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Dialogue/ correction

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Dialogue/ correction
Message de bluppychan posté le 14-03-2018 à 15:31:06 (S | E | F)
j'ai un oral la semaine prochaine en anglais et je dois avec ma voisine de classe apprendre un dialogue (préparé par nos soins ) par coeur. Le thème étant : une discussion d'un couple lesbien dans les années 1980 aux USA.
Et voilà j'ai peur d'apprendre des phrases qui ne sont pas grammaticalement correctes... J'ai relu plusieurs fois le dialogue, mais n'étant pas anglophone il y a sûrement des erreurs que je n'ai pas vues.... quelqu'un pourrait - il m'aider ?
Mercipour vos réponses.

E: Hi darling
M: Hi, why did you want me to meet you ? Because you seemed a bit worried
E: I have something very important to tell you but it's not easy...
M: Dont't worry ! You know you can tell me eveything !
E: Okay... That's... I want you to meet my parents !
M:Ah !.... Are you sure ?
E I knew you would say that ....
M: It's not that I donc't want to do it but i am affraid it will turn bad
E: Why do you think it's a bad idea ? I know my parents ! They will adore you !
M: Yes, but not as a girlfriend, mentalities not change with laws and you can't change that !
E: The law was abolished, we can be together since 1976 in california ! So, minds will be developped.
M: Your parents are catholic, they see us like sick women and if you tell them now about us they will send you in a medical center!
E : No, I don't think so, because firstly it's now illegal and secondly my parents don't go against the laws.
M : Okay, maybe you are right , but in my opinion your parents could disown you and forbide you to hangout with me.
E : My family is openminded, my father allows my mom to work and my mother don't want me to be a housewife, so maybe it could be an argument.
M : Yes, but you are an only child and your parents will believe that their own daughter will never be married and that they will never have grandchildren !
E : You are very pessimist about our future ! We both know that the LGBT community thanks to its influence will demand the adoption of the homosexual marriage .
M : I agree with you, but it would be better to wait because it makes a lot of changes at the moment for people.
E : Finally, I consent with you. Let's wait to see how things will evolve.

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-03-2018 22:49

Réponse : Dialogue/ correction de gerondif, postée le 14-03-2018 à 16:08:18 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu, suggestions en vert (ou pas)
E: Hi darling
M: Hi, why did you want me to meet you ? Because(parait bizarre, l'anglophone dirait "I mean") you seemed a bit worried
E: I have something very important to tell you but it's not easy...
M: Dont't worry ! You know you can tell me eveything !
E: Okay... That's(ne va pas bien, j'aurais mis well )..... I want (j'aurais plutôt mis je voudrais, conditionnel de like) you to meet my parents !
M:Ah !.... Are you sure ?
E I knew you would say that ....
M: It's not that I donc't want to do it but i(majuscule) am affraid it will turn bad
E: Why do you think it's a bad idea ? I know my parents ! They will adore you !
M: Yes, but not as a girlfriend, mentalities not(conjugaison présent simple négatif = don't) change with laws and you can't change that !
E: The law was abolished, we can be together since 1976
(ah, difficile là parce qu'il faut un present perfect avec for ou since au sens de depuis, alors il faudra mettre le remplaçant de can au present perfect et ça va faire lourd; Vous pourriez garder we can be together, bien que ce can soit un peu flou, il serait plus judicieux de dire "nous avons le droit d'être ensemble" (to have the right to do something) Moi, je mettrais ensuite un point et je planterais ensuite "La loi a changé en 76", au prétérit, comme ça, j’évite le depuis) in california ! So, minds will be developped (ne veut rien dire, les esprits seront développés, vous vouliez dire, les gens auront eu le temps d'évoluer depuis 76? (pas sûr chez nous, vu le nombre d'élèves pour qui l'insulte suprême est "pd" mais bon....) ).
M: Your parents are catholic, they see us like(mauvais choix de "comme" ici c'est en tant que) sick women and if you tell them now about us they will send you in a medical center!
E : No, I don't think so, because firstly it's now illegal and secondly my parents don't go against the laws.
M : Okay, maybe you are right , but in my opinion your parents could disown you and forbide(orthographe) you to hangout (en deux mots le verbe, non?) with me.
E : My family is openminded( en deux mots, avec un tiret), my father allows my mom to work and my mother don't(Aïe !3ème personne) want me to be a housewife, so maybe it could be an argument.
M : Yes, but you are an only child and your parents will believe that their own daughter will never be married and that they will never have grandchildren !
E : You are very pessimist(est un nom, il faut l'adjectif) about our future ! We both know that the LGBT community thanks to its influence will demand the adoption of the homosexual marriage .
M : I agree with you, but it would be better to wait because it makes(ça fait, ça représente beaucoup de changements..., utilisez mean ou represent) a lot of changes at the moment for people.
E : Finally, I consent with(mauvais choix de verbe) you. Let's wait to see how things will evolve.

Je me demande comment les parents d'élèves auraient réagi si j'avais donné ce type de sujet, mais j'étais en collège, c'est différent en lycée et peut-être que les mentalités évoluent après tout...

Réponse : Dialogue/ correction de bluppychan, postée le 14-03-2018 à 17:17:20 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour vos conseils !
C'est vrai que le sujet est spécial mais très intéressant en effet !


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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