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Lettre de motivation en anglais

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Lettre de motivation en anglais
Message de bibis posté le 12-11-2010 à 19:17:30 (S | E | F)
Je suis étudiant en école d'ingénieur et je souhaite partir au Canada l'année prochaine, je dois donc faire une lettre de motivation à la responsable des filières de mon école en anglais, et j'aimerais avoir votre aide pour corriger mes fautes de langues.
Je vous en remercie d'avance.

Object : Personal training at mc master

Dear Mrs xxx

For my diploma to become an engineer, it is essential to have work experience in an English country. I'm never going to a foreign country, and I think to go to Canada to finish my vocational training at McMaster will be a good experience and an opportunity to discover a new culture, a country and its people but also to share with the foreign students the French values, my knowledge and my culture.. In addition Canada and its people are spoken well, and I always wanted to go to Canada to see its national parks.

Make my fifth semester at "McMaster" interests me strongly because I would like to become an engineer in materials and mechanics. McMaster University has a departement of materials science and mechanics, which are perfect for my personal training. If I choosed the filed of study SIM (Materials Science and Engineering) and particulary structural materials (MS) it's because I want to work in the future in the car industry or in the aviation. To go to McMaster University would be in the continuity of my professional project as engineer in material.

I would be very grateful if you would agree to let me go to McMaster University.
Study experience in Canadian University would enable me to improve my english skills, to gain the knowledge I need for my porfessional project and to gain the knowledge of international culture. This project is a real chance to discover other horizons that is why I hope that my enthusiasm will convince you.

Please find enclosed my CV. Thank you for considering my request.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully.

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-11-2010 19:24

Réponse: Lettre de motivation en anglais de notrepere, postée le 21-11-2010 à 22:38:15 (S | E)

For my diploma to become an engineer, it is essential to have work experience in an English-speaking country. I'm never going [mal dit] to a foreign country, and I think to go [gerund] to Canada to finish my vocational training at McMaster will ['would' est plus poli] be a good experience and an opportunity to discover a new culture, (a) country and its people but also to share with the foreign students the French values, my knowledge and my culture.. In addition[virgule] Canada and its people are spoken well [l'expression est 'well-spoken of'], and I always wanted to go to Canada to see its national parks.

Make [utilisez 'do' en forme d'un gérondif] my fifth semester at "McMaster" interests me strongly because I would like to become an engineer in materials and mechanics. McMaster University has a departement of materials science and mechanics, which are [singulier] perfect for my personal training. If I choosed the filed [orthographe] of study SIM (Materials Science and Engineering) and particulary structural materials (MS) it's because I want to work in the future in the car industry or in (the) aviation. To go to McMaster University would be in the continuity of my professional project (development) as an engineer in materials science..

I would be very grateful if you would agree to let me go to McMaster University.
Study experience in a Canadian University would enable me to improve my english skills, to gain the knowledge I need for my porfessional project (development) and to gain the knowledge of an international culture. This project is a real chance to discover other horizons and that is why I hope that my enthusiasm will convince you.

Réponse: Lettre de motivation en anglais de mhak, postée le 21-11-2010 à 23:33:15 (S | E)

Dear Mrs xxx

For my engineering diplomadiploma to become an engineer, it is essential to have work experience in an English country. I'm never going to a foreign country, and I think to go to Canada to finish my vocational training at McMaster will be a good experience and an While I have not yet travelled to a foreign country, I believe that going to Canada to complete my vocational training will not only provide me with the opportunity to discover a new culture, a country and its people but also allow me to share with the foreign students the French values, my knowledge and my culture.. In additionCanada and its people are well spoken well, and I always wanted to go to Canada there to see its national parks.

Make Completing my fifth semester at "McMaster" interests me strongly because I would like to become an engineer in materials and mechanics. McMaster University has a departement of materials science and mechanics, which are would be perfect for my personal training. If I choosed I have chosen the filed field of study SIM (Materials Science and Engineering) and in  particular particulary structural materials (MS) it's because in the future I want to work in the future in the car or aviation industry or in the aviation. To go Going to McMaster University would allow me to continue my professional path of be in the continuity of my professional project as engineer in material. 

I would be very grateful if you would accept my application to agree to let me go to McMaster University.
Study experience in Canadian University would enable me to improve my english skills, to gain the knowledge I need for my porfessional project and to gain the my knowledge of international cultures. This project presents me with a real opportunity to broaden my horizons is a real chance to discover other horizons that is why I hope that my enthusiasm will convince you that I would make an excellent candidate for your program. 

Please find enclosed my CV. Thank you for considering my request.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully. sincerely or respectfully

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-11-2010 07:44
Thank you for your help, but please give information about the errors you notice, don't give the correction.

Réponse: Lettre de motivation en anglais de bibis, postée le 22-11-2010 à 00:15:26 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour vos réponses (même si ma lettre de motivation a déjà été envoyer ). ça me servira pour mes prochaines lettres avenir et m'aidera à améliorer mon anglais.

Merci encore et bonne continuation


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