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Correction/soccer and women

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Correction/soccer and women
Message de fan38 posté le 25-11-2011 à 18:25:39 (S | E | F)
salut Hello !

j'ai un exposé d'anglais dont j'ai rassemblé les infos en français... Sauf que j'ai arrêté l'anglais pendant 2 ans donc c'est un peu dur de reprendre en sachant que je n'ai jamais été très forte....
Donc j'aimerais savoir s'il vous plaît si des personnes pouvaient m'aider à moins corriger mon texte...
Si vous voulez le texte en français parce que vous ne comprenez pas ce que j'ai voulu dire, pas de soucis, demander le moi ^^
Merci pour vos réponses.


During a big part of the 19th century, soccer is reserved for men. Soccer is more violent for the fair sex. During the 20th century, emancipation of women enables women to take part in news activities of the current life or in sports


Before 1930 : the beginning
Women have played football since the end of the 19th century in England and the Scotland.
In fact, the first feminine match took place on march in 1895 with 2 London’s teams.
The 2 October of 1917, 2 teams of association Femina sport of Paris were set for the first feminine match.
In 1920, the first national team went to England to represent French women’s sports federation.
The development of soccer is fast and during the season 1920-1921 began the first championship in Paris with 18 teams. It wasn’t an official championship because it wasn’t recognized by the French federation and FIFA..
Nevertheless, reactions about soccer were negative because the women picture was bad.

From 1930 till 1960 : the decline
The women soccer championship stopped in 1932 because of its exclusion of FFSF. Then clubs disappeared little by little until 1937, and the football was strictly forbidden by Vichy’s government because it was considered harmful for the women.

From 1960 till 2000 : the development
Unfortunately, the feminine football is not still recognized by the high international authorities (FIFA and UEFA).
The first European cup with England, France, Italy, Denmark in 1969 wasn’t official.
The 29 march in 1970, it‘s an evolution in the world of feminine soccer in France, because the federation officially recognized the feminine soccer.
In 1971, the first unofficial world competition took place in Mexico.
In 1974, the first French women championship was created. Matches lasted 2 halves of 40 min instead of 45min for men.
In 1991, the first official world cup took place in China and it was an enormous success. The United States won this competition.
In 1996, feminine soccer became an Olympic discipline in Atlanta and gathered the highest team contrary to men.


In the United States
The feminine soccer evolution was taken by school and academic sport from the beginning of 1970’s.
With the adoption of the law " Title IX ", June 23rd, 1972, American schools practicing any kind of feminine discrimination would not see granting of federal subsidies.
This law allowed American schools to create a competitive national team.
It was over there that the first professional feminine championship took place in 2001 : Women’s United Soccer Association but it was stopped because of economics problems 3 seasons later.
Now, it’s in Germany, England and Sweden that it have the highest semi-professional championship.
Actually, there are 4 championships and the most important is Women's Professional Soccer (WPS), American-north professional leagues create in 2009.

In Europe
In Europe, we decided to lay on the same plan as men with national competition which the level improves and women national teams are created.
So, Germany and Norway were flagship country at the end of 20th century. The level of England, France and Sweden is improving whereas Germany stands out as world reference.

In France
Here, the professional or semi-professional status don’t exist for the women players, even for the international.
The OL have set up a feminine semi-professional team since the incorporation of Lyon FC to Olympique Lyonnais in 2004.
The quantity of license-holder is constantly increasing: in 1999, there were 32 thousand license holders while there were 55 thousand in 2010.
Moreover, the win of OL in champion’s league in 2011, blew up the popularity of this sport. It increased with the world cup and the good performance of the French until the semifinal against the United States.

At the world level, competition are the world cup, the Algarve Cup and the Olympics games.
In Europe, there are the European Championship for the national team and the Champion’s league for the club.
In France, except the French championship, there are the French Cup (challenge de France) and one cup for every league, for example Rhone-alpes Cup.

In spite of a media coverage weakness in France, we are considering as one of the strongest nations of feminine football on the plan world as proves it the classification FIFA where it was 7th. Despite a blank prize list of title, France has participated to the 4 last European championship and to 2 world cup in 2003 a

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-11-2011 18:43

Réponse: Correction/soccer and women de fan38, postée le 26-11-2011 à 14:46:31 (S | E)
oops désolé pour les fautes d'orthographe, j'ai écrit vite sans faire attention..
toujours personne pour m'aider ??

Réponse: Correction/soccer and women de gerondif, postée le 27-11-2011 à 14:52:08 (S | E)

votre exposé est assez aride, on dirait un article de wikipédia où on croûle sous les détails.
vert: correction offerte.
rouge, rose: à corriger
bleu: à corriger ou à modifier...


