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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de vaiana posté le 05-01-2019 à 01:01:35 (S | E | F)
Could you help me with this translation, please?
Thank you!

(la scène se passe en Angleterre)
- Excusez-moi de vous déranger, Madame, auriez-vous la gentillesse de me dire où se trouve la poste ? J’ai dû me tromper d’arrêt de bus.
- Mais certainement; vous continuez tout droit et vous prenez la deuxième rue à droite; vous verrez, c’est un assez grand bâtiment gris sur votre gauche, quand vous aurez atteint la rue Wycliffe. Devant il y a plusieurs cabines téléphoniques.
- Ce n’est pas pour téléphoner, mais je souhaite acheter un carnet de timbres pour écrire à mes amis qui sont restés en France. Je ne voudrais pas leur donner l’impression que je les oublie !
- Ah, vous êtes française ? je ne l’aurais pas crû... vous parlez un anglais tout à fait remarquable. Il y a longtemps que vous êtes arrivée en Angleterre ?
- Non, je ne suis là que depuis la semaine dernière, mais j’adore les anglais et je viens régulièrement dans le pays de Shakespeare depuis que j’ai commencé à étudier l’anglais à l’école il y a presque 12 ans. Aujourd’hui j’étudie deux langues et le droit à l’Université Denis Diderot à Paris.
- Je ne suis jamais allée en France; en revanche mon mari et moi allons souvent en Nouvelle Zélande voir notre fille qui s’est installée là-bas il y a plusieurs années. Je regrette vraiment de ne pas avoir étudié le français quand j’étais jeune ; je crains que ce ne soit trop tard maintenant.
- Et si vous suiviez des cours accélérés ? il est probable qu’il existe des cours pour adultes à l’Université d’Exeter, non? Je suis moi-même des cours du soir pour présenter le CAE de Cambridge.
- Oui, il doit y en avoir, mais vous savez, je n’ai pas particulièrement envie de retourner à l’école ! Car étudier la grammaire d’une langue étrangère ça doit être très difficile, non ?

(the scene takes place in England)
- Excuse me for bothering you, Ma'am, would you be so kind as tell me where the post office is? I must have mistaken of bus stop.
- Certainly; keep straight and take the second street on your right; you'll see, it is a big building enough on your left, when you'll have reach the Wycliffe street. There are several phone boxes in front of it.
- That's not in order to phone, but I wish to buy a book of stamps to write to my friends who stayed in France. I would like not to give them the impress that I forget them!
- Ah, are you French? I wouldn't have believed it... you speak with a completely remarkable English. Have you been in England for long?
- No, I'm only here since last week, but I love English people and I regularly come in Shakespeare's country since I have started studying English at school for almost 12 years. Now I'm studying two languages and law at Denis Diderot university in Paris.
- I've never been in France; notwithstanding, my husband and I often go in New Zealand in order to see our daughter who settled in several years ago. I really wish I had studied French when I was young; I'm worrying it's too late now.
- What about taking accelerated courses? There is a chance it exists courses destinated for grown-ups in Exeter university, isn't there? I'm personally keeping some evening courses in order to present the Cambridge CAE.
- Yes, there must have some, but you know, I don't particularly want to go back to school! As studying the grammar of a foreign language must be very difficult, mustn't it?

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-01-2019 08:17

Modifié par vaiana le 05-01-2019 13:48
Bonjour Lucile,
J'avais lu qu'il était malpoli de dire merci avant d'avoir reçu l'aide

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-01-2019 21:33
Bonjour vaiana,
Je pense que c'est normal sur un forum de remercier pour la réponse à venir , comme de dire 'Bonjour/Hello,etc.'.

Réponse : Thème/aide de laure95, postée le 05-01-2019 à 15:34:43 (S | E)
- would you be so kind as (to)tell me where the post office is? I must have mistaken of (article)bus stop.
- it is a big building enough: ne pas utiliser enough ici mais plutôt "quite".
- when you'll have reach the Wycliffe street: pas de will derrière when ici.
- That's not in order to phone :mot à mot.
- I wish (I would like ou revoir construction avec wish) to buy a book of stamps to write to my friends who stayed (pas le bon temps)in France.
- I would like not: c'est une conversation, donc emploie la forme négative contractée qui doit être en plus sur would!
- the impress( mettre le nom)
- Ah (français), are you French?
you speak with (pas de with)a completely remarkable English.
- I'm only here since last week:since + présent perfect.
- and I regularly come in Shakespeare's country since I have started studying English at school for almost 12 years le présent perfect doit être utilisé dans la première partie de la phrase. Après since, il faut utiliser le prétérit et ago à la place de for.
- I often go in(pas la bonne préposition) New Zealand
in order (pas obligé)to see our daughter who settled in (there)several years ago.
- I'm worrying: I'm afraid.
- There is a chance it exists courses: mal dit: construire avec un modal.

Réponse : Thème/aide de vaiana, postée le 05-01-2019 à 19:31:30 (S | E)
Hello Laure and thank your for your help!

(the scene takes place in England)
- Excuse me for bothering you, Ma'am, would you be so kind as to tell me where the post office is? I must have mistaken of the bus stop.
- Certainly; keep straight and take the second street on your right; you'll see, it is a quite big building on your left, when you have reach the Wycliffe street. There are several phone boxes in front of it.
- I don't plan to phone, but I would like to buy a book of stamps to write to my friends who have stayed in France. I wouldn't like to give them the impression that I forget them!
- Eh, are you French? I wouldn't have believed it... you speak a completely remarkable English. Have you been in England for long?
- No, I only have been here since last week, but I love English people and I've regularly come in Shakespeare's country since I started studying English at school almost 12 years ago. Now I'm studying two languages and law at Denis Diderot university in Paris.
- I've never been in France; notwithstanding, my husband and I often go to New Zealand in order to see our daughter who settled in there several years ago. I really wish I had studied French when I was young; I'm afraid it's too late now.
- What about taking accelerated courses? There must exist courses destinated for grown-ups in Exeter university, mustn't there? I'm personally keeping some evening courses in order to present the Cambridge CAE.
- Yes, there must have some, but you know, I don't particularly want to go back to school! As studying the grammar of a foreign language must be very difficult, mustn't it?


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