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Texte à trous
Message de poilou2607 posté le 21-12-2009 à 17:09:35 (S | E | F)

je dois compléter le texte à trous suivant, en trouvant à chaque fois le bon mot ( les trous sont précédés d'un nombre de 16 à 31 ) :

What’s in a name?

How do people choose names (16)_of_their babies? In the past, many names were chosen for (17)_belong to_religious associations or because of national or family tradition. If a boy’s great-grandfather; his grandfather and father were all called Patrick, then (18)_it_was very likely that the new born baby would be called Patrick as (19)_predecessors_. Sometimes parents wanted to please a wealthy or much loved relative (20)_by_naming the baby after him or her and in countries(21)_like_as Spain a child was often given the name of the saint whose feast day coincided (22)_at_the birth. Mostly names (23)_with_good connotations, thought there are exceptions. Parents in some parts of the world gave their babies names like ‘Ugly’ or ‘Disagreeable’ so as to (24)_be_ the child unattractive to demons.

Nowadays the main consideration in most English-speaking countries seems to be fashion combined with (25)_how_the name sounds. New names are sometimes invented simply (26)_because_they sound pleasant. In Britain the influence of television soaps, oppo music and Hollywood is clear as is the increasing appeal (27)_for_ less common names. In the United States current naming trends include naming children after places, using traditional last names as first names and borrowing (28)_to_ other languages and cultures.

There are hundreds of books and even web sites devoted (29)_a_ listing names for anxious parents who still can’t make (30)_in_ their minds. Despite the almost bewildering range of choices plenty of children still end up in classrooms where thress, four or even more of their classmates have the (31)_same_ name.

Pourriez vous s'il vous plait, le corriger ou me proposer des solutions...
Merci d'avance

Modifié par bridg le 21-12-2009 19:25

Réponse: Texte à trous de seb06000, postée le 21-12-2009 à 17:28:07 (S | E)

je souligne ceux qui ne marchent pas!

hat’s in a name?

How do people choose names (16)_of_their babies? In the past, many names were chosen for (17)_belong to_religious associations or because of national or family tradition. If a boy’s great-grandfather; his grandfather and father were all called Patrick, then (18)_it_was very likely that the new born baby would be called Patrick as (19)_predecessors_. Sometimes parents wanted to please a wealthy or much loved relative (20)_by_naming the baby after him or her and in countries(21)_like_as Spain a child was often given the name of the saint whose feast day coincided (22)_at_the birth. Mostly names (23)_with_good connotations, thought there are exceptions. Parents in some parts of the world gave their babies names like ‘Ugly’ or ‘Disagreeable’ so as to (24)_be_ the child unattractive to demons.

Nowadays the main consideration in most English-speaking countries seems to be fashion combined with (25)_how_the name sounds. New names are sometimes invented simply (26)_because_they sound pleasant. In Britain the influence of television soaps, oppo music and Hollywood is clear as is the increasing appeal (27)_for_ less common names. In the United States current naming trends include naming children after places, using traditional last names as first names and borrowing (28)_to_ other languages and cultures.

There are hundreds of books and even web sites devoted (29)_a_ listing names for anxious parents who still can’t make (30)_in_ their minds. Despite the almost bewildering range of choices plenty of children still end up in classrooms where thress, four or even more of their classmates have the (31)_same_ name.




Réponse: Texte à trous de poilou2607, postée le 21-12-2009 à 17:44:49 (S | E)
Merci Sebastien...
Alors pour le 17 je propose : by et pour le 29 , je ne vois pas ce qui ne va pas...

Réponse: Texte à trous de poilou2607, postée le 21-12-2009 à 17:46:54 (S | E)
J'ai trouvé : "by" pour le 17
et "to" pour le 29 ???

Réponse: Texte à trous de seb06000, postée le 21-12-2009 à 18:03:00 (S | E)
re bonjour,

je suis d'accord avec le 29 mais pas avec le 17

Et oui je confirme mes réponses!




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