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Let's suggest 71/Taking a break 17

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Let's suggest 71/Taking a break 17
Message de here4u posté le 27-09-2024 à 12:16:23 (S | E | F)
Hello dears,

Here is (again! ) an easy exercise that everyone can do.

Je sais que l'Expression libre est la compétence la plus difficile à bien acquérir dans l'apprentissage d'une langue, même si elle est notre langue maternelle, d'ailleurs...

Certains m’avaient dit être gênés d’exprimer des idées personnelles (surtout qu’ils avaient l’impression – souvent fausse – de les exprimer maladroitement. ) Cependant, je ne vous demande pas de " raconter votre vie " si vous ne le désirez pas... Je souhaite juste vous voir vous exprimer sur tout sujet aussi " librement " que possible.
De plus, je pense que vous aurez maintenant compris que pour moi, toute expression, même maladroite, est intéressante et a de la valeur. Elle nous stimule tous à " trouver mieux " !

Voici les questions auxquelles vous pouvez répondre.

1. What is your best way to relax?

2. Are you good at telling jokes? You can tell us one is you want!

3. What is the best memory of your childhood?

4. What sort of restaurants do you prefer?

Vous pouvez choisir 1 ou 2 questions au choix – en notant bien les références - et développer celle(s) que vous voulez, jusqu’à atteindre en tout un maximum d’environ 15 0 mots.

Envoyez-moi vos réponses en mp et je publierai une première série que vous 'corrigerez' (en bleu d’abord pendant deux jours) puis en vert… et je publierai ensuite la deuxième série... (sans changements donc ! ) Vous gagnez de la liberté (celle de ne pas parler de plusieurs sujets, ceux qui ne vous " inspirent pas "... Vous écrivez la longueur que vous voulez, vous pouvez choisir d'inventer, de plaisanter, ou de répondre avec sérieux... Nous vous suivrons !

Cet exercice sera pour vous un ou en fonction de la qualité de vos écrits et des difficultés (surmontées) dans la prestation...

Cet exercice sera corrigé (j'espère !) le vendredi 11 octobre 2024 ! Go for it! with THE FORCE.

Réponse : Let's suggest 71/Taking a break 17 de here4u, postée le 28-09-2024 à 11:06:05 (S | E)
Hello dears,

You're so fast!
Here is our ANSWER A:Topic 4: Please, indicate possible mistake and underline what looks clumsy to you.

When I go to a restaurant, it's to celebrate a special event.The meal in a restaurant must be an exceptional moment.
I don't see the point of going to a restaurant to eat a steak and fries or a pasta dish.
I prefer to pay for a diner in a starred restaurant. which each time leaves me with an unforgettable memory.
Even if you don't have a lot of money, it is definitely worth saving up even forth months, to experience such refinement. You would be stunned by the decoration of the room, and tables, the presentation of the dishes on the plates, the flavors, and impeccable service. Everything is luxury, beautiful and meals are fabulously tasty. It's just fun.

Thanks for your help!

Réponse : Let's suggest 71/Taking a break 17 de happynutmeg13, postée le 28-09-2024 à 17:13:07 (S | E)

I cannot see a lot to change...

When I go to a restaurant, it's to celebrate a special event.The meal in a restaurant must be an exceptional moment.
I don't see the point of going to a restaurant to eat a steak and fries or a pasta dish.
I prefer to pay for a diner in a starred restaurant. which each time leaves me with an unforgettable memory.
Even if you don't have a lot of money, it is definitely worth saving up even fforth months, to experience such refinement. You would be stunned (tense?) by the decoration of the room, and tables, the presentation of the dishes on the plates, the flavors, and xx impeccable service. Everything is luxury, beautifulx and meals are fabulously tasty. It's just fun.

Réponse : Let's suggest 71/Taking a break 17 de magie8, postée le 02-10-2024 à 02:43:10 (S | E)

I cannot see a lot to change...

When I go to a restaurant, it's to celebrate a special event.The meal in a restaurant must be an exceptional moment.
I don't see the point of going to a restaurant to eat a steak and fries or a pasta dish.
I prefer to pay for a diner in a starred restaurant. which each time leaves me with an unforgettable memory.
Even if you don't have a lot of money, it is definitely worth saving up even (for months, to experience such refinement. (You will be stunned by the decoration of the room, and tables, the presentation of the dishes on the plates, the flavors, and (an impeccable service. Everything is luxury, ( beautifully and meals are fabulously tasty. It's just fun.

