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Correction/Big Fish

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/Big Fish
Message de chosta posté le 29-11-2011 à 21:07:35 (S | E | F)

On a un devoir à faire en anglais. Il s'agit d'écrire le résumé d'un texte, il s'agit du passage du géant dans Big Fish.
Je vous remercie d'avance pour les éventuelles corrections.

Il doit y avoir un problème au niveau de la concordance des temps.
Merci pour vos réponses.

The Giant

Karl is a man very tall, he has the height of two men. When he was young, he grew fast and he was hungry all the time. His stomach was as big as him, that’s why he has a hearty appetite.
His mother left him : she couldn’t stand this situation anymore, she was tired of cooking meals for a child who was never satisfied.
Finally, Karl decided to come to Ashland. At night, in order to stay alive, when the townsfolk slept, he stole food. The morning, they found the cornfields ravaged. Karl even ate their dogs.
The narrator’s father had a plan to put an end to this disastrous situation. He wanted to meet the giant.
He walked through the mountains to the cave where Karl lived alone.
The cave was dark, and Karl appeared. He was tall, he had a grisly face.
The two men spoke. The narrator’s father made a proposal. He proposed to sacrifice himself that is to say, he told the giant to eat him in order to leave the townsfolk alone.
The giant was shocked by these words. He doesn’t want to eat him or to eat any human-beings. He cried. He was sad and sorry. He explained that he acted like this only because he was hungry.
The narrator ‘s father told Karl he had a solution. The townsfolk could teach him how to cook and grow food and that they could also help to be a farmer.
That’s what happened. Karl became the biggest farmer in Ashland. The narrator’s father became famous, he was seen as a hero. His legend became bigger, it was said he could charm anyone, but he stayed humble, he just concluded that « he just like people and people liked him ».

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-11-2011 21:14

Réponse: Correction/Big Fish de notrepere, postée le 29-11-2011 à 21:34:49 (S | E)

Karl is (1) a man very tall (2), he has the height of two men. When he was young, he grew fast and he was hungry all the time. His stomach was as big as him, that’s why he has a hearty appetite.
His mother left him : she couldn’t stand this situation anymore, she was tired of cooking meals for a child who was never satisfied.

(1) Dans les temps de narration en anglais, il faut le past simple/past continuous/past perfect/past perfect continuous.
Karl was a ... He had the height ...
(2) ordre des mots

Finally, Karl decided to come to Ashland. At night, in order to stay alive, when the townsfolk slept, he stole food. The morning (3),

(3) mot à mot du français ... le matin. L'expression 'the morning' n'existe pas en anglais

The two men spoke. The narrator’s father made a proposal. He proposed to sacrifice (4) himself, that is to say, he told the giant to eat him in order to leave the townsfolk alone.

(4) le gérondif vaut mieux

The giant was shocked by these words. He doesn’t (5) want to eat him or to eat any human-beings. He cried. He was sad and sorry. He explained that he acted like this only because he was hungry.

(5) temps à revoir

The narrator‘s father told Karl he had a solution. The townsfolk could teach him how to cook and grow food and that they could also help him to become a farmer.
That’s what happened. Karl became the biggest farmer in Ashland. The narrator’s father became famous, he was seen as a hero. His legend became bigger, it was said he could charm anyone, but he stayed humble, he just concluded that « he just liked people and people liked him ».

Modifié par notrepere le 29-11-2011 21:35

Réponse: Correction/Big Fish de chosta, postée le 30-11-2011 à 09:03:55 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup !


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