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Oral à corriger.

<< Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral à corriger.
Message de irenaaaaaa posté le 25-11-2009 à 14:33:47 (S | E | F)

Demain, je dois passer 1 minute à l'oral en anglais ; pouvez-vous me dire si j'ai des fautes dans le texte que j'ai préparé ? Merci d'avance.

My name is Irena, I am thirteen years old. I leave in Paris with my mother, my father, my sister and my brother. I like swimming, playing tennis, go to the cinema and watching TV . My first sister love shopping, reading a book and listening to music but my second sister hates reading a book but enjoy dancing, sleeping, and take the photography. My brother is nice but very boring he likes all the sports but don't like spider and snake.
My mother is Sylivie, I love shopping with my sister and me. she enjoy too runnnig and draw but hates basketball. My father adore reading a bike, playing football and walk with my dog but he dislikes and cooking. My brother and my father likes fishing but my sister and me doesn't.
At the weekend my father and my mother like going to the swimming pool.

Modifié par bridg le 25-11-2009 16:09

Réponse: Oral à corriger. de seb06000, postée le 25-11-2009 à 17:36:56 (S | E)

My name is Irena, I am thirteen years old. I leave (orth => to leave: quitter) in Paris with my mother, my father, my sister and my brother. I like swimming, playing tennis, go (il manque la forme ING) to the cinema and watching TV . My first sister love ( present simple; 3éme personne donc...) shopping, reading a book and listening to music but my second sister hates reading a book but enjoy (idem) dancing, sleeping, and take (idem) the (article inutile mais il faut mettre le nom au pluriel) photography. My brother is nice but very boring he likes all the sports but don't (3éme personne....) like spider and snake.
My mother is Sylivie, I (qui aime ?) love shopping with my sister and me. she enjoy (3eme personne...) too runnnig (ortho) and draw (il manque l'ING) but hates basketball. My father adore (3éme personne) reading (ortho => to read = lire) a bike, playing football and walk (Ing) with my dog but he dislikes cooking. My brother and my father likes ( c'est un pluriel donc...) fishing but my sister and me doesn't( pluriel doesn't ne marche pas)
At the weekend my father and my mother like going to the swimming pool


Bon courage


Réponse: Oral à corriger. de frenchieinla, postée le 28-11-2009 à 03:41:49 (S | E)
My first sister ----> my older sister

At weekends/on weekends, my father and my mother like going to the swimming pool.

Réponse: Oral à corriger. de mapdark, postée le 28-11-2009 à 06:20:43 (S | E)

My name is Irena, I am thirteen years old. I live in Paris with my mother, my father, my sister and my brother. I like swimming, playing tennis, going to the MOVIE THEATER and to watch TV (la derniere action d'une phrase avec une liste d'action ne se fini JAMAIS en ING). My first sister loves shopping, reading books and listening to music WHILE my second sister hates reading books but enjoys dancing, sleeping, and to take photographs. My brother is nice but very boring. He likes all sports but doesn't like spiders and snakes.
My mother is called Sylivie, she loves shopping with my sister and me. she enjoys running and drawing as well but hates basketball. My father loves riding a bike, playing football and to walk with my dog but he dislikes cooking. My brother and my father like fishing but my sister and I don't
During weekends , my father and my mother like going to the swimming pool.


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