Let's Suggest/22
Cours gratuits > Forum > Exercices du forum || En basMessage de here4u posté le 10-09-2022 à 19:55:44 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear workers!
Here is the new topic we'd like to read about...
A few words of explanations are necessary... You remember I had asked you to suggest topics... You did! Wonderfully!
One of the topics was quite tempting just now, but I needed Lucile's permission because it might be too "political" and infringe one of the rules of the site...
Here is today's topic:
Write the tribute you would like to pay to Queen Elizabeth II, showing how the Monarchy was well preserved and respected throughout her reign.
I know it's difficult... but you're up to the task!
Voici le rappel des modalités de la première partie de l'exercice :
1. Je vous demande une EXPRESSION sur le sujet proposé à m’envoyer en mp dès que possible …
2. Le plus tôt possible, cette première expression sera publiée sur le Forum, et CHACUN sera libre de « corriger » UNE FOIS ( en collant le texte et indiquant les erreurs EN BLEU, et en soulignant ce qui vous semble maladroit et que vous voudriez changer, sans donner la « correction » (forme correcte), à ce moment, comme il se doit.) Un seul devoir à la fois sera publié pour corriger …
Les modalités complètes sont accessibles sur le lien suivant :
Lien internet
( Je vous les rappellerai au fur et à mesure de la progression du travail )
Cet exercice sera ... ce que vous en ferez :
Correction en ligne le lundi 26 septembre 2022.
J'attends vos envois en mp et publierai le premier dès que possible.
Réponse : Let's Suggest/22 de here4u, postée le 14-09-2022 à 11:34:14 (S | E)
Hello !
Voici notre première courageuse EXPRESSION! Bravo d'avoir osé écrire en premier !
In honour of the Queen of England, I would go for a walk in a yellow coat and a flowered hat of the same colour.
For me, Queen Elisabeth was the symbol of the classic elegance. She had her own style recognisable among all. Her style was a decorum.
The monarchy was preserved and respected by her presence, her bearing, with her warm smile,her mischievous blue eyes, and of course by her courage, her knowledge of the world and people. Queen Elisabeth was extremely clever and above all what it was the most admirable, was her stoicism in front adversities and her sense of duty.
Queen Elisabeth was the guardian of the aristocracy values.
- " TO maintain, Never complaint, never explain" was her own words.
I think, she was the most famous personality in the world. 135 MOTS
Green on the 16th.
Réponse : Let's Suggest/22 de maxwell, postée le 14-09-2022 à 17:52:59 (S | E)
In honour of the Queen of England, I would go for a walk in a yellow coat and a flowered hat of the same colour.
For me, Queen Elisabeth was the symbol of the classic elegance. She had her own style recognisable among all. Her style was a decorum.
The monarchy was preserved and respected by her presence, her bearing, with her warm smile,her mischievous blue eyes, and of course by her courage, her knowledge of the world and people. Queen Elisabeth was extremely clever and above all (ponctuation) what it was the most admirable, was her stoicism in front adversities and her sense of duty.
Queen Elisabeth was the guardian of the aristocracy values.
- " TO maintain,(1) Never complaint, never explain" was her own words.
I think, she was the most famous personality in the world. 135 MOTS
(1) Cela fait partie de "her own words" ?
Quelques fautes de ponctuation
Réponse : Let's Suggest/22 de maxwell, postée le 16-09-2022 à 20:22:12 (S | E)
EXPRESSION N°1: suggestions
In honour of the Queen of England, I would go for a walk in a yellow coat and a flowered hat of the same colour.
For me, Queen Elisabeth was the symbol of (1)classic elegance. She had her own style recognisable among all. She was a model of dignity and (1) decorum.
The monarchy was preserved and respected by her presence, her bearing, with her warm smile, her mischievous blue eyes, and of course by her courage, her knowledge of the world and people. Queen Elisabeth was extremely clever and above all, what (2) was (3) most admirable, was her stoicism in front of adversity, (4) and her sense of duty.
Queen Elisabeth was the guardian of the aristocracy's (5) values.
She would maintain her "Never complain, never explain" stance in any circumstance.
I think she was the most famous personality in the world. 135 MOTS
(1) pas d'article devant un nom abstrait (sauf si on ajoute des éléments qui apportent des précisions)
(2) what est le sujet (it est donc en trop)
(3) what was the most admirable thing ; ou bien : what was most admirable
(4) in front of
adversity plutôt que adversities Lien internet
(5) aristocratic values ; ou bien avec the : the aristocracy's values
Réponse : Let's Suggest/22 de here4u, postée le 18-09-2022 à 14:32:50 (S | E)
Hello dears,
Pardon à l'auteur de l'EXPRESSION N°2 ... J'aurais pu/dû? publier son (long) travail hier, mais j'ai enfin pu alléger mes contraintes et ne pouvais vraiment travailler valablement hier.
The Queen! No need to tell her name, everybody understood : the queen Elizabeth II of England, Scotland, the Wales, northern Irlande and the Commonwealth... ( a little number of people know the countries and how it is big, but it is !)