Réponse : Let's suggest 71/Taking a break 17 de gerold, postée le 02-10-2024 à 07:34:31 (S | E)

In addition to Magie's remarks :

When I go to a restaurant, it's to celebrate a special event. A (it's not a particular meal) meal in a restaurant must be an exceptional moment.
I don't see the point of going to a restaurant to eat a steak and fries or a pasta dish.
I prefer to pay for a diner in a starred restaurant,, (comma instead of full stop) which each time leaves me with an unforgettable memory.
Even if you don't have a lot of money, it is definitely worth saving up even (for months, to experience such refinement. (You will be stunned by the decoration of the room, and tables, the presentation of the dishes on the plates, the flavors, and (an* impeccable service. Everything is (luxurious and beautiful, and meals are fabulously tasty**. It's just fun.

* Not sure about this "an" : "Today's customers demand impeccable service and ..." (found on Internet)
** Or luxurious, beautiful and fabulously tasty (to avoid 2 "and").

Réponse : Let's suggest 71/Taking a break 17 de here4u, postée le 02-10-2024 à 23:19:30 (S | E)
Hello dears!

I'm back! Terribly aching and hobbling...
Let's hope the drugs in my system will not have too many side effects on me...

Now, we're expecting Let's suggest Answer B

Réponse : Let's suggest 71/Taking a break 17 de here4u, postée le 03-10-2024 à 22:35:11 (S | E)
Hello dears writers and correctors!

Here is our ANSWER B: please indicate possible mistakes and underline what is clumsy in the text.

Topic 3. What is the best memory of your childhood?

A lot of my good childhood's memories are connected to my grandmother; one of them is the time I spent with her, in the very village where she used to come on holidays as a child, among her grand-parents, cousins, aunts and uncles. I especially remember one afternoon, when she took me to some place where she knew we could pick raspberries; while eating the amazingly tasty little fruits, she explained this family from the past to me: Uncle Joseph with his forge, Aunt Marie, who was so talented for embroidery, and so many more I've now forgotten. All of them came alive to my eyes, so vivid and enthusiastic was her talk.
For no reason, I was fond of those people, and I could feel that a part of them was still living in my grandmother, and in me too, through the stories she shared about them." 150 words

Thanks for your help!

Réponse : Let's suggest 71/Taking a break 17 de here4u, postée le 05-10-2024 à 16:05:53 (S | E)

No indication!? It's true that the ANSWER is pretty good! Not much to correct...

Topic 3. What is the best memory of your childhood?

A lot of my good childhood's memories are connected to my grandmother; one of them is the time I spent with her, in the very village where she used to come on holidays as a child, among her grand-parents, cousins, aunts and uncles. I especially remember one afternoon, when she took me to some place where she knew we could pick raspberries; while eating the amazingly tasty little fruits, she explained this family from the past to me: Uncle Joseph with his forge, Aunt Marie, who was so talented for embroidery, and so many more I've now forgotten. All of them came alive to my eyes, so vivid and enthusiastic was her talk.
For no reason, I was fond of those people, and I could feel that a part of them was still living in my grandmother,(ambiguous) and in me too, through the stories she shared about them." 150 words

Thanks for your help!

Réponse : Let's suggest 71/Taking a break 17 de here4u, postée le 07-10-2024 à 12:02:13 (S | E)
Hello dears!

Green hoped for!

Réponse : Let's suggest 71/Taking a break 17 de gerold, postée le 07-10-2024 à 13:43:26 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u!

Topic 3. What is the best memory of your childhood?

A lot of my childhood's good memories (but I'm not sure about this possessive)/my good childhood memories (with childhood used as an adjective/the good memories of my childhood
are connected to my grandmother; one of them is the time I spent with her, in the very village where she used to come on holidays as a child, among her grand-parents, cousins, aunts and uncles. I especially remember one afternoon, when she took me to some place where she knew we could pick raspberries; while eating the amazingly tasty little fruits, she explained introduced this family from the past my ancestors to me: Uncle Joseph with his forge, Aunt Marie, who was so talented for at (or had such a talent for) embroidery, and so many more I've now forgotten. All of them came alive to my eyes, so vivid and enthusiastic was her talk her talk was ??? (but this inversion seems fine to me).
For no reason, I was fond of those people, and I could feel that a part of them was still living in my grandmother,(ambiguous) in my grandmother's mind and in mine too, through the stories she shared about them." 150 words

Réponse : Let's suggest 71/Taking a break 17 de here4u, postée le 09-10-2024 à 16:10:05 (S | E)
Hello dears,

Answer C:

I like the restaurant with my friends or family : just the pleasure of sitting in front of a table with poeple I love and eat good plain food. It maybe steack and chips, or chicken and mashed potatos, with sauce in the middle of the little potato-volcano ... Restaurant must be pleasure of to be together and speak and laugh, and be served at the table and not worry if the steack will be under or over done. It's not what is important...
I would not go to a gastronomic restaurant where you have to choose between four glasses and three forks... Yo must be smartly dressed and lift your little finger when you eat. The waiters and waitresses make you look important and worthy. Don't forget to take a photo of your plate: the photo is the symbol of the meal. The photo will be showed and put on social mediasand prove that one day, you were happy... 160 words

Indications in blue today, and suggestions in green tomorrow... for your help!

