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A test

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A test
Message de marine211093 posté le 15-12-2010 à 19:28:28 (S | E | F)
Hi. Hello,
I am a student and tomorrow I have an oral examination. I'd like to know if there are mistakes in my text?
Thank you in advance

A nightmare journey

A nightmare journey I remember was seven years ago. I was going to Canary Islands with my parents. It was my first air travel…

We were waiting at the airport when someone told us that we could embark. We gave our boarding pass and we moved toward the plane. We sat down to our numbered seats and we waited. But we waited a very very long time… it missed a person because the plane from London was out late and someone from that plane was registered on the flight. So we had to wait for 2 hours sitting on the plane. It was very long. We were eager to take off. The person is finally arrived and the aircraft commander apologized. The plane was so late that he had to take off very quickly, and it took off when people were still standing. It was really hard to wait and I was very pleased to have arrived.

Edited by lucile83 on 15-12-2010 19:29
+ forum

Réponse: A test de gerondif, postée le 15-12-2010 à 19:44:21 (S | E)

A nightmare journey (vérifiez journey par rapport à trip)

A nightmare journey I remember was(ne va guère avec journey comme sujet, essayez to take place, ou alors deux phrases et la deuxième commence par "it was" 7 years ago) seven years ago. I was going to **** Canary Islands(déterminant, pays pluriel) with my parents. It was my first air travel…(vérifiez trip par rapport à travel)

We were waiting at the airport when someone told us that we could embark. We gave our boarding pass and we moved toward the plane. We sat down to(in?) our numbered seats and we waited. But we waited a very very long time… it missed a person(mettez a person comme sujet et miss en ing) because the plane from London was out late and someone from that plane was registered on the flight. So we had to wait for 2 hours sitting on the plane. It was very long. We were eager to take off. The person is finally arrived and the aircraft commander(d'habitude, c'est captain) apologized. The plane was so late that he (the plane or the captain ?)had to take off very quickly, and it took off when people were still standing. It was really hard to wait and I was very pleased when I arrived (serait mieux que:to have arrived.)

Réponse: A test de may, postée le 18-12-2010 à 03:44:48 (S | E)

Je voudrais ajouter quelques suggestions:

...because the plane from London was out late/...due to the delay of...

We were eager to take off/ Here, the plane takes off, not us

Best wishes,

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-12-2010 08:52

Réponse: A test de marine211093, postée le 19-12-2010 à 10:54:51 (S | E)

Hello, I've been I was here a few days ago for someone to correct my mistakes. My text was too short and I wanted to know if what I added is just?
Thank you.

A nightmare journey

I will explain my strange journey.It was seven years ago. I was going to Canary Islands with my parents. It was my first air trip.

It was Sunday. I woke up at 5 a.m in the morning , I was very tired. My father, my mother and me took the car to go to Geneva and we've done over 1 hour because there was lots of snow. I was eager to take the plane for the first time.
When we arrived to Geneva airport we deposited our luggage. After that we headed to the waiting hall. We were waiting when someone told us that we could embark.There were a lot of people and we had to queue. We gave our boarding pass and our identity card to a woman and we moved toward the plane. We sat down in our numbered seats and we waited that everybody was there. But we waited a very very long time… A person missing because the plane from London was out late and someone from that plane was registered on the flight. So we had to wait.Then we slept, talked, readed a book but it was very long. We were eager to take off. The person is finally arrived after 3 hours and the aircraft commander apologized. The plane was so late that it had to take off very quickly, and it took off when people were still standing. Then during the trip there were lots of clouds and there was a lot of shaking. I was afraid. Then we arrived and we had to pick up the luggage and they were not. We had to wait still 1 hour. It was a very long journey. But I spent a nice holiday .

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-12-2010 11:36
Merci de ne pas poster plusieurs fois le même sujet mais de regrouper les demandes similaires.


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