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Correction /Shining

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction /Shining
Message de fleurdesureau posté le 02-05-2020 à 14:08:29 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
serait-il possible que vous corrigiez cette expression écrite en anglais, c'est une revue sur le film "The Shining"
Merci beaucoup

The Shining is a 1980 movie directed by Stanley Kubrick. It talks about Jack Torrance a former teacher who wants to write a novel. He accepts a job as an off-season winter caretaker of the Overlook Hotel isolated in the mountains. Jack moved to this hotel with his wife and his son. The atmosphere is calm ,perfect to start writing. However the hotel is actually haunted by sordid events of the past. His son Danny has a gift « the shining » allowing him to see what’s happened before. As things progress Jack will go completely crazy...

I do believe that you should definitely watch this movie because It’s the best horror movie plot. The movie makes us start to be afraid in view of all Danny’s visions. I’m fond of the atmosphere and the story. Instead of dealing with simple jumpscare scenes or with physically frightening characters but with Jack who is going to become a psychopath. I categorically prefer psychological horror.

I’m keen on the staging of the movie. Kubrick uses travelling shots in endless corridors that makes us as much lost as the characters. The soundtrack brings a disturbing atmosphere. It’s one of the most compelling staging because Kubrick managed to create tension we are « glued » on the screen during two hours.

I do honestly think that Jack Nicholson aka Jack Torrance is a totally brilliant actor . It’s one of the best madness performances in cinema. The actor’s psychopathic smiles shows us that Jack is wants to commit the irreparable...

Réponse : Correction /Shining de vaiana, postée le 02-05-2020 à 14:18:50 (S | E)
Hello! My attempt:

The Shining is a 1980 movie directed by Stanley Kubrick. It talks about Jack Torrance, a former teacher who wants to write a novel. He accepts a job as an off-season winter caretaker of the Overlook Hotel, isolated in (wrong preposition) the mountains. Jack moved to this hotel with his wife and his son. The atmosphere is calm /serene,perfect to start writing (...perfect to start to write). However, the hotel is actually haunted by sordid events of the past. His son Danny has a gift « the shining » allowing him to see what’s happened before. As things progress /as time goes by, Jack will go completely crazy/ out of his mind...

I do believe that you should definitely watch this movie because it is the best horror movie plot. The movie makes us start to be afraid in view of all Danny’s visions. I’m fond of the atmosphere and the story. Instead of dealing with simple jumpscare scenes or (with) physically frightening characters but with Jack who is going to become a psychopath (la phrase ne paraît pas grammaticalement correcte). I categorically prefer psychological horror.

I’m keen on the staging of the movie. Kubrick uses travelling shots in endless corridors that makes us as much lost as the characters. The soundtrack brings a disturbing atmosphere. It’s one of the most compelling staging because Kubrick managed to create tension we are that makes us « glued » on the screen during two hours.

I do honestly think that Jack Nicholson aka alias Jack Torrance is a totally brilliant actor . It’s one of the best madness performances in cinema. The actor’s psychopathic smiles shows us that Jack is wants to commit the irreparable...

Réponse : Correction /Shining de fleurdesureau, postée le 02-05-2020 à 15:00:54 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide thank you so much


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