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Oral à corriger

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Oral à corriger
Message de hinata71 posté le 25-02-2010 à 14:56:27 (S | E | F)

Bonjour, j'ai besoin de vous pour m'aider à corriger mon oral svp , il y a surement des fautes =s , le sujet c'est de persuader les personnes d'acheter mon invention, là c'est la machine à laver ^^

Women lost a lot of time because they washed clothes with her hands. It was a big problem when she had a large
family, with many children. It took much time and it was exhausting. My washing machine is in the shape of a cube,
it's really heavy. Now I'll explain how my invention works. It turns clothes with water and washes it thanks to it
too and cleaning products for example detergents. My washing machine starts with electricity. Thanks to him you could wash your clothes more quickly and more easily. Imagine you've got a date, but you don't have the time to wash it with hands, put it in the washing machine and it will does all the work. Gain a lot of time with my useful invention, it can change your life for only five hundred pounds!! However, it can be dangerous for children, because it uses detergents which are toxic for the health. The washing machine consumes much energy and water. It doesn't save money.

Merci d'avance !14:57

Modifié par bridg le 25-02-2010 16:06

Réponse: Oral à corriger de gerondif, postée le 25-02-2010 à 16:07:56 (S | E)

traduction assez mécanique !
Attention ! clothes (les vêtements,le linge)est pluriel et sera remplacé par "them". votre texte est assez génial car en effet:

"Imagine you've got a date, but you don't have the time to wash it with hands, put it in the washing machine and it will does(incorrect il faut la base verbale) all the work. Gain a lot of time with my useful invention,"

imaginez que vous ayez un rendez-vous amoureux mais que vous n'ayez pas le temps de le laver à la main,mettez le dans la machine à laver et elle fera tout le travail à votre place ! Gagnez beaucoup de temps avec ma très utile invention !!!

En effet, plus la peine de perdre du temps à draguer quand la machine fait tout!


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