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<< Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de misterg posté le 08-06-2010 à 20:01:29 (S | E | F)

Hello everybody,
Je dois écrire une lettre pour décrire qu'elle quel genre d'appartement je souhaite à l'étranger. Pouvez-vous me dire si ce texte est juste. C'est juste un devoir pour l'école ce n'est pas une lettre personnelle.

Thank you very much for your reply and I am happy to be accepted for an internship in your company.

Concerning the accommodation, I am pleased to hear that you will be able to help.
I would like if possible an apartment with 2 rooms-flats in a nice part of town. I want to be close to downtown and nightlife but also near to my office. I think bring my cycle with me as I plan to use it to commute and see around. It is possible to find a security parking for my cycle and a quiet road away of circulation? As I don’t know Seoul, could you give me an idea of what apartment rental prices are like in general. My budget would be around 400euros per month.
Once again thank you for the offer ans I will answer to my questions.
Yours sincerely.
Merci d'avance.
Modifié par bridg le 08-06-2010 20:04

Réponse: Appartement/Correction de notrepere, postée le 09-06-2010 à 00:42:50 (S | E)

Concerning the accommodation, I am pleased to hear that you will be able to help.
I would like, if possible, an apartment with 2 rooms-flats in a nice part of town. I want to be close to downtown and nightlife but also near to my office. I think [pas un bon verbe] bring (to bring) my cycle with me as I plan to use it to commute and see around. It is (Is it) possible to find a security [in the form of an adjective] parking for my cycle and a quiet road away of circulation (from traffic)? As I don’t know Seoul, could you give me an idea of what apartment rental prices are like in general. My budget would be around 400euros per month.
Once again thank you for the offer ans I will answering to my questions.


<< Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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