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Message de lillies posté le 07-10-2023 à 22:23:48 (S | E | F)
Je suis élève en 3ème. Je dois décrire une série et ensuite la présenter à l'oral pendant 1 bonne minute.
Voici mon écrit, Pouvez-vous svp s'il vous plait, corriger mes fautes; merci.

It's a science fiction series.
Tris and Four are the main actors of the series.
The story speaks about a world divided into five factions to preserve peace :
the “Bold”, the “Erudite”, the “Sincere”, the “Fraternal” and the “Altruistic”.
Those who do not fit into any faction are called "the Divergents" and this category must be eliminated. This is the case for Tris, who will fight to survive and try to change things.
I liked this series because it is full of action and suspense. I loved Tris’ courage and fragility. I liked the love story between Tris and Four.

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-10-2023 08:32

Réponse : Décrire une série/aide de gerondif, postée le 07-10-2023 à 22:48:05 (S | E)
The story is about. Une histoire ne parle pas, n'ayant pas de cordes vocales.
Trys's courage (ce n'est pas un s de pluriel) prononcer ['trisiz 'kri].
J'ai lu votre histoire à haute voix, 39 secondes.

Réponse : Décrire une série/aide de lillies, postée le 08-10-2023 à 13:42:14 (S | E)
Merci. je dois la présenter en diaporama et ensuite l'apprendre par coeur et réciter ce texte pendant une bonne minute devant toute la classe.

The series is called Divergente
The series was released in on April 2014
It's a fantasy series
The series is set in the in the future.

Tris and Four are the main actors of the series

The series tells the story of a world divided into five factions to preserve peace :
the “Bold”, the “Erudite”, the “Sincere”, the “Fraternal” and the “Altruistic”,
Those who do not fit into any faction are called "the Divergents" and this category must be eliminated. This is the case for Tris, who will fight to survive and try to change things.
I liked this series because it is full of action and suspense. I loved Tris’s courage and fragility. I liked the love story between Tris and Four
I hated the moment when Tris sees her parents die

Réponse : Décrire une série/aide de gerondif, postée le 08-10-2023 à 14:26:42 (S | E)
Juste quelques erreurs de frappe :
The series is called Divergente
The series was released in on April 2014 (on + le jour // on + jour, mois, année // in + mois seul // in + année seule)
It's a fantasy series
The series is set in the in the future.

Tris and Four are the main actors of the series

The series tells the story of a world divided into five factions to preserve peace :
the “Bold”, the “Erudite”, the “Sincere”, the “Fraternal” and the “Altruistic”,
Those who do not fit into any faction are called "the Divergents" and this category must be eliminated. This is the case for Tris, who will fight to survive and try to change things.
I liked this series because it is full of action and suspense. I loved Tris’s courage and fragility. I liked the love story between Tris and Four
I hated the moment when Tris sees her parents die.

Réponse : Décrire une série/aide de lillies, postée le 08-10-2023 à 17:34:28 (S | E)
Merci voilà, j'ai rectifié, modifié et rajouté quelques corrections. Est ce que tout est bon ?

The series is called Divergente.
The series was released in 2014.
It's a fantasy series.
The series is set in the future.

Tris and Four are the main actors of the series.

The series tells the story of a world divided into five factions to preserve peace :
the Dauntless, the Erudite, the Sincere, the Fraternal and the selfless.
At the age of 16, teenagers must take an aptitude test and then choose their future faction.
You’re different, you don’t fit into a category. They can’t control you, they call it The Divergent and this category must be eliminated.
This is the case for Tris, who will fight to survive and try to change things.

I liked this series because it is full of action and suspense. I loved Tris’s courage and fragility. I liked the love story between Tris and Four
I hated the moment when Tris sees her parents die.

Réponse : Décrire une série/aide de gerondif, postée le 08-10-2023 à 17:48:19 (S | E)
J'aurais plutôt dit :
If you’re different, you can't fit into any of these categories. They can’t control you, they call this section "The Divergent" and this category/ they must be eliminated.

Réponse : Décrire une série/aide de lillies, postée le 08-10-2023 à 18:27:34 (S | E)
Merci et comme ça c'est bon ?

If You’re different, you don’t fit into any of these categories so they can’t control you. They call you The Divergent and this category they must be eliminated.

Réponse : Décrire une série/aide de gerondif, postée le 08-10-2023 à 19:49:50 (S | E)
this category // they soit l'un soit l'autre.

Réponse : Décrire une série/aide de lillies, postée le 08-10-2023 à 20:58:29 (S | E)
merci, ha oui j'ai compris ! comme ça ?

If You’re different, you don’t fit into any of these categories so they can’t control you. They call you The Divergent and they must be eliminated.

Réponse : Décrire une série/aide de gerondif, postée le 09-10-2023 à 07:25:02 (S | E)
Ah, on pourrait confondre les deux they, gardez plutôt this category.

Réponse : Décrire une série/aide de lillies, postée le 09-10-2023 à 13:56:53 (S | E)
d'accord, merci


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais

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