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Correction/ phrases

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ phrases
Message de dadoush35 posté le 04-03-2019 à 11:07:57 (S | E | F)
je viens vers vous car j'ai écrit quelques phrases pour un dialogue et j'aimerais une correction si vous pouvez s'il vous plait.

We try to sell top brands to our customers at the lowest price, while offering a good quality/price ratio.
Among the brands that we offer, we find Lacoste, Adidas or Timberland for example.
Our customers come to find quality products, and we do our best to satisfy them and build a trust-based relationship. If they are happy with us, they will be loyal.
So if I could receive it early October that would be perfect. If I receive it to late, there is no need, I couldn't sell the whole stock before Christmas.
It seems too little to me, I know that I am not an existing customer, but I think my order is more significant that others, in term of volume, I mean quantities. And if you accept to make it, and if the products meet my expectations, we will certainly have other opportunities to work together
If it is possible, I would like to propose to my customers 10 colors and 15 different patterns.
Alright, if you can’t do by an other way. But you will have to low the price, as I can’t buy all the quantity I ask, and the choice will be reduced for my consumers. My clients are used to having a wide choice of items.
I consider that it is a large order. Could you make me an global offer for the whole batch please?
When I buy items in large quantities to my other suppliers, they give me a discount as they know I always pay before the authorized deadline.

Je vous remercie pour votre aide!
Bonne journée!

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-03-2019 11:14

Réponse : Correction/ phrases de gerondif, postée le 05-03-2019 à 17:30:58 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu
We try to sell top brands to our customers at the lowest price, while offering a good quality/price ratio.
Among the brands that we offer, we find Lacoste, Adidas or Timberland for example.
Our customers come to find quality products, and we do our best to satisfy them and build a trust-based relationship. If they are happy with us, they will be loyal.(sens ? they will become regular customers, they will become patrons(fuax ami a patron is a regular Customer in a pub…))
So if I could receive it(on ne sait pas de quoi vous parlez) by early October that would be perfect. If I receive it to late, there is no need(ne va pas, vous vouliez dire c'est plus la peine?), I couldn't (je ne pourrai pas est un futur, le conditionnel couldn't sonne faux ici) sell the whole stock before Christmas.
It seems too little(ne va pas, vous vouliez dire un délai trop court, ou c'est la commande qui est trop petite ? Pas clair en tous cas) to me, I know that I am not an existing(sens??) customer, but I think my order is more significant that others, in term of volume, I mean quantities. And if you accept to make it(fabriquer quoi ?), and if the products meet my expectations, we will certainly have other opportunities to work together
If it is possible, I would like to propose to my customers 10 colors and 15 different patterns.
Alright, if you can’t do by an other way.(n'a pas de sens. Il n'en manquerait pas un bout , If you can't meet my order, I will manage another way) But you will have to low (low est un adjectif, to lower, to bring down, sont des verbes) the price, as I can’t buy all the quantity I ask (la phrase est bizarre, je ne peux pas acheter toute la quantité que JE demande, vous êtes sûr du je ?), and the choice will be reduced for my consumers. My clients are used to having a wide choice of items.
I consider that it is a large order. Could you make me an global offer for the whole batch please?
When I buy items in large quantities to(to, vous l'achetez pour eux, from vous l'achetez en provenance de chez eux) my other suppliers, they give me a discount as they know I always pay before the authorized deadline.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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