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Correction/How did you learn English

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Correction/How did you learn English
Message de clairefr posté le 27-11-2011 à 21:02:17 (S | E | F)

I would be pleased if some of you could tell me whether I had made some mistakes in the text below.
The question was "How did you learn English?".
Here is my answer.
Thank you for your help !

I started learning English when I was five years old. My parents made me join an English club for children called “mini-school”. Thanks to this English club, we met an English family who was interested in exchanging languages. I went several times for a few weeks to this family's from eight to twelve. During my stays, even if the mother was a French teacher, English was spoken all the time. I learned a lot during these holidays in England. When I entered secondary school, as I was not a full beginner in English, I chose to study German and started learning English two years later, so I studied English five years. During my teenage years, I did many language exchanges in England and Ireland, but also in Germany. At university I studied two years more English and I went twice to England, a month each time, as a supervisor in a boarding school. At that time, my English was quite good, I was able to read books in English, to understand movies without subtitles and to carry on an everyday conversation.
Then, during fifteen years, I didn't practice English at all and I forgot a lot. When I went to Ireland on holiday with my family three years ago I was absolutely incapable of holding a conversation and was hardly able to understand basic English, and it wasn't due to the Irish accent ! It was such a shame that I had lost all my English skills! I decided to start learning English again by myself. Since that decision, I've been doing many grammar exercises on the website, reading books (first for English learners, now ordinary English books), listening to podcast from BBC learning service and ESL pod, watching movies, chatting with penfriends on Skype. I think my current English level is nearly the one I had at the end of my studies.
Now, I'm determined to keep up my English language skills.

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-11-2011 21:24

Réponse: Correction/How did you learn English de gerondif, postée le 27-11-2011 à 21:49:50 (S | E)

I started learning English when I was five years old. My parents made me join (had me join existe aussi) an English club for children called “mini-school”. Thanks to this English club, we met an English family who was interested in exchanging languages. I went several times for a few weeks to this family's from eight to twelve.(I spent a few weeks with this family on several occasions between the ages of eight to twelve(see,np's note ! between the ages of 8 and 12 )) During my stays, even if the mother was a French teacher, English was spoken all the time (we would speak English all day long). I learned a lot during these holidays in England. When I entered secondary school, as I was not a full beginner in English, I chose to study German and started learning English two years later, so I studied English (for)five years. During my teenage years, I did many language exchanges in England and Ireland, but also in Germany. At university I studied (English for two more years) two years more English and I went to England twice, a month each time, as a supervisor in a boarding school. At that time, my English was quite good, I was able to read books in English, to understand movies without subtitles and to carry on an everyday conversation.
Then, during (for)fifteen years, I didn't practice English at all and I forgot a lot. When I went to Ireland on holiday with my family three years ago I was absolutely incapable (unable) of holding a conversation and was hardly able to understand basic English, and it wasn't due to the Irish accent ! It was such a shame that I had lost all my English skills! I decided to start learning English again by myself. Since that decision, I've been doing many grammar exercises on the website , reading books (first for English learners, now ordinary English books), listening to podcast from BBC learning service and ESL pod, watching movies, chatting with penfriends on Skype. I think my current English level is nearly the one I had at the end of my studies.
Now, I'm determined to keep up my English language skills.

Très bon texte !

Petit truc pour différencier les deux "pendant": for et during.
se demander si la question aurait été "quand" ou "pendant combien de temps".

I was ill for an hour during the flight:
When were you ill ? during the flight.
How long were you ill? for an hour.

Sherry is right, I had understood from 8 to 12 o'clock.

Modifié par gerondif le 28-11-2011 00:29

Réponse: Correction/How did you learn English de sherry48, postée le 27-11-2011 à 22:04:03 (S | E)
Hello clairefr.
There were 2 other areas that I saw where you might clarify...
I went several times for a few weeks to this family's...a possessive noun seems to need another noun after it & from eight to twelve, you could add the word 'age'. Nicely done! Sherry

Réponse: Correction/How did you learn English de sherry48, postée le 28-11-2011 à 00:43:08 (S | E)
Hello gerondif.
I thought it was the time of day, too, until I read the next couple of sentences. For that reason, I thought it would be best to clarify it. Sherry

Réponse: Correction/How did you learn English de notrepere, postée le 28-11-2011 à 02:57:53 (S | E)

On dirait between something and something / from something to something

I spent a few weeks with this family on several occasions between the ages of eight and twelve.
I spent a few weeks with this family on several occasions from age eight to twelve.

During my stays, even if even though the mother was a French teacher,
Lien Internet

listening to podcasts

Réponse: Correction/How did you learn English de clairefr, postée le 28-11-2011 à 20:19:17 (S | E)

Gerondif, Sherry48 and Notrepere, thank you very much for your help.
Thank you Lucile83, for your corrections too !

Notrepere, my spellchecker underlines podcasts but not podcast ... so I deleted the -s. Of course you're right, I listen to podcasts !

Here is my correction :

I started learning English when I was five years old. My parents made me join an English club for children called “mini-school”. Thanks to this English club, we met an English family who was interested in exchanging languages. I spent a few weeks with this family on several occasions between the ages of eight and twelve. . During my stays, even though the mother was a French teacher, English was spoken all the time. I learned a lot during these holidays in England. When I entered secondary school, as I was not a full beginner in English, I chose to study German and started learning English two years later, so I studied English five years. During my teenage years, I did many language exchanges in England and Ireland, but also in Germany. At university I studied English for two more years and I went to England twice, a month each time, as a supervisor in a boarding school. At that time, my English was quite good, I was able to read books in English, to understand movies without subtitles and to carry on an everyday conversation.
Then, for fifteen years, I didn't practice English at all and I forgot a lot. When I went to Ireland on holiday with my family three years ago I was absolutely incapable of holding a conversation and was hardly able to understand basic English, and it was not due to the Irish accent ! It was such a shame that I had lost all my English skills! I decided to start learning English again by myself. Since that decision, I've been doing many grammar exercises on the website, reading books (first for English learners, now ordinary English books), listening to podcasts from BBC learning service and ESL pod, watching movies, chatting with penfriends on Skype. I think my current English level is nearly the one I had at the end of my studies.
Now, I'm determined to keep up my English language skills.

Réponse: Correction/How did you learn English de lucile83, postée le 28-11-2011 à 21:29:35 (S | E)
Hello claire,

May I suggest?

.....I chose to study German and started learning English two years later, so I studied English for five gerondif already wrote

.....Then, for fifteen years, I didn't practise English at all and I forgot a lot. (practice practise)

Réponse: Correction/How did you learn English de sherry48, postée le 29-11-2011 à 00:07:57 (S | E)
Hello again everyone.
The end of this sentence now sounds a little awkward...I spent a few weeks with this family on several occasions between the ages of eight and twelve. Maybe the sentence should begin with 'Between the ages of eight and twelve.'

Réponse: Correction/How did you learn English de notrepere, postée le 29-11-2011 à 02:59:20 (S | E)

Lucile is correct, but I should point out:

practice (verb) (noun)
practise (verb)

Réponse: Correction/How did you learn English de clairefr, postée le 30-11-2011 à 06:46:52 (S | E)
Thank you very much all of you. Thanks to you I've learned a lot !


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