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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de palomalchy posté le 17-03-2020 à 19:31:16 (S | E | F)
je passe un oral d'anglais et j'ai un thème personnel à mettre en forme. J'ai besoin d'aide au niveau de la correction;je n'ai pas de prof qui puisse m'aider en vue de la vous remercie d'avance !!!!

I’m going to talk about my personal experiences with two trips. I wanted to tell you that I made these two trips outside of school trip. I will answer the question: What different points of view can we have on a school trip to England depending on its location?
So yes I’m going to compare two cities: London and Margate because these trips are very different and taught me different things.
I will start with Margate because this is my first trip to England and I think is my favourite trip. So my trip in Margate was a week with the organism CLC, it is a city far from London and on the maritime’s coasts of England. During this trip I was once in London for a day of shopping and it was very cool. My host family was great I kept links with them I spent a lot of time with them, which allowed me to progress because I was the only child in the family. As for school, I went to a school in town. Every morning I went there and I had class until twelve o'clock after the lunch I was not free I still had class but in different form like visit the city, walk along the sea but also small exercises in the street (ask questions to the inhabitants, create speeches ...) I had real academic supervision and I loved progressing. The purpose of this trip was to confirm my desire to do a European class in high school.
Now I can talk about my trip in London it was very different. So it’s also a trip of one week with the organism CLC, but in the central London so I discovered the town and take undergrounds and bus for school. I was in host family too but I had a girl with me and it was not the best thing to progress in English because she spoke French like me. For the system at school it was different than Margate because every morning I didn't have school and most of the time the lessons were based on museum visits. During this stay in London I had a lot of free time to discover the city. This trip was not very academic I think it was more the discovery of the city than in the lessons.
To conclude I can say that it was two trips were different first at the school level one was more school than the other. After the location plays a role in this level of learning indeed in the city we have the opportunity to go out so the trip is less academic and when we move away from the city it was easier to spend more time on the school system.

Réponse : Bac/Trips de laure95, postée le 18-03-2020 à 10:48:12 (S | E)
- outside of school trip: mal dit.
- So yes (enlever yes) I’m going to compare two cities:
- these trips are (passé) very different

- this is (passé)my first trip to England
- and I think (sujet) is (passé) my favourite trip.
- So (metttre synonyme) my trip in Margate was (mettre le verbe durer) a week
- the maritime’s (pas de 's) coasts (singulier)of England.
- I was (mettre le verbe aller)once in London
- to (make)progress
- I had (attended pas had)class until twelve o'clock
- after the (pas de the)lunch
- in (it took à la place de in) different form (pluriel) like visit (mettre au gérondif)the city, walk (idem)along the sea
- (ask questions to the inhabitants, create speeches ...)
- to do (attend pas do) a European class in high school.

- So it’s(passé) also a trip
- but in the (pas de the)central London
- so (trop de so)I discovered the town
- and take(passé)(article) undergrounds (singulier)and (article) bus for (to go to pas for)school.
- I was (mettre le verbe séjourner + il manque un article)in host family too
- but I had a girl with me: mal dit.
- to progress
- it was different than Margate('s)
- During this (that pas this)stay in London
- This (that pas this)trip was not very academic

- it was (mettre that à la place de it was) two trips were different
- it was (continuer au présent)easier to spend more time on the school system: ?

Réponse : Bac/Trips de palomalchy, postée le 18-03-2020 à 14:53:45 (S | E)
je vous remercie pour votre nouvelle correction vous êtes d'une grande aide


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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