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Thème littéraire/les jeunes

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Thème littéraire/les jeunes
Message de loulou75 posté le 04-02-2020 à 12:47:41 (S | E | F)
j'ai traduit ce texte, qu'en pensez-vous s'il vous plait ?
Merci d'avance.

Les étudiants anglais dans la rue pour dénoncer les frais d’inscription
Ce mercredi après-midi, l'organisation «Student Assembly Against Austerity» a mobilisé dans la rue une dizaine de milliers d'étudiants contre les coupes budgétaires dans l'éducation et les frais de scolarité à l'université.
Ces derniers ont doublé depuis 2012, pouvant atteindre 9 000 livres soit 10 500 euros par an dans certaines universités anglaises.
Depuis septembre, les membres de cette organisation affichent et distribuent des tracts à King's College comme dans les autres universités londoniennes.
Le collectif milite pour la gratuité totale de l'enseignement supérieur et s'inquiète de l'endettement des étudiants anglais qui peut atteindre selon l'organisation 40 000 livres soit 50 000 euros environ [...].
Les étudiants ont défilé avec des multitudes de pancartes : un bout de carton avec un ironique «Je ne peux même pas me permettre d'acheter de la peinture»; «Éducation gratuite, taxons les riches», «X-Factor est plus démocratique que le Parlement» pouvait-ont lire sur d'autres pancartes.

Bristish students take the streets to denunce the tuition fees.
This wednesday afternoon, the organization «Student Assembly Against Austerity» mobilized in the street a dozen of thousands of students against the budget restriction in the education nd the tuition fees in university.
These later, have double up since 2012, they can reach 9 000 pounds which is 10 500 euros a year in some british university.
Since september, the members of that organization post and distribute some leaflet at King's College like in the others universities of london.
The association campaign for totally free higher education and worries about the british students' debt which, according to the organization, can reach 40 000 pounds which is about 50 000 euros.
The students take the streets with a lot of placards : a piece of cardboard with an ironical " I can even allow to me to buy paint"; "free education, taxs the richs", "X-factor is more democratic than the parliament" we could read on some placards.

Réponse : Thème littéraire/les jeunes de gerondif, postée le 04-02-2020 à 14:28:25 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu
Les étudiants anglais dans la rue pour dénoncer les frais d’inscription

Ce mercredi après-midi, l'organisation «Student Assembly Against Austerity» a mobilisé dans la rue une dizaine de milliers d'étudiants contre les coupes budgétaires dans l'éducation et les frais de scolarité à l'université.
Ces derniers ont doublé depuis 2012, pouvant atteindre 9 000 livres soit 10 500 euros par an dans certaines universités anglaises.
Depuis septembre, les membres de cette organisation affichent et distribuent des tracts à King's College comme dans les autres universités londoniennes.
Le collectif milite pour la gratuité totale de l'enseignement supérieur et s'inquiète de l'endettement des étudiants anglais qui peut atteindre selon l'organisation 40 000 livres soit 50 000 euros environ [...].
Les étudiants ont défilé avec des multitudes de pancartes : un bout de carton avec un ironique «Je ne peux même pas me permettre d'acheter de la peinture»; «Éducation gratuite, taxons les riches», «X-Factor est plus démocratique que le Parlement» pouvait-ont lire sur d'autres pancartes.

Bristish students take to the streets to denunce the tuition fees.

This wednesday afternoon, the organization «Student Assembly Against Austerity» mobilized(a rassemblé) in the street a dozen of thousands of students against the budget restriction(pluriel) in the education and the tuition fees in university.
These later(déjà vu lors d'un autre texte, ne se dit vraiment pas !), have double(participe passé) up since 2012, they can reach 9,000 pounds which is 10,500 euros a year in some british university.
Since september, the members of that organization post and distribute(temps derrière since ?) some leaflet(some signifiant des, certains, mettez-donc un pluriel) at King's College like in the others(invariable quand adjectif) universities of london.
The association campaign(le s du présent simple !!!) for totally free higher education and worries about the british students' debt which, according to the organization, can reach 40,000 pounds, which is about 50,000 euros.
The students take to the streets with a lot of placards : a piece of cardboard with an ironical " I can even allow to me(c'est négatif, et utilisez plutôt can afford to) to buy paint"; "free education, taxs (taxons les riches, impératif 1ère personne pluriel.) the richs( les adjectifs qualificatifs sont invariables, même substantivés, de plus the rich, the poor, the homeless sont globaux, jamais pluriels)", "X-factor is more democratic than the parliament" we could read (ici, l'anglais mettrait du passif) on some placards.

