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Correction/choose my orientation

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Correction/choose my orientation
Message de beck001 posté le 07-02-2010 à 17:28:18 (S | E | F)

bonjour j'ai une rédaction a faire comme DM et je pense que j'ai fait une multitude d'erreur !! Quelqu'un pourrait il la lire et me dire met faute merci !!!!

ME : Mummy Daddy i want to tell you something. Today, the limit time to choose my orientation
for years to come, approaching. Since more week, i had thinked about it.

PARENT: really !!!

ME: I had decided to stop my studies even if i fail my diploma

PARENT : why did you choose it ?

ME: I have an artistic hobby. I have always liked writing as far back as I can remember. But it's since that I am a fifteen year old that I really write (in particular about various subjects of life which sometimes are serious). Now I have hundreds of paper sheets filled of my writings. It's a kind of outlet for anger and others feelings. I can all allow myself, I can unwind without that I obstructing the others.

PARENT: why did you keep the silence ?

ME :Not many people know about it. In fact, for my part, it's a good means to think of another thing, and either with the daily routine. I was in full crisis of adolescence when writing was beneficial to me. It helped me to express myself better (even if it weren't oral speaking). I could turned out badly but this art was like a revelation. It's my best friend in high school who made me discover this “gift”. She encouraged me to proceed in this way and thanks to her I made phenomenal progress. I would never thank her enough for that! And, from this moment on-wards there, it's my hobby for life!

PARENT: You can't stay away at home and « write » without working

ME : but it's a job !!!! more over i won't stay at home . I would like travelled because the imagination is an important tool for a writter. To meet some culture, to see some landscape let to developpe it. So i need to finance this journey !

PARENT : Are you crazy ? Go away in another countries isn't to study. Then we can't pay …..

ME: it' my dream !! How could you be against the dreams of your child ? You would do that my dream come true

PARENT : we aren't against the idea that you become writer but you can't stop your studies like that
they are some schools which

ME : yes but it's very difficult to enter on these schools

PARENT : if it's your hooby, you work and as your have said , it's your gift there are not reason to fail, whatever happens we help you to arrive at your goal if it's possible

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-02-2010 17:41
Traducteur en ligne ??

Réponse: Correction/choose my orientation de binbon, postée le 07-02-2010 à 17:45:34 (S | E)

Je suis de l'avis de lucile83. Cela ressemble beaucoup à un texte de traducteur en ligne.

A bientôt.

Réponse: Correction/choose my orientation de beck001, postée le 07-02-2010 à 18:26:26 (S | E)
non je vous assure que je les fait seul même si je me suis servie d'un traducteur en ligne pour quelque expression sinon tout a était fait par moi

Réponse: Correction/choose my orientation de brest_flo, postée le 07-02-2010 à 18:34:10 (S | E)
Pour ma part, lorsqu'on me soumet un texte, comme dans ce cas, sans me fournir ce qu'on a voulu dire en français, c'est assez difficile d'y apporter des corrections. Si on se contente de corriger ce qui nous semble faux, on tombe parfois à côté de ce que la personne a voulu dire initialement.
Je pense que les personnes susceptibles d'avoir un peu de temps à t'accorder pour t'aider y verraient plus clair en ayant l'équivalent français de ce que tu as écrit.

Réponse: Correction/choose my orientation de beck001, postée le 07-02-2010 à 18:38:23 (S | E)
???? si tu a d'autre conseil de se genre ces bon non merci !!!

Réponse: Correction/choose my orientation de beck001, postée le 07-02-2010 à 18:48:43 (S | E)
quelqu' un pour m'aidez ( réellement )

Réponse: Correction/choose my orientation de beck001, postée le 07-02-2010 à 19:15:32 (S | E)
dsl brest flo c pas a toi je parler mais en effet tu a raison


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