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Oral/Myths and Heroes

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Oral/Myths and Heroes
Message de adrin2 posté le 04-04-2018 à 19:55:20 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
je passe ce vendredi. Pourriez-vous m'aider à corriger ma notion ? En vous remerciant par avance .

The notion I’m going to speak about is Myths and Heroes, a myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a role model or an icon.
In order to illustrate the notion, I’ve chosen to talk about the American myths and heroes, my presentation will deal with this question:
What are the American myths and heroes?
Firstly, I will talk about the story of Pilgrim Fathers then about the American dream.

I-The story of the founders of the United States
The Pilgrims Fathers are the first settlers to have arrived in America in 1620 and this story is considered as a myth of the beginning of the America. The first document is an article from BBC news published on in January 1998 about the reasons why the Pilgrim Fathers left England and moved to the United States. The Pilgrim Fathers were Puritans (not Anglican). They believed that they were true Christians, determined to purify and to reform the church of England. They were persecuted by the king’s agents or the church for their beliefs. First, they fled to the Netherlands, but economic problems and the fear of Spanish Catholic invasion made them decide to leave. They went back to England and they sailed to America on the Mayflower ship. They spent five weeks exploring, before finding a place to settle which they called the Plymouth Plantation. So, the Pilgrim Fathers are heroes because they never renounced their beliefs and did what nobody else did before them. After the arrival of the Pilgrim Fathers, the United States of America became a true state. The country attracts many immigrants, since the 19th century. It's the American Dream

II-The American Dream
The American Dream is a myth where people can start from nothing and find a work, build a home and a family. The foreigners come in America to begin a new and better life. The American dream makes a positive image of the United States. The second document, a song “American Land” by Bruce Springsteen is about the AD. America is seen as the land of opportunity, a land where everything is possible and where you can live your life. The reality is that you have to work your fingers to the bone and that you are working towards making America great. It’s another version of the AD. Indeed, in reality the American dream is not a success for everybody, all American citizens are not equal. Racism and poverty exist in a rich society with a high standard of living like the United States.
The last document is an ice sculpture during the Republican National Convention in 2016 which showed the melting of the American Dream. The message was to show the erosion of opportunity and social equality and that the American dream tends to become a myth.
From year to year AD loses his image of a better life.

CONCLUSION: To conclude, the story of the America began with the arrival of the Pilgrim fathers, seen as heroes from all the Americans. People continue to believe in the American Dream, thanks to a lot of good things happened. The American dream is a myth and a reality. But with the election of Donald Trump we may wonder if the American dream is over?

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-04-2018

Réponse : Oral/Myths and Heroes de dsmith, postée le 05-04-2018 à 03:50:14 (S | E)

The notion I’m going to speak about is Myths and Heroes, a myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a role model or an icon.
In order to illustrate the notion, I’ve chosen to talk about the American myths and heroes, my presentation will deal with this question:
What are the American myths and heroes?
Firstly, I will talk about the story of the Pilgrim Fathers then about the American dream.

I-The story of the founders of the United States
The Pilgrims Fathers are the first settlers to have arrived in America in 1620 and this story is considered as a myth of the beginning of the America. The first document is an article from BBC news published on in January 1998 about the reasons why the Pilgrim Fathers left England and moved to the United States. The Pilgrim Fathers were Puritans (not Anglican). They believed that they were true Christians, determined to purify and to reform the church of England. They were persecuted by the king’s agents or the church for their beliefs. First, they fled to the Netherlands, but economic problems and the fear of Spanish Catholic invasion made them decide to leave. They went back to England and they sailed to America on the Mayflower ship. They spent five weeks exploring, before finding a place to settle which they called the Plymouth Plantation. So, the Pilgrim Fathers are heroes because they never renounced their beliefs and did what nobody else did before them. After the arrival of the Pilgrim Fathers, the United States of America became a true state. The country attracts many immigrants, since the 19th century. It's the American Dream

II-The American Dream
The American Dream is a myth where people can start from nothing and find a work, build a home and a family. The foreigners come in "to" America to begin a new and better life. The American dream makes (mieux "creates") a positive image of the United States. The second document, a song “American Land” by Bruce Springsteen is about the AD. America is seen as the land of opportunity, a land where everything is possible and where you can live your life. The reality is that you have to work your fingers to the bone and that you are working towards making America great. It’s another version of the AD. Indeed, in reality the American dream is not a success for everybody, all American citizens are not equal. Racism and poverty exist in a rich society with a high standard of living like the United States.
The last document is an ice sculpture during the Republican National Convention in 2016 which showed the melting of the American Dream. The message was to show the erosion of opportunity and social equality and that the American dream tends to become a myth.
From year to year article defini AD loses his (his est pour une personne) image of a better life.

CONCLUSION: To conclude, the story of the America began with the arrival of the Pilgrim fathers, seen as heroes from "by" all the Americans. People continue to believe in the American Dream, thanks to a lot of good things xxxx (a word is missing here) happened. The American dream is a myth and a reality. But with the election of Donald Trump we may wonder if the American dream is over (better: has disappeared)?

Réponse : Oral/Myths and Heroes de adrin2, postée le 05-04-2018 à 17:22:05 (S | E)
Hello dsmith,

Thank you so much for your corrections and very important advice!


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