How can a single woman reigns on a so big surface and diversity of lands ?How could she do it ? Reign on United kingdom is a performance … so many peoples are republicans and think the royals are useless and expensive.
Her smile, strength, determination and legitimity changes all. There is a part of God in her. She was Sacred. That woman isn’t ordinary, like you and me… Her destiny and her blood has put her in this position and she has proved perfect for the task. The Monarchie is strong and the people loved her. She was a person, but she was a symbol also. They think she represented them well and were as proud of UK as she was. I am sad for her to-day, I am sad for people to-day… I know Charles has been conceived, up brought, formed, educated, «prepared » for the task and hope he will be a great King too, his mother’s son, The King Charles III. 202 words.
Please, help us!
Indiquer les fautes en bleu ... et souligner ce qui est maladroit !
Réponse : Let's Suggest/22 de maxwell, postée le 18-09-2022 à 16:18:01 (S | E)
The Queen! No need to tell her name, everybody understood : the queen Elizabeth II of England, Scotland, the Wales, northern Irlande and the Commonwealth... ( a little number of people know the countries and how it is big, but it is !)
How can a single woman reigns on a so big surface and diversity of lands ?How could she do it ? Reign on United kingdom is a performance … so many peoples are republicans and think the royals are useless and expensive.
(un mot de liaison de concession serait le bienvenu) Her smile, strength, determination and legitimity changes all(*). There is a part of God in her.(*) She was Sacred. That woman isn’t (*) ordinary, like you and me… Her destiny and her blood has put her in this position and she has proved perfect for the task. The Monarchie is strong and the people loved her. She was a person, but she was a symbol also. They think she represented them well and were as proud of UK as she was. (**) I am sad for her to-day, I am sad for people to-day… I know Charles has been conceived, up brought, formed, educated, «prepared » for the task and hope he will be a great King too, his mother’s son, The King Charles III. 202 words.
Pas d'espace avant la ponctuation, mais un espace après la ponctuation !
(*) ce choix du présent est audacieux, mais à mon avis pas idéal
(**) ambigu : je comprends ici que les sujets de la reine étaient aussi fiers du Royaume-Uni que la reine ne l'était (fière du Royaume-Uni). Est-ce bien l'intention de l'auteur ?
Réponse : Let's Suggest/22 de vaiana, postée le 21-09-2022 à 02:15:43 (S | E)
Hello everyone
The Queen! No need to say her name, everybody understands : Queen Elizabeth II of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Commonwealth... ( a few people are aware of the countries her reign consisted of and how widespread they are but, trust me, they are!)
How could a single woman reign over an area that wide and diversified ?How could she do it/ how did she manage ? Reigning over the United Kingdom was (really) a performance … so many republican people think royalty is useless and expensive!
Her smile, strength, determination and legitimity changed all. There was a part of God in herself; she was sacred. This woman wasn’t ordinary like you and me… Her destiny and her blood conferred this role on her and she has proved perfect for the task. The British monarchy is strong and people loved her. She was a person, but (she was) a symbol as well. British citizens think she embodied them well and were as proud of the U.K. as she was. I am sad for her and them today… I know Charles has been conceived, brought up, formed, (educated,) 'prepared'/ trained for the task and hope he is* a great King, too(
* I think that using the present tense after "to hope" sounds more natural when referring to the future
See you!
Réponse : Let's Suggest/22 de maxwell, postée le 21-09-2022 à 18:15:48 (S | E)
The Queen! No need to say (1) her name, everybody has understood : Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom: England, Scotland, the Wales, northern Ireland and the Commonwealth... (few (2)people can list the countries and know how big they are (3), but they certainly are!)
How can only one (4)person reign over such a large and diversified kingdom? (5) How could she do it? Reigning (6) over the (7) United kingdom is a performance… so many people are in favor of a republican system (8) and think the royal family is useless and costs too much (9).
However, (10) her smile, her (11)strength, her (11)determination and her (11)legitimity changed (12) everything. (13) There was (12) a part of God in her. She was sacred. That woman wasn’t (12) ordinary, like you and me… Her destiny and her blood put (12)her in this position and she proved (12) to be (14) perfect for the task. The monarchy is still strong and people loved her. She was a person, but she was a symbol too (15). They think she represented them well and were as proud of the (7)UK as she was (16).
I am sad for her today, I am also (15)sad for her subjects… I know Charles has been conceived, brought up, formed, educated, «prepared» for the task and I (17)hope he will be a great King too, his mother’s son, King (18) Charles III. 202 words.
J'ai corrigé la ponctuation : pas d'espace avant mais un espace après
(1) To say sth ; to tell sb sth
(2) people est au pluriel => ce serait : a few people (pour dire quelques personnes)
Mais je pense qu'on veut plutôt dire ici : peu de gens savent => few people
(3) How + adj sth is
Ici on parlait des pays => pluriel
(4) single m'a fait penser à célibataire (mais veut dire aussi seul).
En même temps, je ne pouvais pas enlever l'idée de "seul", sinon, le texte devenait sexiste...
