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Débat/Buy Nothing Day

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Débat/Buy Nothing Day
Message de camfctl posté le 12-03-2018 à 18:59:34 (S | E | F)
Je suis en classe de seconde et j'ai un débat à réaliser sur le thème du "Buy Nothing Day" avec plusieurs arguments pour défendre son opinion. Je dois le présenter avec un garçon qui ne fait pas son travail et tout ça pour mercredi 14 mars !!
J'ai eu un petit problème quand j'ai voulu le poster la dernière fois alors excusez-moi de la demande tardive.
Merci de bien vouloir me dire s'il y a des fautes d'orthographe (que l'on pourrait entendre à l'oral), s'il y a des choses à rajouter ou à enlever.
Merci d'avance !

C - Oh oh ! where are you going like that ?
A - Hey mum ! Today is the black friday, I'm going to buy the last track of the PSG, with the tee-shirt, the socks and the shoes with Nathan. It's so cool !
C - Oh darling, have you lost your head or what ?! Today, it's the buy nothing day, you can’t buy anything.
A - Pff ... it's for the old people ! This day now is the black friday so we buy what we want for reduced prices.
C - There are plenty of times in the year, it's called sales ! today, there is too much overconsumption. People are buying more and more for their happiness because of advertisements
A - It has nothing to do with advertisements. Okay, they influence our purchases a bit. In any case, it's not a day that will change the way to buy from society.
C - And then, you think of childrens who are exploited to make these items on the other side of the world. In underdeveloped countries.
A - Ok for kids, but there are also a lot of small businesses that want to make big sales on that day.
C- They will also do it on other days. I think we really need to question the way we buy. Don’t buy on a whim. I think the BND allows people to think more sustainably about our daily lives and habits. I think we need to talk more.
A - Ok I would not enjoy myself on this day, I'll wait another day.
C - A week when there will be sales !
A - Yes yes !

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-03-2018 22:05

Réponse : Débat/Buy Nothing Day de gerondif, postée le 12-03-2018 à 19:30:00 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu, suggestions en vert
Pas d'article devant BND, regardez wikipedia:
Buy Nothing Day (BND) is an international day of protest against consumerism. In North America, the United Kingdom, Finland and Sweden, Buy Nothing Day is held the day after U.S. Thanksgiving, concurrent to Black Friday; elsewhere, it is held the following day, which is the last Saturday in November.[1][2] Buy Nothing Day was founded in Vancouver by artist Ted Dave[3] and subsequently promoted by Adbusters magazine,[4] based in Canada.

Oh oh ! where are you going like that ?
A - Hey mum ! Today is the(en trop) black friday (majuscule), I'm going to buy the last track of the PSG( a track, c'est une piste, a track-suit un survêt, donc ça ne veut rien dire, et puis on ferait un mot composé, the latest psg tracksuit), with the tee-shirt, the socks and the shoes with Nathan. It's so cool !
C - Oh darling, have you lost your head or what ?! Today, it's the buy nothing day, you can’t buy anything.(You're supposed to buy nothing)
A - Pff ... it's for the(en trop) old people ! This day now is (today is) the(en trop) black friday so we buy what we want for(at) reduced prices.
C - There are plenty of times (for that) in the year, it's called sales ! today, there is too much overconsumption. People are buying more and more for their happiness (c'est mal dit car s'ils achètent pour leur bonheur, c'est bien ,non ? Ils pensent qu'on est heureux parce qu'on achète, qu'on possède) because of advertisements
A - It has nothing to do with advertisements. Okay, they influence our purchases a bit. In any case, it's not a day that(mal dit, c'est du français traduit, il faut insister sur "un, un seul" : A single day in a year won't influence, won't change) will change the way to buy from(pourquoi from, à partir de, de ? ) society.
C - And then, you think of childrens(children est déjà au pluriel, c'est comme si vous écriviez chevauxs) who are exploited to make these items on the other side of the world(planet). In underdeveloped countries.
A - Ok for kids (pas clair, vous voulez dire, je te l'accorde, ce n'est pas cool de faire travailler des enfants ? alors, développez !), but there are also a lot of small businesses that want to make big sales on that day.
C- They will also do it(so) on other days. I think we really need to question the way we buy. Don’t buy on a whim. I think the(en trop) BND allows people to think more sustainably(ne me semble pas convenir) about our daily lives and habits. I think we need to talk more.
A - Ok I would(plutôt un futur) not enjoy myself on this day, I'll wait for another day.
C - A week when there will be sales !
A - Yes yes !

Réponse : Débat/Buy Nothing Day de gerondif, postée le 14-03-2018 à 11:36:58 (S | E)
Votre camarade d'exposé ne faisait peut-être pas son travail mais je ne vous ai pas vu venir corriger le texte que vous nous aviez soumis non plus , ce qui n'avait pas l'air si urgent à vos yeux donc !


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