Réponse : Let's suggest 71/Taking a break 17 de gerold, postée le 09-10-2024 à 20:22:26 (S | E)

Answer C:

I like the restaurant with my friends or family : just xx the pleasure of sitting in front of a table with poeple I love and eat good plain food. It maybe steack and chips, or chicken and mashed potatos, with sauce in the middle of the little potato-volcano ... Restaurant must be pleasure of to be together and speak and laugh, and be served at the table and not worry if the steack will be under or over done. It's not what is important...
I would not go to a gastronomic restaurant where you have to choose between four glasses and three forks... Yo must be smartly dressed and lift your little finger when you eat (really?). The waiters and waitresses make you look important and worthy. Don't forget to take a photo of your plate: the photo is the symbol of the meal. The photo will be showed and put on social mediasand prove that one day, you were happy... 160 words

Indications in blue today, and suggestions in green tomorrow...

Réponse : Let's suggest 71/Taking a break 17 de magie8, postée le 10-10-2024 à 09:59:56 (S | E)
Correction selon les indications de GEROLD MERCI GEROLD

Answer C:

I like )() restaurant with my friends or family : just (for the pleasure of sitting in front of a table with people I love and eat good plain food. It ( can be steak and chips, or chicken and mashed ( potatoes, with sauce in the middle of the ( small potato-volcano ... Restaurant (should () be pleasure of () being together and (speaking and (laughing, () being served at the table and not worry if ( the steak will be under or over done. It's not what is important...
I would not go to a gastronomic restaurant where you have to choose between four glasses and three forks... (You must be smartly dressed and lift your little finger when you eat (really? ). The waiters and waitresses make you look important and worthy. Don't forget to take a photo of your plate: the photo is the symbol of the meal. The photo will be (shown and put on social( networks prove that one day, you were happy... 160 words

Réponse : Let's suggest 71/Taking a break 17 de gerold, postée le 10-10-2024 à 17:50:56 (S | E)


I think "restaurant" can't be used in the singular without an article, but, perhaps, I am wrong.

Answer C:

I like )() (restaurants with my friends or family, just (for the pleasure of sitting in front of a table with people I love and eat good plain food. It ( can be steak and chips, or chicken and mashed ( potatoes, with sauce in the middle of the ( small potato-volcano ... Restaurants (should () be (should mean) the pleasure of () being together and (speaking and (laughing, () being served at the table and not (worrying if ( the steak (is under or over done. It's not what is important...
I would not go to a gastronomic restaurant where you have to choose between four glasses and three forks... (You must be smartly dressed and lift your little finger when you eat. The waiters and waitresses make you look important and worthy. Don't forget to take a photo of your plate: the photo is the symbol of the meal. The photo will be (shown and put on social( networks (to prove that one day, you were happy... 160 words

Réponse : Let's suggest 71/Taking a break 17 de here4u, postée le 11-10-2024 à 22:43:27 (S | E)
Hello, dear friends!

Thank you for your work, for the expressions as well as the corrections.

ANSWER A: Topic 4: my preliminary indications

When I go to a restaurant, it's to celebrate a special event. (Style un peu trop ‘parlé’) The meal in a restaurant must be an exceptional moment.
I don't see the point of going to a restaurant to eat a steak and fries or a pasta dish.
I prefer to pay for a diner in a starred restaurant. which each time leaves me with an unforgettable memory.
Even if you don't have a lot of money, it is definitely worth saving up even (forth months, to experience such refinement. You would(un peu abrupt) be stunned by the decoration of the room, and tables, the presentation of the dishes on the plates, the flavors, and xx ? impeccable service. Everything is luxury,(noun) beautiful(adjective) and meals are fabulously tasty. It's just fun. Bien mais tu dois travailler les transitions (mots de liaison)

Happynutmeg's suggestions:
I cannot see a lot to change... (C’est vrai. L’expression est correcte, mais un peu brute…)

When I go to a restaurant, it's to celebrate a special event.The meal in a restaurant must be an exceptional moment.
I don't see the point of going to a restaurant to eat a steak and fries or a pasta dish.
I prefer to pay for a diner in a starred restaurant. which each time leaves me with an unforgettable memory.
Even if you don't have a lot of money, it is definitely worth saving up even fforth months, to experience such refinement. You would be stunned (tense?) by the decoration of the room, and tables, the presentation of the dishes on the plates, the flavors, and xx impeccable service. Everything is luxury, beautifulx and meals are fabulously tasty. It's just fun.

