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Correction/ thème 1

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ thème 1
Message de vaiana posté le 04-08-2019 à 02:29:02 (S | E | F)
Hello 😺
Here are some sentences I would like you to help me correct
Thanks in advance

1) Si elle avait su ce à quoi elle s’exposait, elle n’aurait jamais pris une telle décision.
If she had known what she was exposing herself, she would have never made such a decision.
Had she known what she was exposing herself, ...

2) Cela fait des années que les gouvernements européens s’attaquent à la montée du chômage.
European governments have been tackling the increase of the unemployment for years.
It has been years since European governments have been tackling the increase of the unemployment.

3) Il se peut que je parte demain. Annulez le rendez-vous, qu’il m’appelle à mon retour.
I might leave tomorrow. Cancel the meeting, suggest he phones me when I go back.

4) Il a travaillé dans un pays anglophone pendant longtemps mais n’a jamais réussi à parler anglais correctement.
He has worked in an English country for long (or: for a long time) but he has never managed to speak English the right way.

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-08-2019 10:17

Réponse : Correction/ thème 1 de vaiana, postée le 07-08-2019 à 00:19:40 (S | E)

Réponse : Correction/ thème 1 de here4u, postée le 07-08-2019 à 23:47:05 (S | E)

1) Si elle avait su ce à quoi elle s’exposait, elle n’aurait jamais pris une telle décision.
If she had known what she was exposing herself XX, Lien internet
XX would have never made such a decision.
Had she known what she was exposing herself XX , ...

2) Cela fait des années que les gouvernements européens s’attaquent à la montée du chômage.
European governments have been tackling the increase of the unemployment for years.
It has been years since European governments have been tackling (I wouldn't use that tense;) the increase of the unemployment.
Lien internet

Lien internet

3) Il se peut que je parte demain. Annulez le rendez-vous, qu’il m’appelle à mon retour.
I might/ may leave tomorrow. Cancel the meeting, suggest he phones me when I go back.

4) Il a travaillé dans un pays anglophone pendant longtemps mais n’a jamais réussi à parler anglais correctement.
He has worked in an English country for long (or: for a long time) but he has never managed to speak English the right way. (There's not only ONE correct way of speaking a language...)

Réponse : Correction/ thème 1 de vaiana, postée le 09-08-2019 à 03:08:06 (S | E)
Hello Here4U! 😺 😺 Thanks for your help!

1) Si elle avait su ce à quoi elle s’exposait, elle n’aurait jamais pris une telle décision.
If she had known what she was exposing herself to, she would have never made such a decision. (is there a mistake in the second part of the sentence? I don't see it )
Had she known what she was exposing herself to, she would have never made such a decision.

2) Cela fait des années que les gouvernements européens s’attaquent à la montée du chômage.
European governments have been tackling the increase of the unemployment for years.
It has been years since European governments have tackled the increase of the unemployment.

3) Il se peut que je parte demain. Annulez le rendez-vous, qu’il m’appelle à mon retour.
I may leave tomorrow. Cancel the meeting, suggest he phones to my return/to my come back.

4) Il a travaillé dans un pays anglophone pendant longtemps mais n’a jamais réussi à parler anglais correctement.
He has been working in an English country for long but has never managed to speak English correctly.

I hope this try is better than the previous one!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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