Pour éviter l'ambiguïté de single, et ne pas soulever de polémique, je propose donc : only one person
(5) exclamatifs : avec un nom=> such : such a +adj + nom
(6) c'est le fait de, l'action de régner => gérondif indispensable
(7) the United Kingdom, the United States (of America)
(8) J'ai explicité le propos (sinon, pour rappel, pas de s aux adjectifs)
(9) il me semble que expensive s'applique aux choses, pas aux personnes
(10) mot de concession bien utile pour introduire une antithèse
(11) Effet emphatique créé par le rajout de ce pronom
(12) il me semble que le passé s'impose ici. c'est du passé révolu
(13) changed everything ou bien : changed it all
(14) prove to be : s'avérer, se révéler être Lien internet
(15) aussi en fin de phrase : too ou bien as well. (contrairement à also)
(16) je n'ai pas changé le sens.
Si on avait voulu dire : le peuple était aussi fier du Royaume-Uni que de leur reine : as proud of the UK as of their queen.
(17) rappeler le sujet "I" ne me semble pas inutile car on a cité Charles juste avant
(18) the King ou bien, si on le nomme, King Charles III
Réponse : Let's Suggest/22 de here4u, postée le 23-09-2022 à 21:55:53 (S | E)
Hello, dears!
Elizabeth II put in a lifetime of service and dedication: her duties always took priority.
Her great success was her ability to move with the times: she tried to make the monarchy more relevant in a changing society. She started to go on a walkabout to meet the public, which hadn't happened before she came to the throne; she preserved Britain's links with the Commonwealth: she was friends with all their leaders; over the years, she took advantage of mass media to make monarchy more accessible, to connect with more people.
The reason she was a successful constitutional monarch was that she much preferred to agree than disagree. Maybe the British loved their queen because she didn't talk about politics: she never openly interfered with politics. Brexit has deeply divided British society: she remained strictly neutral in this conflict.
She understood the importance of silence, of not expressing her opinions, of not reacting. She never put a foot wrong.
"Never explain, never complain" was the royal family's tradition. She kept private feelings hidden from the public. She tried to preserve the unity and dignity in the family.
When monarchy was under threat, she had a sense that she must preserve it: no one is bigger than the institution itself.
During the coronavirus pandemic, she proved to be a woman of wisdom and experience, a symbol of stability, strength and continuity, the kind of person that the public turns to in a time of crisis. She was the mother of the nation. (254 w)
Merci de votre aide !
Réponse : Let's Suggest/22 de vaiana, postée le 25-09-2022 à 23:12:46 (S | E)
Thanks to all the writers
Elizabeth II put in a lifetime of service and dedication: her duties always took priority.
Her great success was her ability to move with the times: she tried to make the monarchy more relevant in a changing/ evolving society. She started to go (on a)¹ walkabout to meet the population/ citizens, which hadn't happened before she came /prior to her ascending the throne²; she preserved Britain's ties with the Commonwealth: she was friend/ in friendship/ she befriended with all their leaders; over the years, she took advantage of mass media to make the monarchy more accessible, to connect with more people.
The reason she was a successful constitutional monarch was that she much preferred agreeing to/over disagreeing. Maybe the British loved their queen because she never openly talked about/ brought up politics. Brexit has deeply divided British society: she remained strictly neutral in/towards/ regarding this conflict.
She understood the importance of silence, of not expressing her opinions, of not reacting. She never put a foot wrong.
"Never explain, never complain" was the royal family's tradition. She kept her inward³ feelings hidden from the public and tried to preserve the unity and dignity in the family.
Whenever the monarchy was under threat, she had a sense that she must preserve it: no one/nothing? is bigger than the institution itself.
During the coronavirus pandemic, she proved to be a woman of wisdom and experience, a symbol of stability, strength and continuity; the kind of person that people turn to in a time of crisis. She was the mother of the nation.
¹ Lien internet
² Lien internet
³ Lien internet
Until next time
Réponse : Let's Suggest/22 de here4u, postée le 26-09-2022 à 23:49:56 (S | E)
Hello dear workers,
Thanks for daring to write and for helping your co-writers!
In honour of the Queen of England, I would go for a walk in a yellow coat and a flowered hat of the same colour.
For me, Queen Elisabeth was the symbol of (the classic elegance. She had her own style recognisable among all. Her style was (a decorum. ??? Not clear.
The monarchy was preserved and respected by her presence, her bearing, with her warm smile, her mischievous blue eyes, and of course by her courage, her knowledge of the world and people. Queen Elisabeth was extremely clever and above all XX(ponctuation) what (it was the most admirable, was her stoicism in front XX adversit(ies and her sense of duty.TB
Queen Elisabeth was the guardian of the (aristocracy values.
- " TO maintain, ? Never complain(t, never explain" was her own words.
I think, she was the most famous personality in the world. 135 MOTS Very good!
EXPRESSION N°1 (indications).
In honour of the Queen of England, I would go for a walk in a yellow coat and a flowered hat of the same colour.
For me, Queen Elisabeth was the symbol of the classic elegance. She had her own style recognisable among all. Her style was a decorum.
