
Grammar schools is a old system, it is a school selective, there is an entrance assessment taken at 11, the selection is on the basis of academic abilities. There are not tuition fees neither. Students must have good results, this system as considered elitist.
The second type of school is the public schools who are a independent school highly selective and fee-paying school.
In secondary education there are also exams especially GCSE exams in 7 or more subjects, with ‘core subjects’ (compulsory) and ‘entitlement areas’ (optional).
After secondary education there is further education who is 6th form that is to say the last two years before higher education, students must have the A-levels and they must choose two to four subjects.
Finally there is higher education to to enter a university after the A-level students must complete papers, choose a university, and do their Curriculum. The University entrance requirements are difficult because it is highly selective, and very expensive.
However in France the system is harder indeed the high school is of general and technological education
The general way leads the holders of high school diploma towards long studies. It understands three series: economic and social ( E.S )., literary person (L) and scientist (s). Thanks to an optional education in the first one and to an education of speciality in final year of high school, a speciality is chosen by the pupils, within every section:
In series L: classical literature / letters and languages / letters and arts / letters and mathematics.
In series E.S.: mathematics / economic and social sciences / languages.
In series: mathematics / physics-chemistry / sciences of life and the earth / industrial technology.
In most of the French high schools of the foreigner alone the general high school diplomas are prepared.
At the end of the year of final year of high school takes place the examination of the high school diploma, the first diploma.
While there is no entrance exam but students can not choose their subjects, they have more material than the English.

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-11-2011 18:08

Réponse: Système éducatif/UK France de domino92, postée le 01-12-2011 à 17:36:05 (S | E)

Mon sujet est il correct?
Merci d'avance

Réponse: Système éducatif/UK France de gerondif, postée le 01-12-2011 à 18:37:12 (S | E)

Vous avez dû compiler une documentation en français, puis la traduire assez mot-à-mot, ce qui la rend un peu indigeste.

On voit bien la trame française dans certaines phrases:

In most of the French high schools of the foreigner, alone the general high school diplomas are prepared.
Dans la plupart des lycées de l'"étranger", seuls les diplômes généraux sont préparés.
Oui mais,a foreigner c'est un étranger, un être humain vivant dans un pays étranger, alors que "à l'étranger" se dit "abroad" adverbe de lieu, et "alone" signife seul, seule , quand vous êtes seule dans une pièce, alors que only signifie seul au sens de seulement

Comme dans beaucoup de travaux faits avec aide de traducteurs, les adjectifs restent au mauvais endroit:
it is a school selective:C'est une école selective.
Oui, mais en anglais, un chat noir is a black cat.

Vous laissez les inversions du texte français d'origine:
At the end of the year of final year of high school takes place the examination of the high school diploma,
A la fin de l'année de la dernière année de lycée a lieu l'examen
en anglais, le sujet viendra en premier.

vous mettez du there is avec un pluriel derrière:
there is two types of schools .

je veux bien vous indiquer les erreurs mais la façon de traduire serait sans doute à revoir.

Secondary education is compulsory, there is two types of schools as state-run schools who is a government-funded schools, with no tuition fees. 90% is pupils of England and wales, and there are two categories of state schools as comprehensive and grammar schools.
A comprehensive school is a school for children above the age of 11 where children of all abilities are taught, it is not selective, and there is a diversity promoted and it (verbe) equalitarian.
Grammar schools is a old system, it is a school selective, there is an entrance assessment taken at 11, the selection is on the basis of academic abilities. There are not tuition fees neither. Students must have good results, this system as considered elitist.
The second type of school is the public schools who are a independent school highly selective and a fee-paying school.
In secondary education there are also exams especially GCSE exams in 7 or more subjects, with ‘core subjects’ (compulsory) and ‘entitlement areas’ (optional).
After secondary education there is further education who is 6th form that is to say the last two years before higher education, students must have their A-levels and they must choose two to four subjects.
Finally there is higher education to enter a university. After the A-levels students must complete papers, choose a university, and do their Curriculum. The University entrance requirements are difficult because it is (they are)highly selective, and very expensive.
However in France the system is harder. indeed the high school is of general and technological education (sens de la phrase?)

The general way leads the holders of high school diploma towards long studies. It understands (comprendre au sens de inclure!!!)three series: economic and social ( E.S )., literary person (L) and scientist (s). Thanks to an optional education in the first one and to an education of speciality in the final year of high school, a speciality is chosen by the pupils, within every section:
In series L: classical literature / letters and languages / letters and arts / letters and mathematics.
In series E.S.: mathematics / economic and social sciences / languages.
In series: mathematics / physics-chemistry / sciences of life and the earth / industrial technology.
In most of the French high schools of the foreigner alone the general high school diplomas are prepared.
At the end of the year of final year of high school takes place the examination of the high school diploma, the first diploma.
While there is no entrance exam but students can not choose their subjects, they have more material than the English.(sens de la phrase?)


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