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My vacation-texte

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My vacation-texte
Message de patouch93 posté le 18-02-2010 à 12:19:57 (S | E | F)


Je dois préparer un devoir oral qui raconte nos vacances de carnaval. Cela doit durer trois minutes, est-ce que le texte que j'ai fait est correct à l'oral? Merci de corriger mes éventuelles fautes!

During my vacation of carnival, I did a lot of things. The celebration of Carnival is a great moment. But this year I didn't disguise. because I had no disguise.
I celebrated my birthday too. It was in February 17. Now I am 17 years old! Next year I could finally pass my driving test! It's so cool.
I received a lot of gifts for my birthday. Makeup, jewelry, books, candy, money… I invited my friends and we danced. A few days later, we did an evening with friends, we watched a horror movie and we ate pancakes. It was great! Around 9.00pm we said goodbye, and we returned home.
I have not been skiing during the vacation because of my leg problem. But I have been shopping to compensate. For earn money during this vacation of carnival, I'm baby-sitting. The children that I kept were really excited! And they wanted to disguise himself. So I have dressed they in Peter Pan and Snow White and we watched a movie. A few minutes later, they were asleep. Of course, during these vacation, I revise my English vocabulary too!

P.S: Il y a-t-il une différence entre ''vacation'' et ''holidays''?

Réponse: My vacation-texte de laure95, postée le 20-02-2010 à 15:24:41 (S | E)
Voici ce que tu dois corriger:

During my vacation of carnival, I did a lot of things. The celebration of Carnival is a great moment. But this year I didn't disguise. because I had no disguise.
I celebrated my birthday too. It was in (on) February 17th. Now I am 17 years old! Next year I could (will be able to) finally pass (faux ami!) my driving test! It's so cool.
I received a lot of gifts for my birthday. (mettre : et some) Makeup, jewelry, books, candy (le pluriel serait plus judicieux), money… I invited my friends and we danced. A few days later, we did an evening (mal dit) with friends, we watched a horror movie and we ate pancakes. It was great! Around 9.00pm we said goodbye to one another, and we returned home.
I have not been skiing during the vacation because of my leg problem. But I have been shopping to compensate. For (pour: FOR + NOM, TO + VERBE) earn money during this vacation of carnival, I'm (temps) baby-sitting. The children that I kept (pas le bon verbe) were really excited! And they wanted to disguise himself (pas le bon pronom réfléchi). So I have dressed they (il faut mettre le pronom complément) in Peter Pan and Snow White and we watched a movie. A few minutes later, they were (fell) asleep. Of course, during these vacation (pluriel), I revise my English vocabulary too!

P.S: Il y a-t-il une différence entre ''vacation'' et ''holidays''?
je ne sais pas

Réponse: My vacation-texte de lucile83, postée le 20-02-2010 à 17:23:48 (S | E)
Merci de faire un double clic sur le mot et vous obtenez un dictionnaire en ligne qui vous donnera toutes les informations.



Réponse: My vacation-texte de patouch93, postée le 21-02-2010 à 12:00:40 (S | E)
Merci pour votre aide!

Réponse: My vacation-texte de patouch93, postée le 21-02-2010 à 12:05:33 (S | E)
Ah, pis juste encore une petite question...comment on pourrait dire garder des enfants? Si ce n'est pas ''kept''?

Réponse: My vacation-texte de dolfine56, postée le 21-02-2010 à 14:16:06 (S | E)
Hello patouch,
tu fais un double-click sur le verbe "garder", et tu verras que "garder quelqu'un" se dit "to look after."
Lien Internet


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