Réponse : Thème littéraire/les jeunes de loulou75, postée le 04-02-2020 à 21:20:03 (S | E)

Bristish students take to the streets to denounce tuition fees.

This Wednesday afternoon, the organization «Student Assembly Against Austerity» gathered in the street about ten of thousands of students against the budget restrictions in education and tuition fees in university.
The tuition fees have doubled up since 2012, they can reach 9,000 pounds which is 10,500 euros a year in some british university.
Since september, the members of that organization posted and distributed some leaflets at King's College and in the other universities of london.
The association campaigns for totally free higher education and worries about the British (pourquoi mettre une majuscule a Birtish ici et pas pour les autres fois où je l'ai utilisé ? ) students' debt which, according to the organization, can reach 40,000 pounds, which is about 50,000 euros.
The students take to the streets with a lot of placards : a piece of cardboard with an ironical " I can't even afford to buy paint"; "free education, let's tax the rich", "X-factor is more democratic than Parliament" could be read on some placards.

Réponse : Thème littéraire/les jeunes de gerondif, postée le 05-02-2020 à 14:57:35 (S | E)
I have got ten eggs, eleven eggs, twelve eggs, a dozen eggs.
a dozen est un adjectif numéral, c'est pile douze.
Dozens of people died ; des dizaines de gens moururent : c'est un nom pluriel traduit par des dizaines de.
Several dozens of people died : plusieurs dizaines de personnes...

Bristish students take to the streets to denounce tuition fees.

This Wednesday afternoon, the organization «Student Assembly Against Austerity»(à mettre avant organization) gathered in the street about ten of thousands of students against (the) budget restrictions in education and tuition fees in university.
The tuition fees have doubled up since 2012, they can reach 9,000 pounds which is 10,500 euros a year in some british university(pluriel).
Since september, the members of that organization (present perfect avec since!!)posted and distributed some leaflets at King's College and in the other universities of london (majuscule quand même !).
The association campaigns for totally free higher education and worries about the British (pourquoi mettre une majuscule a Birtish ici et pas pour les autres fois où je l'ai utilisé ? parce que j'ai oublié de le corriger !) ) students' debt which, according to the organization, can reach 40,000 pounds, which is about 50,000 euros.
The students take to the streets with a lot of placards : a piece of cardboard with an ironical " I can't even afford to buy paint"; "free education, let's tax the rich", "X-factor is more democratic than Parliament" could be read on some placards.

Réponse : Thème littéraire/les jeunes de loulou75, postée le 05-02-2020 à 19:39:25 (S | E)

British students take to the streets to denounce tuition fees.
This Wednesday afternoon, the «Student Assembly Against Austerity» organization gathered in the street dozens of thousands of students against the budget restrictions in education and tuition fees in university.
The tuition fees have doubled up since 2012, they can reach 9,000 pounds which is 10,500 euros a year in some British universities.
Since september, the members of that organization have posted and have distributed some leaflets at King's College and in the other universities of London.
The association campaigns for totally free higher education and worries about the British students' debt which, according to the organization, can reach 40,000 pounds, which is about 50,000 euros.
The students take to the streets with a lot of placards : a piece of cardboard with an ironical " I can't even afford to buy paint"; "free education, let's tax the rich", "X-factor is more democratic than Parliament" could be read on some placards.

Réponse : Thème littéraire/les jeunes de gerondif, postée le 05-02-2020 à 19:45:18 (S | E)
On arrive au bout !
British students take to the streets to denounce tuition fees.

This Wednesday afternoon, the «Student Assembly Against Austerity» organization gathered dozens of thousands of students in the street against (the) budget restrictions in education and tuition fees in university.
The tuition fees have doubled up since 2012, they can reach 9,000 pounds which is 10,500 euros a year in some British universities.
Since september, the members of that organization have posted and have distributed some leaflets at King's College and in the other universities of London.
The association campaigns for totally free higher education and worries about the British students' debt which, according to the organization, can reach 40,000 pounds, which is about 50,000 euros.
The students take to the streets with a lot of placards : a piece of cardboard with an ironical " I can't even afford to buy paint"; "free education, let's tax the rich".(point, sinon, la fin de la phrase ne peut pas se dire) "X-factor is more democratic than Parliament" could be read on some other placards.

Réponse : Thème littéraire/les jeunes de loulou75, postée le 06-02-2020 à 17:59:12 (S | E)


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