Magie's suggestions:

When I go to a restaurant, it's to celebrate a special event.The meal in a restaurant must be an exceptional moment.
I don't see the point of going to a restaurant to eat a steak and fries or a pasta dish.
I prefer to pay for a diner in a starred restaurant. which each time leaves me with an unforgettable memory.
Even if you don't have a lot of money, it is definitely worth saving up even (for months, to experience such refinement. (You will (will, comme would sont trop abrupts pour moi… introduire l’idée développée) be stunned by the decoration of the room, and tables, the presentation of the dishes on the plates, the flavors, and (an/ the impeccable service. Everything is luxury, ( beautifully (ça, c’est un adverbe ! ça n’arrange pas nos affaires !) and meals are fabulously tasty. It's just fun.

In addition to Magie's remarks :gerold's suggestions

When I go to a restaurant, it's to celebrate a special event. A (it's not a particular meal)[Bonne remarque !] meal in a restaurant must be an exceptional moment.
I don't see the point of going to a restaurant to eat a steak and fries or a pasta dish.
I prefer to pay for a diner in a starred restaurant,, (comma instead of full stop) which each time leaves me with an unforgettable memory.
Even if you don't have a lot of money, it is definitely worth saving up even (for months, to experience such refinement. (You will be stunned by the decoration of the room, and tables, the presentation of the dishes on the plates, the flavors, and (an* impeccable service. Everything is (luxurious and beautiful, and meals are fabulously tasty**. It's just fun.

* Not sure about this "an" : "Today's customers demand impeccable service and ..." (found on Internet) [Il est vrai que ‘service’ tend à devenir indénombrable. Justement, j’ai eu envie de le déterminer : de même que l’on ne vient pas chercher n’importe quel repas dans ce type de restaurant, de même, un « service impeccable est recherché.]
** Or luxurious, beautiful and fabulously tasty (to avoid 2 "and"). TBonne suggestion


ANSWER B: preliminary indications
Topic 3. What is the best memory of your childhood?

A lot of (my good childhood's memories* are connected to my grandmother; one of them is the time I spent with her, in the very village where she used to come on holidays as a child, among her grand-parents, cousins, aunts and uncles. I especially remember one afternoon, when she took me to some place where she knew we could pick raspberries; while eating the amazingly tasty little (fruits, she explained this family from the past to me: Uncle Joseph with his forge, Aunt Marie, who was so (talented for embroidery, and so many more ( ? trop vague) I've now forgotten. All of them came alive to my eyes, so vivid and enthusiastic was her talk.
For no reason, I was fond of those people, and I could feel that a part of them was still living in my grandmother, and in me too, through the stories she shared about them." 150 words Bonne expression

It's true that the ANSWER is pretty good! Not much to correct...

Topic 3. What is the best memory of your childhood?

A lot of my good childhood's memories are connected to my grandmother; one of them is the time I spent with her, in the very village where she used to come on holidays as a child, among her grand-parents, cousins, aunts and uncles(revoir la ponctuation dans cette phrase). I especially remember one afternoon, when she took me to some place where she knew we could pick raspberries; while eating the amazingly tasty little (fruits, she explained this family from the past to me: Uncle Joseph with his forge, Aunt Marie, who was so talented for embroidery, and so many more I've now forgotten. All of them came alive to my eyes, so vivid and enthusiastic was her talk.
For no reason, I was fond of those people, and I could feel that a part of them was still living in my grandmother,(ambiguous) and in me too, through the stories she shared about them." 150 words

Topic 3. What is the best memory of your childhood?

A lot of my childhood's good memories (but I'm not sure about this possessive)/my good childhood memories (with childhood used as an adjective/the good memories of my childhood are connected to my grandmother; one of them is the time I spent with her, in the very village where she used to come on holidays as a child, among her grand-parents, cousins, aunts and uncles. I especially remember one afternoon, when she took me to some place where she knew we could pick raspberries; while eating the amazingly tasty little (fruits, she explained introduced this family from the past my ancestors B to me: Uncle Joseph with his forge, Aunt Marie, who was so talented for/at (or had such a talent for) embroidery, and so many more I've now forgotten. All of them came alive to my eyes, so vivid and enthusiastic was her talk her talk was ??? (but this inversion seems fine to me)It doesn't! Well... it isn't fine! .Confusion entre structures d'une interrogative indirecte et d'une interrogative directe!)
For no reason, I was fond of those people, and I could feel that a part of them was still living in my grandmother,(ambiguous) in my grandmother's mind and in mine too, through the stories she shared about them." 150 words

