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Describe the market

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Describe the market
Message de epinay posté le 29-11-2009 à 00:41:19 (S | E | F)

Hello Everybody,

I have to describle the market,please can you help and correct it thank you in advance
Here my desciption:
I saw that the market find in the street,and there are two rows of various vegetables ,fruits ,pork meats,flowers.I saw a man who sells newspapers,father at the left a woman takes her change,then on the right there is another woman who pushes her stroller.Behind the market,there was a big building with windows open.At the beginning of the market there are two trees one at the left in front of vegetables and other one behind the stand meat.

Thank you for the corrections.

Best Wishes

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-11-2009 14:04
Faute dans titre

Réponse: Describe the market de seb06000, postée le 29-11-2009 à 06:58:43 (S | E)

A bit of help

I have to describle( ortho) the market,please can you help and correct it thank you in advance
Here my desciption (ortho) :

I saw that the market find( meaning? sens?) in the street,and there are two rows of various vegetables ,fruits ,pork meats,flowers.I saw a man who sells newspapers,father at the left( mal dit, wrong expression) a woman takes her change,then on the right there is another woman who pushes her stroller.Behind the market,there was a big building with windows open( adjective is put before the noun) .At the beginning of the market there are two trees one at the left in front of vegetables and other one behind the stand meat( meat is like an adjective, so wrong place).



Réponse: Describe the market de epinay, postée le 29-11-2009 à 19:56:47 (S | E)
Hello Seb 06000,

Sorry for this delay and I thank for your great help.
I hope that I corrected the faults underled.

-I have to describe the market , please can you help and correct it thank you in advance.
-Here my description:
-( J'avais vu que the marché était dans une rue , pas dans une place couverte)
-I saw that the market was in a street not in a covered place, and there are two rows of various vegetables , fruits, pork meats, flowers
-I saw a man sells newspapers, father on the left, I see a woman who takes her
change, and then on the right there is another a woman who pushes her troller.
-Behind the market, there was a big building with open windows.
-At the beginning of the market there are two trees, one on the left in front of vegetables and other one behind the meat stand.

If you have little time, could you give me some ideas for improve my text.

See you soon

Réponse: Describe the market de nsopie, postée le 30-11-2009 à 09:00:19 (S | E)

a bit help

Have here some ideas to improve your description.
- market is not only along the road
- different council have to delimited the market's area and position
- to have this description easier, you should take and market as an example
- you can't say that "i saw a man sells" but "the sellers use to...." will be better
- describe how is different part of market
- give the name of market you want to describe
- give the name of Town and council

i think that stand by this will beter

Réponse: Describe the market de epinay, postée le 30-11-2009 à 21:18:19 (S | E)
Hello Nsopie,

Thank you a lot for your good ideas, this way , I am going to use in my text , to improve my description.

Could you tell me if my sentence is correct, and if it isn't correct , give an exemple better if possible.

My friend send me a pair of shoes the same foot can exchange it thank you.
(Car j'ai reçu une paire de chaussures du même pied)

Best wishes

Réponse: Describe the market de epinay, postée le 01-12-2009 à 22:17:01 (S | E)
Hello everybody
Could you tell me if my sentence is correct , and if isn't correct ,can you
give me an exemple better if possible,thank you a lot.
My friend send me a pair of shoes the same foot and I would like said her ,
like this :

Hello dear Kate,

How are you, how is your husband and your children. I would like
to thank you for having send me a pair of shoes, but there is a little
problem , because you send me a pair of shoes of the same foot, can you exchange it please.
Hello to your husband and your children.
Big kiss

Réponse: Describe the market de epinay, postée le 04-12-2009 à 18:57:47 (S | E)
Hello everybody

Thank you for your help!
Best Wishes


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