The monarchy was preserved and respected by her presence, her bearing, with her warm smile,her mischievous blue eyes, and of course by her courage, her knowledge of the world and people. Queen Elisabeth was extremely clever and above all (ponctuation) what it was the most admirable, was her stoicism in front XX adversities and her sense of duty.
Queen Elisabeth was the guardian of the aristocracy values.
- " TO maintain,(1) Never complaint, never explain" was her own words.
I think, she was the most famous personality in the world. 135 MOTS
(1) Cela fait partie de "her own words" ?Good question! Not clear.
Quelques fautes de ponctuation.
EXPRESSION N°1: suggestions
In honour of the Queen of England, I would go for a walk in a yellow coat and a flowered hat of the same colour.
For me, Queen Elisabeth was the symbol of (1)classic elegance. B She had her own style recognisable among all. She was a model of dignity and (1) decorum.
The monarchy was preserved and respected by her presence, her bearing, with her warm smile, her mischievous blue eyes, and of course by her courage, her knowledge of the world and people.TB Queen Elisabeth was extremely clever and above all, what (2) was (3) most admirable, was her stoicism in front of adversity, (4) and her sense of duty.
Queen Elisabeth was the guardian of the aristocracy's (5) values.
She would maintain her "Never complain, never explain" stance in any circumstance.TB
I think she was the most famous personality in the world. 135 MOTS TTB
(1) pas d'article devant un nom abstrait (sauf si on ajoute des éléments qui apportent des précisions) [Good!]
(2) what est le sujet (it est donc en trop) OUI
(3) what was the most admirable thing ; ou bien : what was most admirable OUI, bonne correction.
(4) in front of OUI
adversity plutôt que adversities Lien internet OUI.
(5) aristocratic values OUI ! ; ou bien avec the : the aristocracy's values (me gêne un peu ...)Lien internet
Lien internet
Très bonne correction. Bravo!
The Queen! No need to tell her name, everybody understood : (the queen Elizabeth II of England, Scotland, (the Wales, (northern (Irlande and the Commonwealth... ( a little number of people know the countries and how it is big, but it is !)
How can a single woman (reigns on (a so big surface and diversity of lands ?How could she do it ? (Reign on (United (kingdom is a performance … so many (peoples are republicans and think the royals are useless and expensive.
Her smile, strength, determination and legitimity changes all. There (is a part of God in her. She (was Sacred. That woman (isn’t ordinary, like you and me… Her destiny and her blood has put her in this position and she has proved perfect for the task. TEMPS ??? The (Monarchie is strong and the people loved her. She was a person, but she was a symbol (also. They
The Queen! No need to tell her name, everybody understood : the queen Elizabeth II of England, Scotland, (the Wales, (northern( Irlande and the Commonwealth... ( (a little number of people know the countries and how (it is big, but it is !)
How can a single woman (reigns on (a so big surface and diversity of lands ?How could she do it ? Reign on United kingdom is a performance … so many peoples are republicans and think the royals are useless and expensive.
(un mot de liaison de concession serait le bienvenu) Her smile, strength, determination and legitimity (changes all(*). There is a part of God in her.(*) She was Sacred. That woman isn’t (*) ordinary, like you and me… Her destiny and her blood has put her in this position and she has proved perfect for the task. The Monarchie is strong and the people loved her. She was a person, but she was a symbol also. They think she represented them well and were as proud of UK as she was. (**) I am sad for her to-day, I am sad for people to-day… I know Charles has been conceived, up brought, formed, educated, «prepared » for the task and hope he will be a great King too, his mother’s son, The King Charles III. 202 words.
Pas d'espace avant la ponctuation, mais un espace après la ponctuation !
(*) ce choix du présent est audacieux, mais à mon avis pas idéal. [Je pense que j’aurais utilisé « could/ was ». d’ailleurs, les temps se « mélangent » naturellement par la suite … Chassons le prétérite, il revient au galop ! ]
(**) ambigu : je comprends ici que les sujets de la reine étaient aussi fiers du Royaume-Uni que la reine ne l'était (fière du Royaume-Uni). Est-ce bien l'intention de l'auteur ?[C’est ce que je comprends aussi …]
The Queen! No need to say her name, everybody understands : Queen Elizabeth II of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Commonwealth...B ( (a few people are aware of the countries her reign consisted ???of and how widespread they are but, trust me, they are! B)
How could a single woman reign over an area that wide and diversified ?How could she do it/ how did she manage ? Reigning over the United Kingdom was (really) a performance … so many republican people think royalty is useless and expensive![je crois que j’expliquerais autrement …]
Her smile, strength, determination and legitimity changed all. There was a part of God in her(self; she was sacred. This woman wasn’t ordinary like you and me… Her destiny and her blood conferred this role (on her and she has proved perfect for the task. The British monarchy is strong and people loved her. She was a person, but (she was) a symbol as well. British citizens think she (embodied them well and were as proud of the U.K. as she was. I am sad for her and them today… I know Charles (has been conceived, brought up, formed, (educated,) 'prepared'/ trained for the task and hope he is* a great King, too(, his mother’s son, King Charles III.)Pourquoi retirer la fin ? C’était une belle conclusion …
* I think that using the present tense after "to hope" sounds more natural when referring to the future [Lis bien les extraits suivants … Moi, ici, je mettrais le futur ! ]
Hope for the future Lien internet
We can use either the present simple (more common) or the future simple (less common). It usually doesn't change the meaning.
