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Correction monologue pour oral (1)

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Correction monologue pour oral
Message de arno79 posté le 03-01-2011 à 20:16:41
pour demain, je dois faire un monologue afin de l'exprimer à l'oral devant toute la classe et j'aimerais savoir où sont mes fautes, s'il vous plaît. Merci .

Last year, I was still in Mexico. Yet, with my wife Maggie, we decided to go to California in the United states.
We needed a great life for our baby. In mexico, we lived in a slum among illegal immigrants.
We had no job, no money and in brief, our life wasn't possible for a family.
Ten month ago, with the help of a smuggler, we crossed the border.
We hoped to find jobs and a house even though being undocumented, that seemed pretty hard?
Thankfully, we quickly found a sort of home to spend winter.
After a few weeks, we didn't have a lot of money yet. My wife found an illegal job but it wasn't sufficient.
We thought the USA would be like a new life for us but we were wrong.
The baby was born in March and we weren't able to give him a good life.
Whereas we were desperate, something happened ...
We won a green card ! I got a job and we could buy a real house !
Now, we have acceptable living conditions and our baby feel good. I mean we had lots of chance and, unfortunately, this is not the case for everyone.

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-01-2011 08:32

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-01-2011 08:25

Date trop rapprochée et dépassée;demande devenue inutile.

Réponse: Correction monologue pour oral de notrepere, postée le 04-01-2011 à 01:33:42

Pour demain, 4 janvier ? Il faut poster votre travail plus tôt pour que l'on puisse vous aider.

Réponse: Correction monologue pour oral de may, postée le 04-01-2011 à 02:58:10

However, yours is pretty good then

Last year, I was still in Mexico. Yet, with my wife Maggie, we decided to go to California in the United states.
We needed need another verb here a great life for our baby. In mexico, we lived in a slum among illegal immigrants.
We had no job, no money and in brief, our life wasn't possible for a family.
Ten month/plural ago, with the help of a smuggler, we crossed the border.
We hoped to find /autre verbe jobs and a house even though being undocumented, that seemed pretty hard/this is not a question ?
Thankfully, we quickly found a sort of home to spend prép.+article winter.
After a few weeks, we didn't have a lot of money yet. My wife found an illegal job but it wasn't sufficient/enough.
We thought the USA would be like a new life for us but we were wrong.
The baby was born in March and we weren't able to give him a good life.
Whereas/choisir un autre adverbe we were desperate, something happened ...
We won a green card ! I got a job and we could buy a real house !
Now, we have acceptable living conditions and our baby feel/choisir un autre verbe good. I mean we had lots of chance and but , unfortunately, this is not the case for everyone.

Bonne nuit,


Réponse: Correction monologue pour oral de dsmith, postée le 05-01-2011 à 04:28:26
Hello - one correction:

I mean we had lots of chance... mauvais traduction de "chance".

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