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Phrases au passif

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Phrases au passif
Message de vaiana posté le 22-12-2018 à 13:38:22 (S | E | F)
Hello.Are my sentences right, please? The sentences below have to be put on the passive voice if possible.

1. They said that he was shy.
He was said to be shy.
2. They had to operate on him.
He had to be operated on.
3. Is anybody attending to you, Sir ?
Are you attended to, Sir?
4. They called the police because of the horrendous din.
The police has been called because of the horrendous din.
5. The salesman swore to them that the car would last ten years.
They were sworn the car would last ten years by the salesman.
6. They don’t do this in England.
This is not done in England.
7. The village children laughed at him and played tricks on him.
He was laughed at and played tricks on by the village children.
8. They said little about what had happened.
What had happened was said little about by them.

Réponse : Phrases au passif de laure95, postée le 22-12-2018 à 14:04:00 (S | E)
1. He was said to be shy. OK
2. He had to be operated on. OK
3. Is anybody attending to you, Sir ?
Are you attended to, Sir?: dans la phrase de départ, le verbe est conjugué au présent be+-ing, ce qui doit donc aussi être la cas dans la phrase à la voix passive.
4. They called the police because of the horrendous din.
The police has been called because of the horrendous din: dans la phrase de départ, le verbe est au prétérit, pas au présent pefect!
5. they were sworn the car would last ten years by the salesman. OK
6. This is not done in England. OK
7. He was laughed at and played tricks on by the village children. OK
8. They said little about what had happened.
What had happened was said little about by them: le sujet doit être little.

Réponse : Phrases au passif de vaiana, postée le 22-12-2018 à 17:07:01 (S | E)
Hello Laure and thanks!

1. He was said to be shy. OK
2. He had to be operated on. OK
3. Are you being attended to, Sir?
4. The police was called because of the horrendous din.
5. they were sworn the car would last ten years by the salesman. OK
6. This is not done in England. OK
7. He was laughed at and played tricks on by the village children. OK
8. Little was said about what had happened.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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