• I hope that she comes to the party tomorrow.
• I hope that she'll come to the party tomorrow.
We often use 'can' with 'hope' for the future.
• I hope you can come to the party tomorrow.
We can use 'to + infinitive' with 'hope' for the future. When we use 'to + infinitive', the subject is the same as the subject of 'hope'.
• I hope to come to the party tomorrow. (=I hope I can come to the party tomorrow.)
• I hope to run a marathon this year.
Lien internet
Interesting !
« It occurs to me that when the hope is for something negative and the hope is in the nature of a command or warning that the future and present aren't really interchangeable:
I hope you won't smoke in your bedroom isn't the same as I hope you don't smoke in your bedroom.
Interestingly from the point of view of sequence of tenses when we say I hoped we usually need the conditional in the clause:
- I'm sorry to have been unclear, Egon.
I hope you won't smoke in your bedroom is a polite way of saying you mustn't, I don't want you to.
I hope you don't smoke in your bedroom expresses a distaste for the habit, but usually does not so clearly forbid it.I hoped you would come to see me.
- Dans le même fil : In "I hope you come to the meeting", it is obvious (in most contexts at least) that the meeting is in the future, so there is no need to signal the future with will. You can put will in if will signals something other than futurity, for example consent.
- Et encore : Yes, I think Teddy has nailed it.
The present simple after hope already usually signals a future event, so the effect of "will" is modal: it expresses a hope that you are willing to do the act, a plea that you direct your will to that end, not a rude exhortation to do it whether you like it or not.
Très bon travail. Bravo.
The Queen! No need to say (1) her name, everybody has understood : Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom: England, Scotland, (the Wales, (northern Ireland and the Commonwealth... (few (2)people TTB can list the countries and know how big they are (3)TB, but they certainly are!)
How can only one (4)person TB reign over such a large and diversified kingdom? (5) How could she do it? Reigning (6) over the (7) United (kingdom is a performance… so many people are in favor of a republican system (8) and think the royal family is useless and costs too much (9).[Oui, c’est mieux !]
However, (10) her smile, her (11)strength, her (11)determination and her (11)legitimity changed (12) everything. (13) There was (12) a part of God in her. She was sacred. That woman wasn’t (12) ordinary, like you and me… Her destiny and her blood put (12)her in this position and she proved (12) to be (14) perfect TB for the task. The monarchy is still strong and people loved (herIci un rappel du sujet eut été le bienvenu !]. She was a person, but she was a symbol too (15)TB. They [? Who ?] think she represented them well and were as proud of the (7)UK as she was (16).[Je pense que j’aurais explicité une partie de ces pronoms et sans doute modifié la construction …]
I am sad for her today, I am also (15)sad for her subjects… I know Charles (has been conceived, brought up, formed, educated, «prepared» for the task and I (17)hope he will be [Oui ! D’accord avec ton futur !]a great King too, his mother’s son, King (18) Charles III. 202 words. Très bonne correction ! Bravo. D’excellentes suggestions.
J'ai corrigé la ponctuation : pas d'espace avant mais un espace après. Yes !
(1) To say sth ; to tell sb sth
(2) people est pluriel => ce serait : a few people (pour dire quelques personnes) Si tu ajoutes un –s, ça devient des peuples différents …
Mais je pense qu'on veut plutôt dire ici : peu de gens savent => few people : j’irais même jusqu’à TOO FEW…. OUI !
(3) How + adj sth is Ici on parlait des pays => pluriel
(4) single m'a fait penser à célibataire (mais veut dire aussi seul).
En même temps, je ne pouvais pas enlever l'idée de "seul", sinon, le texte devenait sexiste...
Pour éviter l'ambiguïté de single, et ne pas soulever de polémique, je propose donc : only one person.
(5) exclamatifs : avec un nom=> such : such a +adj + nom
(6) c'est le fait de, l'action de régner => gérondif indispensable [TTB ! De bons réflexes ! ]
(7) the United Kingdom, the United States (of America)
(8) J'ai explicité le propos (sinon, pour rappel, pas de s aux adjectifs)
(9) il me semble que expensive s'applique aux choses, pas aux personnes [OUI… Donc ? Bonne solution trouvée !]
(10) mot de concession bien utile pour introduire une antithèse
(11) Effet emphatique créé par le rajout de ce pronom. [Bien trouvé !Personnalise le propos ! ]
(12) il me semble que le passé s'impose ici. c'est du passé révolu [OUI. TB]
(13) changed everything ou bien : changed it all [ok]
(14) prove to be : s'avérer, se révéler être Lien internet
(15) aussi en fin de phrase : too ou bien as well. (contrairement à also)
(16) je n'ai pas changé le sens.
Si on avait voulu dire : le peuple était aussi fier du Royaume-Uni que de leur reine : as proud of the UK as of their queen.TTB
(17) rappeler le sujet "I" ne me semble pas inutile car on a cité Charles juste avant
(18) the King ou bien, si on le nomme, King Charles III
Excellente correction. BRAVO.
