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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de pirrot posté le 18-05-2011 à 18:37:19 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

Je dois faire une expression écrite sur la nature et dire qu'estce ce que je ferais si j'étais le président.
Pouvez-vous m'aider, s'il vous plaît?

If I were president, I'd build windmills, solar panel and I congratulate the people who work in its business environment. I ask the police to search the trash and all those not sort their waste, they have a fine. I will create green space for nature to settle. I would build green houses, I'd grow grass on the roof, I put solar panels on the roof. if I see anyone throw a paper or polluting nature I would ask her paper and will receive a fine.

I solicit associations such as Greenpeace, Kyoto. I would do anything to make the world more livable by reducing the rate of pollution in cars, an increase on the tax for 4 * 4. I shall prevent anyone to destroy our world where there is full of wonderful things, I will delete the fertilizer that could kill our bees because it taken out of the estinction the planet

Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-05-2011 18:59

Réponse: Expression/Nature de gerondif, postée le 18-05-2011 à 19:00:08 (S | E)
revoyez vos temps, vous mélangez tout, présent, futur, conditionnel....

*** = auxiliaire manquant
If I were president, I'd build windmills, solar panel(pluriel) and I ****** congratulate the people who work in its business environment. I *****ask the police to search(faire une fouille au corps?) the trash and all those not sort (à conjuguer)their waste, they ***** have a fine. I will(pourquoi passer du conditionnel au futur) create green space(pluriel) for nature to settle. I would build green houses, I'd grow grass on the roof, I **** put solar panels on the roof. if I see(prétérit) anyone throw a paper or polluting nature I would ask her(pourquoi her, c'est une femme? dans ce cas là on met le possessif pluriel) paper and (sujet) will(conditionnel) receive a fine.

I ***** solicit associations such as Greenpeace, Kyoto. I would do anything to make the world more livable by reducing the rate of pollution in cars, an increase on the tax for 4 * 4(four-wheel-drive). I shall(assez démodé, ou alors très officiel) prevent anyone to(from + ing) destroy our world where there is (pluriel)full of (erreur classique: full of signifie "rempli de";pour plein de, trouvez autre chose, de nombreux, beaucoup de) wonderful things, I will(conditionnel) delete the fertilizer that could kill our bees because it taken(sens de ce participe passé tout seul? ) out of the estinction the planet

Réponse: Expression/Nature de pirrot, postée le 19-05-2011 à 18:12:09 (S | E)
If I were president, I'd build windmills, solar panel and I congratulate the people who work in it’s business environment. I ask the police to search the trash and all those don’t sort their waste, they have a fine. I will create green space for nature to settle. I would build green houses, I'd grow grass on the roof, I put solar panels on the roof. if I saw anyone throw a paper or polluting nature I would ask their paper and will receive a fine.

I solicit associations such as Greenpeace, Kyoto. I would do anything to make the world more livable by reducing the rate of pollution in cars, an increase on the tax for 4 * 4. I was prevent anyone from destroying our world where there are much of wonderful things, I will delete the fertilizer that could kill the bees because it might kill them and get rid of the planet.

Réponse: Expression/Nature de gerondif, postée le 19-05-2011 à 18:32:37 (S | E)

If I were president, I'd build windmills, solar panel and I ****** congratulate the people who work in it’s business environment. I ***** ask the police to search the trash and all those (qui, pronom relatif)don’t sort their waste, they *****have a fine. I will(conditionnel) create green space(pluriel) for nature to settle. I would build green houses, I'd grow grass on the roof, I ***** put solar panels on the roof. if I saw anyone throw a paper or polluting nature I would ask for their paper(pluriel) and (sujet)will(conditionnel) receive a fine.

I solicit associations such as Greenpeace, Kyoto. I would do anything to make the world more livable by reducing the rate of pollution in cars, an increase on the tax for 4 * 4. I was(conditionnel) prevent anyone from destroying our world where there are much of wonderful things, I will(conditionnel) delete the fertilizer that could kill the bees because it might kill them and get rid of ("se débarrasser de " ne va pas.)the planet.

Réponse: Expression/Nature de pirrot, postée le 19-05-2011 à 19:52:47 (S | E)


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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