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Passif/ correction

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Passif/ correction
Message de vaiana posté le 14-07-2019 à 11:15:14 (S | E | F)
Could you help me correct my exercise, please?
Thanks in advance

Fabriquez une nouvelle phrase en passivant le verbe souligné, quand c’est possible :
1. They didn’t explain to the shareholders the reasons for the change of policy.
The shareholders weren't explained to the reasons for the change of policy.
The reasons for the change of policy weren't explained to the shareholders.

2. The teachers have made the children learn the list of the American states.
The children were made learn the list of the American states.
The list of the American states were learned by the children.

3. People say that the president speaks Japanese very fluently.
The president is said to speak Japanese very fluently.

4. Some people would like the Prime Minister to resign.
The Prime Ministed would be liked to resign.

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-07-2019 15:08

Réponse : Passif/ correction de gerold, postée le 14-07-2019 à 13:16:21 (S | E)
Bonjour vaiana

1. They didn’t explain to the shareholders the reasons for the change of policy.
The shareholders weren't explained to the reasons for the change of policy. en principe impossible, on ne dit pas to explain somebody something, mais seulement to explain something to somebody, donc "somebody" ne peut pas être le sujet de la phrase passive
The reasons for the change of policy weren't explained to the shareholders.

2. The teachers have made the children learn the list of the American states.
The children were gardez le même temps qu'à l'actif made xx learn the list of the American states.
The list of the American states were le sujet est "the list" learned by the children. oui, mais la notion de factitif ("faire faire") disparaît.

3. People say that the president speaks Japanese very fluently.
The president is said to speak Japanese very fluently.

4. Some people would like the Prime Minister to resign.
The Prime Ministed would be liked to resign. Normalement, to want et to like suivis d'un infinitif ne se mettent pas au passif, cf Michael Swann, Practical English Usage, 418.6.

Modifié par gerold le 14-07-2019 18:49

Réponse : Passif/ correction de vaiana, postée le 15-07-2019 à 18:02:22 (S | E)
Hello and thank you for your help!

1. They didn’t explain to the shareholders the reasons for the change of policy.
The reasons for the change of policy weren't explained to the shareholders.

2. The teachers have made the children learn the list of the American states.
The children have been made to learn the list of the American states.
The list of the American states was learned by the children.

3. People say that the president speaks Japanese very fluently.
The president is said to speak Japanese very fluently.

4. Some people would like the Prime Minister to resign.
The Prime Minister would be liked to resign. what am i meant to put in this case?

Réponse : Passif/ correction de gerold, postée le 16-07-2019 à 16:42:45 (S | E)
Hello vaiana

La consigne est claire : "Fabriquez une nouvelle phrase en passivant le verbe souligné, quand c’est possible."

Si ce n'est pas le cas, indiquez "impossible".


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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