Elizabeth II put in a lifetime of service and dedication: her duties always took priority.
Her great success was her ability to move with the times TB : she tried to make the monarchy[OK, tu la détermines implicitement… ; celle de la durée de son règne.] more relevant in a changing society. She started to go on a walkabout to meet the public, which hadn't happened before she came to the throne; she preserved Britain's links with the Commonwealth: she was friends with all[me gêne : to make friends with/ or better : to befriend someone] their leaders; over the years, she took advantage of mass media[pourquoi pas la même détermination ici ?] to make XX monarchy [Là, IL LA FAUT !]more accessible, to connect with more people.
The reason she was a successful constitutional monarch was that she much preferred to agree than disagree. Maybe the British loved their queen because she didn't talk about politics: she never openly interfered with politics. Brexit has deeply divided British society: she[the Queen] remained strictly neutral in this conflict.
She understood the importance of silence, of not expressing her opinions, of not reacting. She never put a foot wrong.
"Never explain, never complain" was the royal family's tradition. She kept private feelings hidden from the public. She tried to preserve the unity and dignity in the family.
When XXX monarchy was under threat, she had a sense that she must preserve it: no one is bigger than the institution itself.
During the coronavirus pandemic, she proved to be a woman of wisdom and experience, a symbol of stability, strength and continuity, the kind of person that the public turns to in a time of crisis. She was the mother of the nation. (254 w) TTBien ! Bravo.
Elizabeth II put in a lifetime of service and dedication: her duties always took priority.
Her great success was her ability to move with the times: she tried to make the monarchy more relevant in a changing/ evolving society. She started to go (on a)¹ walkabout to meet the population/ citizens, which hadn't happened before she came /prior to her ascending the throne²TTB ; she preserved Britain's ties with the Commonwealth: she was friend/ in friendship/ she befriended with all their leaders; over the years, she took advantage of mass media to make the monarchy TTB more accessible, to connect with more people.
The reason she was a successful constitutional monarch was that she much preferred agreeing to/over disagreeing. Maybe the British loved their (queen because she never openly talked about/ brought up politics. Brexit has deeply divided British society: (she remained strictly neutral in/towards/ regarding this conflict.B
She understood the importance of silence, of not expressing her opinions, of not reacting. She never put a foot wrong.
"Never explain, never complain" was the royal family's tradition. She kept her inward³ feelings hidden from the public and tried to preserve the unity and dignity in the family.
Whenever [Bonne idée !] the monarchy TB was under threat, she had a sense that she must preserve it: no one/nothing? is bigger than the institution itself.
During the coronavirus pandemic, she proved to be a woman of wisdom and experience, a symbol of stability, strength and continuity; the kind of person that people turn to in a time of crisis. She was the mother of the nation. TTBonne correction !
- to go (on a) walkabout: prendre un bain de foule. Lien internet
- être amis avec : to be friends with someone// to befriend someone : attention à la construction. Lien internet
- je n’aime pas «inward feelings» : je préfère, soit garder « private », soit mettre « personal ». En revanche je suis OK avec « inward/ outward emotions /// or inward/ outward expressions of emotions or feelings…
Phew... Un très long travail ...
(je relirai demain, là, je n'en peux plus ...
Réponse : Let's Suggest/22 de vaiana, postée le 27-09-2022 à 22:15:29 (S | E)
Hello teacher, thanks for your feedback
The Queen! No need to say her name, everybody understands : Queen Elizabeth II of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Commonwealth... ( few people are aware of the countries her reign consisted of and how widespread they are but, trust me, they are!)
How could a single woman reign over an area that wide and diversified [what is the mistake? I don't get it
Her smile, strength, determination and legitimity changed all. There was a part of God in her; she was sacred. This woman wasn’t ordinary like you and me… Her destiny and her blood bestowed this role on her and she has proved perfect for the task. The British monarchy is powerful and people loved her. She was a person, but (she was) a symbol as well. British citizens think she represented them well [why can't I use "to embody" in this very case?] and were as proud of the U.K. as she was. I am sad for her and them today… I know Charles was conceived, brought up, formed, trained for the task and hope he will be a great King, too, his mother’s son, King Charles III. Pourquoi retirer la fin ? C’était une belle conclusion … Because there were too many commas in my opinion
* I think that using the present tense after "to hope" sounds more natural when referring to the future [Lis bien les extraits suivants … Moi, ici, je mettrais le futur ! ] thanks for the links, I took note
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Elizabeth II put in a lifetime of service and dedication: she always took her duties seriously .
Her great success was her ability to move with the times: she tried to make the monarchy more relevant in an evolving society. She started to go (on a) walkabout to meet the population, which hadn't happened prior to her ascending the throne; she preserved Britain's ties with the Commonwealth: she befriended all their leaders; over the years, she took advantage of mass media to make the monarchy more accessible, to connect with more people.
The reason she was a successful constitutional monarch was that she much preferred agreeing over disagreeing. Maybe the British loved their Queen because she never openly brought up politics. Brexit has deeply divided British society: its Queen [society's one] remained strictly neutral towards this conflict.