* réfléchir à quoi se rapporte l’adjectif good: ? good childhood ? good memory ?
- fruit ? or fruits ? : Lien internet
: ici, il s’agit bien de ‘the amazingly tasty little fruit’, même s’il y en avait beaucoup dans le petit panier.
- talented in/ talented at
- 'so vivid and enthusiastic was her talk'est bien une faute !
- still alive through…

Answer C: preliminary indications:

I like (the (restaurant with my friends or family : just the pleasure of sitting in front of a table with (poeple I love and eat good plain food. It maybe (steack and chips, or chicken and mashed (potatos, with sauce in the middle of the little potato-volcano ... (xxxxx xx xxx Restaurant must be xxx pleasure of (to be together and (speak and (laugh, and (be served at the table and not worry if the (steack will be under or over done. It's not what is important...
I would not go to a gastronomic restaurant where you have to choose between four glasses and three forks... (Yo must be smartly dressed and lift your little finger when you eat. The waiters and waitresses make you look important and worthy. Don't forget to take a photo of your plate: the photo is the symbol of the meal. The photo will be (showed and put on (social medias(and prove that one day, you were happy... 160 words

Answer C: gerold’s indications :

I like the restaurant with my friends or family : just xx the pleasure of sitting in front of a table with poeple I love and eat good plain food. It maybe steack and chips, or chicken and mashed potatos, with sauce in the middle of the little potato-volcano ... Restaurant must be pleasure of to be together and speak and laugh, and be served at the table and not worry if the steack will be under or over done. It's not what is important...
I would not go to a gastronomic restaurant where you have to choose between four glasses and three forks... Yo must be smartly dressed and lift your little finger when you eat (really?). The waiters and waitresses make you look important and worthy. Don't forget to take a photo of your plate: the photo is the symbol of the meal. The photo will be showed and put on social mediasand prove that one day, you were happy... 160 words

Answer C: Magie’s suggestions

I like )() restaurant with my friends or family : just (for the pleasure of sitting in front of a table with people I love and eat good plain food. It ( can be steak and chips, or chicken and mashed ( potatoes, with sauce in the middle of the ( small potato-volcano ... Restaurant (should () be xx pleasure of () being together and (speaking and (laughing, () being served at the table and not worry if ( the steak will be under or over done. It's not what is important...
I would not go to a gastronomic restaurant where you have to choose between four glasses and three forks... (You must be smartly dressed and lift your little finger when you eat (really? ). The waiters and waitresses make you look important and worthy. Don't forget to take a photo of your plate: the photo is the symbol of the meal. The photo will be (shown and put on social( networks XXprove that one day, you were happy... 160 words

Gerold's suggestions: THANK YOU MAGIE!
I think "restaurant" can't be used in the singular without an article, but, perhaps, I am wrong. No, you’re not wrong !

Answer C:

I like )() (restaurants with my friends or family, just (for the pleasure of sitting in front of a table with people I love and eat good plain food. It ( can be steak and chips, or chicken and mashed ( potatoes, with sauce in the middle of the ( small potato-volcano ... Restaurants (should () be (should mean ) the pleasure of () being together and (speaking and (laughing, () being served at the table and not (worrying if ( the steak (is under or over done. It's not what is important...
I would not go to a gastronomic restaurant where you have to choose between four glasses and three forks... (You must be smartly dressed and lift your little finger when you eat. The waiters and waitresses make you look important and worthy. Don't forget to take a photo of your plate: the photo is the symbol of the meal. The photo will be (shown and put on social( networks (to prove that one day, you were happy... 160 words

Un grand pour votre travail approfondi et complet ! N'oubliez pas que si vous en éprouvez le besoin, vous pouvez rédiger à nouveau ici tout passage qui ne vous semble pas encore très clair (Follow Up Work!) Encore à tous !

Réponse : Let's suggest 71/Taking a break 17 de magie8, postée le 12-10-2024 à 06:47:41 (S | E)
follow up let's suggest 71
texte 1
pour faire moins abrupt je propose
1= I only go to a restaurant for special occasions
2= For my part, I don't see the point of going to a restaurant to eat a steak with fries......( C' est une opinion personnelle)
3 = You might be stunned by the decoration of the room etc....
3 BIS = The decoration of the room and tables etc.... could wow/ amaze you
3 TER = Believe me, you couldn't help being stunned by the decoration .....

THANK YOU et Bon rétablissement dear HERE4U


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