During a big part of the 19th century, soccer is(je ne laisserais pas un présent de narration mais du passé, was) reserved for men. Soccer is more violent for the fair sex. During the 20th century, the emancipation of women enables women to take part in news activities of the current life or in sports


Before 1930 : the beginning
Women have played football since the end of the 19th century in England and the Scotland.
In fact, the first feminine match took place in March 1895 with 2 London’s teams.
On the second of October 1917, 2 teams of association Femina sport of Paris were set for the first feminine match.
In 1920, the first national team went to England to represent the French women’s sports federation.
The development of soccer is (prétérit) fast and during the season 1920-1921 began(à mettre derrière le sujet) the first championship in Paris with 18 teams. It wasn’t an official championship because it wasn’t recognized by the French federation and FIFA..
Nevertheless, reactions about soccer were negative because the women picture of women was bad.

From 1930 till 1960 : the decline
The women soccer championship (soit c'est adjectival: the woamn soccer championship, soit c'est the women's soccer championship)stopped in 1932 because of its exclusion of( un double click et vous avez la bonne préposition) FFSF. Then clubs disappeared little by little until 1937, and the football was strictly forbidden by Vichy’s government because it was considered harmful for the women. (pas de the quand on parle en général)

From 1960 till 2000 : the development
Unfortunately, the feminine football is still not recognized by the high international authorities (FIFA and UEFA).
The first European cup with England, France, Italy, Denmark in 1969 wasn’t official.
The 29 march in 1970(voir modèle plus haut), it‘s(plutôt il y eut: there was) an evolution in the world of feminine soccer in France, because the federation officially recognized the feminine soccer.
In 1971, the first unofficial world competition took place in Mexico.
In 1974, the first French women championship was created. Matches lasted 2 halves of 40 min instead of 45 min for men.
In 1991, the first official world cup took place in China and it was an enormous success. The United States won this competition.
In 1996, feminine soccer became an Olympic discipline in Atlanta and gathered the highest team (que voulez-vous dire) contrary to men.(me semble ne pas convenir ici)

Réponse: Correction/soccer and women de gerondif, postée le 27-11-2011 à 15:09:57 (S | E)


In the United States
The feminine soccer evolution was taken(dans quel sens?) by school and academic sport from the beginning of the 1970’s.(je ne comprends pas cette phrase)
With the adoption of the law " Title IX ", on June 23rd, 1972, American schools practicing any kind of feminine discrimination would not see granting of federal subsidies.(correct mais maladroit :would not be granted)
This law allowed American schools to create a competitive national team.
It was over there that the first professional feminine championship took place in 2001 : Women’s United Soccer Association but it was stopped because of economics problems 3 seasons later.
Now, it’s in Germany, England and Sweden that it have the highest semi-professional championship.(c'est de l'anglais de traducteur? Cette formule d'insistance ne se traduit pas de la sorte, commencez par:" from now on,the highest semi-professional championship + votre verbe: prennent place, ont lieu, + in + vos pays)
Actually(faux ami qui signifie "en réalité"), there are 4 championships and the most important one is the Women's Professional Soccer (WPS), American-north (dans l'autre sens)professional leagues created in 2009.

In Europe
In Europe, we decided to lay on the same plan as (lay ou play ? ce n'est pas "plan" mais "level") men with national competition which the level improves (sens? )and women national teams are(plutôt were) created.
So, Germany and Norway were flagship country(pluriel) at the end of the 20th century. The level of England, France and Sweden is(présent maladroit et incongru) improving whereas Germany stands out(idem) as world reference.

In France
Here, the professional or semi-professional status don’t(3ème personne :s) exist for the women players, even for the international (mauvais usage de l'adjectif seul, il faut un nom derrière).
The OL have set up a feminine semi-professional team since the incorporation of Lyon FC to Olympique Lyonnais in 2004.
The quantity of license-holders is constantly increasing: in 1999, there were 32 thousand license holders while(plutôt whereas) there were 55 thousand in 2010.
Moreover, the win(plutôt victory) of OL in the champion’s(ce n'est pas au pluriel en français ? la ligue DES champions) league in 2011, blew up the popularity of this sport. It increased with the world cup and the good performance of the French until the semifinal against the United States.

At the world level, the competitions are (include) the world cup(majuscules), the Algarve Cup and the Olympics games.
In Europe, there are the European Championship for the national team and the Champion’s league for the club(pluriel).
In France, except (surprenant. on top of : en plus de) the French championship, there are the French Cup (challenge de France) and one cup for every league, for example Rhone-alpes Cup.

In spite of a media coverage weakness in France, we are considering as one of the strongest nations in feminine football on the plan world as proves it the classification FIFA where it was 7th. Despite a blank prize list of title, France has participated to the 4 last European championship and to 2 world cups in 2003 and.......
(votre avant dernière phrase est trop calquée sur le français)


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