She understood the importance of silence, of not expressing her opinions, of not reacting. She never put a foot wrong.
"Never explain, never complain" was the motto of the Royal Family. She kept her personal feelings hidden from the public and tried to preserve the unity and dignity in the family.
Whenever the monarchy was under threat, she had a sense that she must preserve it: no one or nothing is bigger than the institution itself.
During the coronavirus pandemic, she proved to be a woman of wisdom and experience, a symbol of stability, strength and continuity; the kind of person that people turn to in a time of crisis. She was the mother of the nation. TTBonne correction ! Merci ! Thanks!
See you later!
Réponse : Let's Suggest/22 de maxwell, postée le 28-09-2022 à 09:39:12 (S | E)
Thanks a lot for your suggestions
EXPRESSION N°1: final suggestions
In honour of the Queen of England, I would go for a walk in a yellow coat and a flowered hat of the same colour.
For me, Queen Elizabeth was the symbol of classic elegance. She had her own recognisable (1) style among all. She was a model of dignity and propriety.
The monarchy was preserved and respected by her presence, her bearing, with her warm smile, her mischievous blue eyes, and of course by her courage, her knowledge of the world and people. Queen Elizabeth was extremely clever and above all, what was most admirable, was her stoicism in front of adversity, and her sense of duty.
Queen Elizabeth was the guardian of aristocratic values.
She would maintain her "Never complain, never explain" stance in any circumstance.
I think she was the most famous personality in the world. 135 MOTS
(1) Etait-ce ce que tu attendais ?
EXPRESSION N°2: final suggestions
The Queen! No need to say her name, everybody has understood: Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Commonwealth... (too few people can list the countries and know how big they are, but they certainly are!)
How can only one person reign over such a large and diversified kingdom? How could she do it? Reigning over the United Kingdom is a performance… so many people are in favor of a republican system and think the royal family is useless and costs too much.
However, her smile, her strength, her determination and her legitimity changed everything. There was a part of God in her. She was sacred. That woman wasn’t ordinary, like you and me… Her destiny and her blood put her in this position and she proved to be perfect for the task. The monarchy is still strong and the British loved their Queen. She was a person, but she was a symbol too. British citizens think they were well represented (1) and were as proud of the UK as Queen Elizabeth was.
I am sad for her today, I am also sad for her subjects… I know Charles was conceived, brought up, formed, educated, «prepared» for the task and I hope he will be a great King too, his mother’s son, King Charles III. 202 words.
(1) Etait-ce ce que tu attendais ?
EXPRESSION N°3 : final suggestions
Elizabeth II put in a lifetime of service and dedication: her duties always took precedence over everything else.
Her great success was her ability to move with the times: she tried to make the monarchy more relevant in a changing society. She started to go on a walkabout to meet the public, which hadn't happened before her ascension to the throne; she preserved Britain's links with the Commonwealth: she befriended all their leaders; over the years, she took advantage of the mass media to make the monarchy more accessible, to connect with more people.
The reason she was a successful constitutional monarch was that she much preferred to agree than disagree. Maybe the British loved their Queen because she didn't talk about politics: she never openly interfered with politics. Brexit has deeply divided British society: the Queen remained strictly neutral in this conflict.
She understood the importance of silence, of not expressing her opinions, of not reacting. She never put a foot wrong.
"Never explain, never complain" was Elizabeth's motto, which incidentally was coined by the Queen Mother. Queen Elizabeth kept private feelings hidden from the public. She tried to preserve the unity and dignity in the family.
Whenever the monarchy was under threat, she had a sense that she must preserve it: nothing is bigger than the institution itself.
During the coronavirus pandemic, she proved to be a woman of wisdom and experience, a symbol of stability, strength and continuity, the kind of person that the public turns to in a time of crisis. She was the mother of the nation. (254 w)
Réponse : Let's Suggest/22 de here4u, postée le 29-09-2022 à 08:30:17 (S | E)
Hello dears!
You’re not forgotten…. but I have other imperative work to deal with first….
Please, protest if these Follow up Work exercises haven’t been dealt with after the weekend…
Réponse : Let's Suggest/22 de vaiana, postée le 29-09-2022 à 23:03:06 (S | E)
Hello, don't worry, there is no "tardiness," we're not in a hurry
Réponse : Let's Suggest/22 de here4u, postée le 30-09-2022 à 14:56:11 (S | E)
Hello Dears,
I start! Not sure I'll do it in one go!
The Queen! No need to say her name, everybody understands: Queen Elizabeth II of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Commonwealth... few people are aware of the countries her reign consisted of (1)and how widespread they are but, trust me, they are!)
How could a single woman reign over an area that wide and diversified? How could she do it/ how did she manage ? Reigning over the United Kingdom was (really) a performance … so many republican people think royalty is useless and a waste of money! B
Her smile, strength, determination and legitimity changed all. There was a part of God in her; she was sacred. This woman wasn’t ordinary like you and me… Her destiny and her blood bestowed this role on her and she has proved perfect for the task. The British monarchy is powerful and people loved her. She was a person, but (she was) a symbol as well. British citizens think she represented them well [why can't I use "to embody" in this very case?](2) and were as proud of the U.K. as she was. I am sad for her and them today… I know Charles was conceived, brought up, formed, trained for the task and hope he will be a great King, too, his mother’s son, King Charles III. TTB et TB correction
(1) Désolée, mais pour moi, cette expression ne "fait pas sens"... Lien internet
Do you mean "kingdom"?
