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Le passé/Carte postale

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Le passé/Carte postale
Message de natnan2206 posté le 05-10-2011 à 06:48:17 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous !

J'ai un exercice à faire sur le passé, je dois écrire une carte postale sur mes vacances d'été, pouvez-vous me signaler mes erreurs s'il vous plaît?
Merci pour votre aide.

Dear granny
I hope every thing's fine for you. I went to go in Hight Alpes by car last summer holidays, and I stayed there three weeks with my family.
The weather was amazing ,so, I didn't horse ride and I didn't pick up mushrooms but We went to the lake, I did slip on a giant chute,it was very funny. We did hike in the mountain, It was difficult. The holidays were super, We had a Whale of the time.
I'm looking forward to seeing you soon

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-10-2011 07:00
le texte a été modifié ci-dessous par son auteur.

Réponse: Le passé/Carte postale de natnan2206, postée le 05-10-2011 à 14:56:54 (S | E)
Après réflexion personnelle, j'ai modifié ma carte,correction en vert; je dois rendre mon travail demain.
Aucun avis à me donner ?
Merci quand même.

Dear granny

I hope every thing's fine for you. I went to Alpes by car last summer holidays, and I stayed there three weeks with my family.
The weather was amazing ,so, I didn't horse ride and I didn't pick up mushrooms but We went to the lake, I did slip on a giant chute,it was very funny. We did hike in the mountain, It was difficult. I had a really good holiday.We had a Whale of the time.
I'm looking forward to seeing you soon


Modifié par lucile83 le 05-10-2011 16:31

Réponse: Le passé/Carte postale de gerondif, postée le 05-10-2011 à 15:53:31 (S | E)

Dear granny ,(existe en minuscules mais puisqu'on met une majuscule à Dad et Mum, en signe de respect, j'en mettrais une)

I hope every thing' (un seul mot)s fine for you. I went to the Alpes by car (pendant les)last summer holidays, and I stayed there (pendant)three weeks with my family.
The weather was amazing(= génial, mais alors, pourquoi se priver de cheval?) ,so, I didn't horse ride and I didn't pick up mushrooms but we went to the lake, I did slip (did est inutile en phrase affirmative, to slip c'est glisser par accident chute non contrôlée)on a giant chute (plutôt waterfall),it was very funny. We did hike (to go hiking = aller faire de la marche)in the mountain, It was difficult. I had a really good holiday.We had a Whale of the a time.
I'm looking forward to seeing you soon

Réponse: Le passé/Carte postale de natnan2206, postée le 05-10-2011 à 16:48:39 (S | E)
Merci de votre réponse

Je dois formuler dans la carte 2 choses que je n'ai pas pu faire pour employer did'nt didn't.
Et je voudrais dire que j'ai fait du toboggan géant dans l'eau un peu comme dans les parcs d'attractions aquatiques...


Modifié par lucile83 le 05-10-2011 16:51
Que proposez-vous alors?

Réponse: Le passé/Carte postale de natnan2206, postée le 05-10-2011 à 17:13:39 (S | E)
Je propose

I hope every thing's fine for you.
I went to go in Hight Alpes by car last summer holidays, and I stayed there three weeks with my family.
The weather was amazing ,so, I didn't horse ride and I didn't pick up mushrooms but We went to the lake, I played on a giant chute,it was very funny.
We went hiking in the mountain, It was difficult. I had a really good holiday.We had a Whale of a time.
I'm looking forward to seeing you soon


Réponse: Le passé/Carte postale de natnan2206, postée le 05-10-2011 à 17:18:40 (S | E)
Excusez moi j'ai posté trop vite sans me relire voici la correction

I hope every thing's fine for you.
I went to the Alpes by car during last summer holidays, and I stayed there during three weeks with my family.
The weather was amazing ,so, I didn't horse ride and I didn't pick up mushrooms but we went to the lake, I played on a giant chute ,it was very funny. We went hiking in the mountain, It was difficult. I had a really good holiday.We had a Whale of a time.
I'm looking forward to seeing you soon

Réponse: Le passé/Carte postale de gerondif, postée le 05-10-2011 à 18:46:43 (S | E)

I hope every thing's (en un seul mot)fine for you.
I went to the Alpes by car during the last summer holidays, and I stayed there during(during signifie au cours de alors qu'ici il faut pendant une durée de, donc for) three weeks with my family.
The weather was amazing(changez ce mot pour mettre pas très beau, changeant, capricieux) ,so, I didn't horse ride and I didn't pick up mushrooms but we went to the lake, I played on a giant chute ,it was very funny. We went hiking in the mountain, It was difficult (vous pourriez rajouter: et je ne marchais pas très vite, vous auriez un didn't ou un couldn't de plus). I had a really good holiday.We had a Whale of a time.
I'm looking forward to seeing you soon

Réponse: Le passé/Carte postale de natnan2206, postée le 05-10-2011 à 19:31:40 (S | E)
Voici ma correction
je vous remercie de m'avoir aidé

I hope everything's fine for you. I went to the Alps by car during last summer holidays, and I stayed there for three weeks with my family.
The weather was changeable, so, I didn't horse ride and I didn't pick up mushrooms but we went to the lake, I played on a giant chute, it was very funny. We went hiking in the mountain, It was difficult. I had a really good holiday.We had a Whale of a time.
I'm looking forward to seeing you soon

Réponse: Le passé/Carte postale de gerondif, postée le 05-10-2011 à 20:00:57 (S | E)
.........during the summer holidays.

Are you really 38 years old, with two brothers aged 10 and 2 ?

Réponse: Le passé/Carte postale de notrepere, postée le 05-10-2011 à 20:28:35 (S | E)

I didn't horse ride ...

On dirait:
I didn't go riding ...
I didn't go horseback riding

pick up mushrooms

forage for mushrooms est plus littéraire

very funny drôle?
It was a lot of fun.

hiking in the mountains

Réponse: Le passé/Carte postale de natnan2206, postée le 05-10-2011 à 21:01:23 (S | E)
My mother are is really 38 years old.
It's her account.
Thanks for your answers.

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-10-2011 21:17
Pourquoi ne pas créer votre compte? votre situation n'est pas claire et prête à confusion.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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