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sciences (1)

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Message de eleni posté le 08-01-2008 à 11:41:47 (S | E | F)


There is a school subject called "science". Can you explain me what it is ? I know about physics,chemistry, but science?

Modifié par bridg le 09-02-2008 16:34

Réponse: sciences de TravisKidd, postée le 08-01-2008 à 15:32:09 (S | E)
"Science" is the general word. Physics and chemistry are specific areas of science. If you are young (say, 10 years old), you don't distinguish between the different areas of science; you simply study "science".

Réponse: sciences de dess2211, postée le 09-01-2008 à 14:53:34 (S | E)
I have the same problem.I only think that sicence may include part of physics.

Réponse: sciences de tiamo, postée le 10-01-2008 à 02:53:53 (S | E)
All three are science subjects : biology is the study of living things, Chemistry is the study of the physical nature of the universe but not looking too deeply, physics is the same only looking as deeply as possible. Hence, chemists decided that matter couldn't be destroyed ; it took Einstein a physicist (though he was called a mathematician) to prove otherwise.

Modifié par willy le 13-01-2008 11:01

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