(2) you embody an ideal, an idea, a principle... not another living human/ human beings. Lien internet
//Lien internet
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Elizabeth II put in a lifetime of service and dedication: she always took her duties seriously .(je mettrais "duty" au singulier qui prend alors un sens beaucoup plus fort ... - et je crois que je tournerais la phrase autrement ...)
Her great success was her ability to move with the times: she tried to make the monarchy more relevant in an evolving society. She started to go (on a) walkabout to meet the population, which hadn't happened prior to her ascending the throne; she preserved Britain's ties with the Commonwealth: she befriended all their leaders; over the years, she took advantage of * mass media to make the monarchy more accessible, to connect with more people.
The reason she was a successful constitutional monarch was that she much preferred agreeing over disagreeing. Maybe the British loved their Queen because she never openly brought up politics. Brexit has deeply divided British society: its Queen [society's one] remained strictly neutral towards this conflict.
She understood the importance of silence, of not expressing her opinions, of not reacting. She never put a foot wrong.
"Never explain, never complain" was the motto of the Royal Family. She kept her personal feelings hidden from the public and tried to preserve the unity and dignity in the family.
Whenever the monarchy was under threat, she had a sense that she must preserve it: no one or nothing is bigger than the institution itself.
During the coronavirus pandemic, she proved to be a woman of wisdom and experience, a symbol of stability, strength and continuity; the kind of person that people turn to in a time of crisis. She was the mother of the nation.
* pour moi, il faut déterminer ...
TTBonne correction !
EXPRESSION N°1: final suggestions
In honour of the Queen of England, I would go for a walk in a yellow coat and a flowered hat of the same colour.
For me, Queen Elizabeth was the symbol of classic elegance. She had her own recognisable (1) OK! I understand! style among all. She was a model of dignity and propriety.
The monarchy was preserved and respected by her presence, her bearing, with her warm smile, her mischievous blue eyes, and of course by her courage, her knowledge of the world and people. Queen Elizabeth was extremely clever and above all, what was most admirable, was her stoicism in front of adversity, and her sense of duty.
Queen Elizabeth was the guardian of aristocratic values.
She would maintain her "Never complain, never explain" stance in any circumstance.
I think she was the most famous personality in the world. 135 MOTS TTB
(1) Etait-ce ce que tu attendais ? Je "n'attends rien" de particulier
EXPRESSION N°2: final suggestions
The Queen! No need to say her name, everybody has understood: Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Commonwealth... (too few people B can list the countries and know how big they are, but they certainly are!)
How can only one person reign over such a large and diversified kingdom? How could she do it? Reigning over the United Kingdom is a performance… so many people are in favor of a republican system and think the royal family is useless and costs too much.B
However, her smile, her strength, her determination and her legitimity changed everything. There was a part of God in her. She was sacred. That woman wasn’t ordinary, like you and me… Her destiny and her blood (had?) put her in this position and she proved to be perfect for the task. The monarchy is still strong and the British loved their Queen. She was a person, but she was a symbol too. British citizens think they were well represented (1) and were as proud of the UK as Queen Elizabeth was.
I am sad for her today, I am also sad for her subjects… I know Charles was conceived, brought up, formed, educated, «prepared» for the task and I hope he will be a great King too, his mother’s son, King Charles III. 202 words.
(1) Etait-ce ce que tu attendais ?
EXPRESSION N°3 : final suggestions
Elizabeth II put in a lifetime of service and dedication: her duties always took precedence over everything else.
Her great success was her ability to move with the times: she tried to make the monarchy more relevant in a changing society. She started to go on a walkabout to meet the public, which hadn't happened before her ascension to the throne(la forme en ing passe mieux ...); she preserved Britain's links with the Commonwealth: she befriended all their leaders; over the years, she took advantage of the mass media B to make the monarchy more accessible, to connect with more people.
The reason she was a successful constitutional monarch was that she much preferred to agree than disagree B . Maybe the British loved their Queen because she didn't talk about politics: she never openly interfered with politics. Brexit has deeply divided British society: the Queen remained strictly neutral in this conflict.
She understood the importance of silence, of not expressing her (own) opinions, of not reacting. She never put a foot wrong.
"Never explain, never complain" was Elizabeth's motto, which incidentally was coined by the Queen Mother. Queen Elizabeth kept private feelings hidden from the public. She tried to preserve the unity and dignity in the family.
Whenever the monarchy was under threat, she had a sense that she must preserve it: nothing is bigger than the institution itself.
During the coronavirus pandemic, she proved to be a woman of wisdom and experience, a symbol of stability, strength and continuity, the kind of person that the public turns to in a time of crisis. She was the mother of the nation. (254 w) EXCELLENT WORK!
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