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Relative pronoun

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Relative pronoun
Message from vdmedragon posted on 11-05-2011 at 23:05:43 (D | E | F)

Could you help me please?
I have a sentence :

I want to visit the city A in the country B. The city A is very beautiful.
=> I want to visit the city A in the country B which is beautiful.
Does 'which' replace city A or country B?

Thanks for your explanation.
Edited by bridg on 11-05-2011 23:17

Edited by lucile83 on 12-05-2011 00:00
Correction of grammar + title

Re: Relative pronoun from notrepere, posted on 11-05-2011 at 23:27:10 (D | E)

If you rephrase your sentence, it wouldn't be so confusing:

Paris, which is a very beautiful city in France, is a place I want to visit.

In your example, it isn't clear whether 'which' replaces A or B. In general, if you can keep the relative pronoun close to the word it replaces then you (and your reader) won't have trouble understanding the meaning of the sentence.

Re: Relative pronoun from willy, posted on 12-05-2011 at 08:36:25 (D | E)

In conversations, you tend to use shorter sentences and avoid using relative clauses:

I'd like to visit Paris; it's said to be a very beautiful city.

Re: Relative pronoun from may, posted on 13-05-2011 at 21:31:04 (D | E)

I want to visit the city A in the country B. The city A is very beautiful.
I want to visit the city A in the country B which is beautiful.

This Which obviously replaces the country B, not the city A, however, we can avoid to be getting confused by placing the relative pronoun next to where it's supposed to be, for example:

I want to visit Paris in France. Paris is very beautiful.

I want to visit Paris which is a very beautiful city in France.

I want to visit A which is a very beautiful city in B.

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