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The horn - Verification texte

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The horn - Verification texte
Message de bonisar posté le 26-02-2010 à 20:38:40 (S | E | F)

je suis Margaux et j'ai 13 ans. j'ai préparé un texte sur un instrument de musique et je voudrais m'assurer qu'il n' y a pas de fautes; pouvez-vous m'aider ? merci par avance. à bientôt

The horn is a wind instrument that belongs to the brass family.
It can be both majestic and triumphant or sweet and a little melancholy.
It is found in symphony orchestras in the brass section.
Her mouthpiece is small and an internal conical shape. It is an instrument with a conical bore.
To play horn you insert your right hand in the bell in order to modify the sound. You push 3, 4 or 5 valve in order to change the level of the sound. The horn players can obtain a more dull sound by using a mute. We have a sound by blowing in the mouthpiece.
The 1st horn was made of natural conical pipes like horns of animals or shells. Those were in ivory called "horn knight". The horns of animals were quickly replaced by tubes designed by man.
Gradually, the first materials were replaced by metal to give it a more curved shape. He was used to send signals, coded warnings and to communicate messages. At the time, almost a thousand tones were created for each action. In the Middle Ages, it was used to announce the timing of meals and also for the military marches.
It is found in mountainous regions of Europe, Finland and Tibet.
It has undergone many changes :
- in the sixteenth century, we found it too small - under Louis XIV, we found it too big - finally, under Louis XV, it takes its final form

Modifié par bridg le 26-02-2010 21:10

Réponse: The horn - Verification texte de gerondif, postée le 27-02-2010 à 18:28:57 (S | E)
texte très technique et très pointu pour quelqu'un de 13 ans !à moins qu'un traducteur vous ait aidé...
The horn is a wind instrument that belongs to the brass family.
It can be both majestic and triumphant or sweet and a little melancholy.
It is found in symphony orchestras in the brass section.
Her(its, car c'est un objet) mouthpiece is small and an internal conical shape. It is an instrument with a conical bore.
To play horn you insert your right hand in the bell in order to modify the sound. You push 3, 4 or 5 valves in order to change the level of the sound. The horn players can obtain a more dull (adjectif court, comparatif en er)sound by using a mute. We(si c'est "on" que vous voulez traduire, "you" irait mieux) have a sound by blowing in the mouthpiece.
The 1st horn was made of natural conical pipes like horns of animals or shells. Those in ivory were called "horn knight". The horns of animals were quickly replaced by tubes designed by man.
Gradually, the first materials were replaced by metal to give it a more curved shape. He(it!) was used to send signals, coded warnings and to communicate messages. At the time, almost a thousand tones were created for each action. In the Middle Ages, it was used to announce the timing of meals and also for the military marches.
It is found in mountainous regions of Europe, Finland and Tibet.
It has undergone many changes :
- in the sixteenth century, we(people irait mieux: les gens) found it too small - under Louis XIV, we found it too big - finally, under Louis XV, it takes (présent de narration ou prétérit oublié ?)its final form


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