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<< Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de lilou31 posté le 02-11-2009 à 14:06:31 (S | E | F)

Voila mon exercice d'anglais, pouvez vous me le corriger s'il vous plait.

Today, the United States appear as the only superpower to the world. They dominate not only in the political and economic domains, but also in terms of culture. At present, their culture practices all over the world. The United States export their vision of the world and their world of life. His fast extension is often associated with the globalization. The Americans knew how to make of American way of life a model cultural which symbolizes the progress and the modernity. How this power this manifest you she and which are the consequences of such an imperialism? First of all, what comes to the spirit as soon as we speak about the United States according to Ian Ralston, it is the films of Hollywood. Hollywood governs the world market of the film, it is the film capital of the world. That is (That is to say) in 2004, the United States produced 460 films against 204 for France. The American cinematographic industry produced true classics as Grease, Lord of the Boxing rings, Forrest Gump, Jurassic Park, Independence Day, or series such as Desperate Housewives, Break prison, CSI, NCIS, and Friends. The advent of the television in the 1950s shook Hollywood, but both have eventually coexists. Furthermore, present everywhere, the American musical industry is the most powerful to the world. She rests on diverse musical interbreedings. The afro-American influence is essential, and it is the singings of the slaves that gave birth to the blues. As for the jazz, he appeared at the beginning of the XXth century in New Orleans. But the first American musical commercial success, it is the rythm' n blues, originally a music was played by Blacks for a public white. Got back by the Whites in the trail of Elvis Presley, he gives birth to the rock and roll. As regards the rap, it is about the music of the poor areas of America. Now the literature also begins to take more and more space. The United States engendered a prosperous literature. Nathaniel Hawthorne, Emily Dickinson, then, in the modern era, Francis Scott Fitzgerald, Arthur Miller are a part of essential authors.We can easily observe the omnipresence of the American culture. In the first place, in France, the Rap and the RNB are the most listened to musical styles. In the same way, France ventures on the globalization with certain producers in the cinema who adopted an approach international as Luc Besson. Furthermore, the English-American language is the mother tongue of seven hundred and twenty million persons. She contributes strongly to the globalization. She especially stands out as the language of international communication. His knowledge is indispensable in numerous domains. She spreads in four corners of the globe. That is words as jeans, fast food become universal. As regards the fashion, numerous persons are inspired by looks discovered in magazines American as Glamour or Fashion. The Americans also transported their mode of food. The appearance of fast foods such as McDonalds, the American giant entailed a new mode of food in families. .Besides, in France, the baseball, the American football and the basketball develop more and more favour sucked them in America.

Merci beaucoup


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