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Relative clause/no punctuation

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Relative clause/no punctuation
Message from mohammad51 posted on 31-07-2023 at 20:53:40 (D | E | F)
I got the following questions from one book of grammar.
Please review my answers and correct me if I am wrong.
Thank you in advance

Decide which of the following relative clauses is defining and which is non-defining :

4. My students who asked for extra work have been doing very well on the exams. (in this sentence, all of "my students" asked for extra work)

5. My students who asked for extra work have been doing very well on the exams. (in this sentence, only a portion of "my student" asked for extra work and they are the ones who have been doing well).

My punctuation and answers + notices

4. My students, who asked for extra work, have been doing very well on the exams. (in this sentence, all of "my students" asked for extra work)

My answer as it is all the students = non- defining ( shared the exam and have been doing well )

The ( who asked for extra work) = extra information But I think the sentence originally is wrong

My correction to the sentence : My students, who have been doing very well on the exams, asked for extra work.

= all the students asked for extra information and it goes right with the author information.

5. My students who asked for extra work have been doing very well on the exams.
(in this sentence, only a portion of "my student" asked for extra work and they are the ones who have been doing well).

No doubt, = defining ( portion of the students ) = only those who asked for extra work shared the exams and have been doing well. = [ portion]

Re: Relative clause/no punctuation from mohammad51, posted on 01-08-2023 at 11:09:30 (D | E)

I understand this lesson very well. I have practiced and answered a lot of exercises say a million times.

I still think sentence 4 is incorrect because it does not go right with the information of the author.

I think my suggestion to correct it is the best solution. I said no problem with sentence 5 = if defining = particular

In another way = Not all the students shared the exams doing well, but those who asked for extra work
5 = defining correct No comma is used

5. My students who asked for extra work have been doing very well on the exams. (in this sentence, only a portion of "my student" asked for extra work and they are the ones who have been doing well).
The problem is with 4 : As it is written = awkward or foolish sentence ( the meaning intended will not be straight )

Look it again :

My students who asked for extra work have been doing very well on the exams. (in this sentence, all of "my students" asked for extra work)
If it is defining as 5 = no difference, but ( How is it portion in 5 and all in 4 ) ? so , the only way is to rewrite it as :

My students, who have been doing very well on the exams, asked for extra work. (in this sentence, all of "my students" asked for extra work)
And here it goes right. Simply you can leave out the extra information and keep on the rest and the sentence still has sense

My students asked for extra work (in this sentence, all of "my students" asked for extra work)
= all his students
Please if you have a bit knowledge further than I estimated or analyzed , tell me.

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Forum > English only

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