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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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Difficultés /compréhension
Message de yeahyeahh posté le 20-11-2011 à 13:43:47
Bonsoir tout le monde,

j'ai un petit problème car tout d'abord je ne parviens pas a trés bien comprendre le exte et donc je n'arrive pas à répondre aux question la concernant. Voici le texte ;

Ford turned the ignition key and started the car. It would be dark in just over an hour and long before that they would have closed the gates at Thaba. He moved the car forward, reserved, making what Tricia, no doubt, would call a three-point Turn. Facing tocards Thaba now, he put the selector into drive, his foot on the accelerator, he took a deep breath as the sweat trickled between his shoulder blades. The heat made mirages on the road and out of them a car was coming. Ford stopped and switched off the engine. It wasn't Eric's car but one belonging to a couple of young Americans on holiday. The boy raised his hand in a salute at Ford. Ford called out to Tricia " come on or we'll be late". She go into the car, dropping the her flowers on to the roadway. Ford had been going to leave her there, that was how much he wanted to be rid of her. Her body began to shake and she clasped her hands tightly together so that he souldn't see. He had been going to drive away and leave her there to the darkness and the lions, the leopard that hunted by night. He had been driving away, only the american's car had come along. 
A) What was Ford's résolution ? J'ai répondu Ford want to abandon Tricia
.B) Pick out the sentence which reveals that Ford was sure his plan would succeed. Je ne trouve pas
C) "Ford was a cold-blooded murderer": is this True or False ? Justify with a quote. Je ne trouve pas non plus
D) Say why Ford changed is mind Je ne sais pas vraiment, mais j'ai compris qu'un voiture arrivée à la fin du texte est ce que c'est pas rapport a ça ? Peut être que je suis loin de la réponse ^^
E) Quote three sentences proving that Tricia Ford's intention. Alors j'ai relevé : She go into the car, dropping the her flowers on to the roadway ça me rappelle un peu le petit poucet mais je ne suis pas sure. et Her body began to shake and she clasped her hands tightly together so that he souldn't see Tout aide apportée est la bienvenue je vous remercie d'avance

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-11-2011 13:48
Votre texte anglais est incompréhensible car vous l'avez mal recopié,même un de nos membres américains n'a rien compris! vous attendez depuis ce matin qu'on fasse le travail à votre place.

Ce sujet est fermé, vous ne pouvez pas poster de réponse.

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