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Message de lixo posté le 04-11-2009 à 06:07:48 (S | E | F)

Bonjour ou Bonsoir, j'avais une traduction à faire en anglais d'un texte en français:

A mon avis, les parents ne devraient pas dire à leurs enfants que faire de leurs vies.
A un certain âge, les parents devraient laisser les enfants prendre des décisions, cela leur permettraient de se responsabiliser, de prendre leurs vies en main de façon à voler un jour de leur propre aile afin d’atteindre les objectifs fixés.
Les parents devraient plus avoir le rôle de conseiller, d’accompagnateur, de soutien et non celui de manager dans la vie de leur enfant.
Ils devraient les encourager dans leurs démarches plutôt que de les forcer à réaliser un de leur rêve qui n’a pas abouti.
Les parents ne devraient pas imposer certaines décisions qui pour eux sont les bonnes alors que les enfants n’ont pas la même vision des choses.
Lorsqu’un parent décide à la place de l’enfant, cela peut poser problème, car celui-ci ne voulant pas le décevoir va entrer dans le « cercle du travail », oubliant par conséquent les plaisirs de la vie (amis, sorties, hobbies) et s’écartant peu à peu du quotidien.
En cas d’échec, les difficultés se multiplient et les symptômes les plus fréquents sont la dépression, la drogue et/ou le suicide.
Selon moi, la réussite d’un enfant dans la vie de tous les jours (milieu professionnel et personnel) ne se résume pas à la volonté des parents mais à l’envie, au sérieux de l’enfant et aux encouragements de ses parents.
Ce sont tous ces facteurs qui favoriseront la réussite.

Voici ma traduction:

To my opinion, the parents should not tell their children what to do with their lives. At certain age, the parents should let the children make decisions; it would allow them to give responsibilities, to take their lives in hand so as to fly one day of their own wing to reach the fixed objectives.
The parents should more have the role of adviser, guide, support and not that of the manager in the life of their child.
They should encourage them in their steps rather than to force them to realize one of their dreams which did not succeed.
The parents should not impose certain decisions which for them are the maids while the children have no same vision of things.
When a parent decides on the place of the child, it can raise problem, because this one not wanting to disappoint him, is going to enter in the " circle of the work ", forgetting consequently the pleasures of the life (friends, trips, hobbies) and deviating little by little from the everyday life.
In case of failure, the difficulties multiply and the most frequent symptoms are the depression, the drug and\or the suicide.
According to me, the success of a child in the daily life (professional and personal environment) does not amount to the will of the parents but to the desire, seriously of the child and in the encouragements of his parents.
It is all these factors which will facilitate the success.

Je pense qu'il y a surtout des fautes grammaticales.
Merci de bien vouloir m'aider! Mes sincères salutations!

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-11-2009 06:37

Réponse: Correction/parents-enfants de seb06000, postée le 04-11-2009 à 07:23:41 (S | E)

je vous laisse les indications de correction

To my opinion, the parents should not tell their children what to do with their lives. At certain age (expression à revoir) , the parents should let the children make decisions; it would allow (voc) them to give (voc) responsibilities, to take their lives in hand so as to fly one day of their own wing (calque du français) to reach the fixed objectives.
The parents should more have the role of adviser, guide, support and not that of the manager in the life of their child.
They should encourage them in their steps (voc) rather than to force them to realize one of their dreams which did not succeed.
The parents should not impose certain decisions which for them are the maids while the children have no same vision of things.
When a parent decides on the place (voc) of the child, it can raise problem (voc), because this one not wanting (verbe?) to disappoint him, is going to enter in the " circle of the work " (calque du français), forgetting consequently the pleasures of the ( pas d'article, Life est ici une notion) life (friends, trips, hobbies) and deviating little by little from the everyday life.
In case of failure, the difficulties multiply and the most frequent symptoms are the depression, the drug and\or the suicide ( pas d'article pour les mêmes raisons) .
According to me, the success of a child in the daily life (professional and personal environment) does not amount to the will of the parents but to the desire, seriously (voc) of the child and in the encouragements of his parents.
It is all these factors which will facilitate the success.

Voilà, ce sont des détails de voc!



Réponse: Correction/parents-enfants de lixo, postée le 04-11-2009 à 14:59:10 (S | E)
Merci pour ton aide Sebastien, voici la correction:

To my opinion, the parents should not tell their children what to do with their lives. At elderly, the parents should let the children make decisions; it would permit them to give a sense of responsibility, to take their lives in hand so as to stand, one day, on one’s own two feet to reach the fixed objectives.
The parents should more have the role of adviser, guide, support and not that of the manager in the life of their child.
They should encourage them in their process rather than to force them to realize one of their dreams which did not succeed.
The parents should not impose certain decisions which for them are the maids while the children have no same vision of things.
When a parent decides instead of the child, it can pose problem, because this one don’t wanting (participle present)to disappoint him, is going to enter in the "work’s circle ", forgetting consequently the pleasures of life (friends, trips, hobbies) and deviating little by little from the everyday life.
In case of failure, the difficulties multiply and the most frequent symptoms are depression, drug and\or suicide.
According to me, the success of a child in the daily life (professional and personal environment) does not amount to the will of the parents but to the desire, conscientiously of the child and in the encouragements of his parents.
It is all these factors which will facilitate the success.

Il y a certaines expressions que j'ai cherché mais dont je ne suis pas sur comme : "A un certain age"!
Je te/vous remercie d'avance!! Cordialement!


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