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Text/Learn vocabulary

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Text/Learn vocabulary
Message de emma22 posté le 31-03-2019 à 22:06:13 (S | E | F)
Etant en licence de Langues Etrangères Appliquées je m'entraîne à écrire des textes en anglais afin d'améliorer ma maîtrise de cette langue. Je me demandais si c'était possible d'avoir un avis sur ce texte au niveau de la syntaxe et de la tournure de mes phrases et une éventuelle correction.
Merci d'avance.

How to memorise vocabulary when learning foreign languages ?

First, analysing new vocabulary is essential in order to memorise vocabulary when learning foreign languages. Dissect new words help to understand better the conjugation and the structure of the language. Moreover, stay focus on a single theme each week will help your mind to memorise the vocabulary. But it is important to avoid opposites because this can get you mixed up. So analysing new vocabulary is an essential part of memorising.

Then, using different methods can help to memorise vocabulary. Reading is something really important and helpful when learning languages because it is making you revisit learned vocabulary and see the new one in new structures. However, it is not enough to memorise all of the vocabulary. Moreover, learn just words is not going to help you, you rather have to learn basis common phrases. In that case you won't even need to think how build or conjugate these sentences.

So we can see that with several methods we can memorise on a different way the vocabulary.

Modifié par lucile83 le 31-03-2019 22:08

Réponse : Text/Learn vocabulary de gerondif, postée le 31-03-2019 à 22:20:03 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu
How to memorise vocabulary when learning foreign languages ?

First, analysing new vocabulary is essential in order to memorise vocabulary when learning foreign languages. Dissecting (soyez logique avec la construction de votre première phrase) new words help to understand better the conjugation and the structure of the language. Moreover, staying focused on a single theme each week will help your mind to memorise the vocabulary. But it is important to avoid opposites because this can get you mixed up. So analysing new vocabulary is an essential part of memorising.

Then, using different methods can help to memorise vocabulary. Reading is something really important and helpful when learning languages because it is making(le présent simple irait presque mieux) you revisit learned vocabulary and see the new one in new structures. However, it is not enough to memorise all of the vocabulary. Moreover, learning just words is not going to help you, you rather have to learn basis common phrases. In that case you won't even need to think how build or conjugate these sentences.

So we can see that with several methods we can memorise the vocabulary on a different way.

Réponse : Text/Learn vocabulary de emma22, postée le 31-03-2019 à 22:54:36 (S | E)

Je vous remercie pour la correction apportée.
Je vais revoir la conjugaison qui me pose problème notamment entre l'utilisation du présent simple ou continu.



Réponse : Text/Learn vocabulary de here4u, postée le 31-03-2019 à 23:45:50 (S | E)

There's one left!

how build or conjugate these sentences.

and: to learn basis common phrases. (why not use "basic" instead?)

Réponse : Text/Learn vocabulary de emma22, postée le 01-04-2019 à 10:09:08 (S | E)
Hello !

Thank you for your answer.

Is it correct to say " How to build or conjugate these sentences " ?

Réponse : Text/Learn vocabulary de here4u, postée le 01-04-2019 à 10:23:11 (S | E)
Hello !

Attention, ça ne doit pas être une interrogative directe (qui serait incorrecte !), mais "He doesn't know how to build... " est une alternative à "He can't build..."

Réponse : Text/Learn vocabulary de emma22, postée le 01-04-2019 à 10:36:32 (S | E)
Je vous remercie pour votre explication.

La phrase complète étant "In that case you won't even need to think how build or conjugate these sentences."
Est-ce que dans ce cas il faut mettre la forme infinitive to build ?

In that case you won't even need to think how to build or conjugate these sentences



Réponse : Text/Learn vocabulary de gerondif, postée le 01-04-2019 à 10:48:27 (S | E)
In that case you won't even need to think about how to build or conjugate these sentences
In that case you won't even need to think about building or conjugating these sentences. Au départ on "construit" une phrase ou un verbe mais on ne "conjugue" pas une phrase. Mais en tapant "conjuguer une phrase" sous google, je trouve l'expression à foison alors suppose que conjuguer le verbe de la phrase devient en raccourci conjuguer la phrase.

Réponse : Text/Learn vocabulary de emma22, postée le 01-04-2019 à 11:05:46 (S | E)

Je vous remercie pour votre réponse et les deux propositions de correction.




Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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